Why do so many westerners not have any friends, are virgins and suicidal? I am worried about you. I get it though there are so many fake faggots in your societies, so much judging of one another, so much alienation. Why not move east? I'll be your friend. Shit senpai everybody needs a drinking buddy. If you're a genuine person everybody will like you. You can make racists, sexist any kind of jokes really. You don't have to worry about being labeled as anything. Come on assholes bring your shekels and let's get plastered.
>this is politics pls don't move to /bant/
Why do so many westerners not have any friends, are virgins and suicidal? I am worried about you...
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats there to do for recreation?
Based slav of joy
Booze, pussay, anime, food
pretty much this... everything is banned
Too much diversity to trust our neighbors. Too much competition to relax.
For years food has been man's greatest issue. And now it's isolation.
am i still a virgin if i have only had repeated sex with one woman??
Who is this semen demon?
Stuff that makes you happy instantly
Brazilian BBQ
Brazilian Bunda
Party with lots of big booty hoes
This kills the depression
>pls macron
Only if she’s your hand, a 2D waifu, or you’re a woman too.
what about sopa de macaco?
>implying we have it any better and that alcoholism is not just to put us in a forgetful stupor
I thought depression was worst in eastern europe?
I can't speak for all Americans but I am pretty damn happy.
wtf? no obviously not.
virgin is NEVER had sex
I'll come and take some rakija shots with you.
also what the fuck are you doing up at 5 am?
Probably taste very shitty
Depression is worse wherever the sun doesn’t shine. That’s why Northern European countries tend to have more depression related health issues whereas countries near the Mediterranean so not.
Basically the darker the country is, the more depressing it gets. But Sup Forums knows that, we say it all the time.
I don't think so. Saw this in a thread the other day
>The General Social Survey found that the number of Americans with no close friends has tripled since 1985. “Zero” is the most common number of confidants, reported by almost a quarter of those surveyed. Likewise, the average number of people Americans feel they can talk to about "important matters" has fallen from three to two.
>no wizard path
I feel sorry for you
Ok, now that is depressing.
blew all my money friday, slept through saturday and now I shitpost
Am going to kill myself if you fuckers don't send pics of your willys
Slavs kill themselves more than anyone else
I'll provide the rakija if you smuggle some electronics for me across the border
I'm down for moving to eastern europe as long as there are very few niggers, jews, hindus, or muslims.
are you the britbong from the previous thread
do they have same levels of loneliness though? Maybe they kill themselves because life objectively sucks there, while westerners kill themselves because they have no friends
Aww I might be! Dick pic or i kill myself
coming from a country where the people are fleeing at an incredible rate.
worry about yourself
loneliness I think is not the issue. hell, sometimes I want to get away from it all but these fuckers just won't leave you alone. I think people kill themselves because they really don't see a way out of their financial situation. oh and the statistics need to be examined carefully, hungarians really boost the suicide rate
Serb, as sorry as I am of what (((my country))) did to yours in the 90's regardi ng Kosovo, I want to make you my friend.
Where can we talk off of /pol, Serb? Facebook, personal email, etc.?
Lot of dutchies around the age of 24-28 are lonely as fuck. We just don't believe / are too scared for suicide.
ok but that's not really the topic of this discussion
>says the amerimutt
I'm pretty much on Sup Forums all the time. If you're around just make a thread and I'll appear. Can you bring me a pair of air max size 11? I'll pay you back.
Crime just seems too much in the eastern countries of europe, and most places outsied big cities are dirt poor, but not in the charming way like rural western Europe, more like poor ex-communist gray depression way. You seem cool though.
Same here, my addiction and my sin number one
no. I mean corruption, bribery, organized crime and hooliganism are problems but those people fight among themselves. you will never see violent crime like that in the US.
The problem is a combination of things:
>contaminated food sources lacking in nutrients
>mass immigration which leads to social and cultural isolation
>school and education systems designed to stem creative and critical thinking
>destruction of nuclear family which leads to infidelity, abuse, psychosis
>dwindling economy with unfulfilling, tedious, and unimportant work
>lack of exercise, no self respect or self confidence due to the above
The sad thing is most people have the power to change these things but will perpetuate them out of desperate ignorance.
Squatting and being drunk.
Jesus... do you Fucklets ever learn?
Idk what an air max is but ok, I'll bring it! If I ever met you in person, we need to get a drink and sing 90's Serbian war songs together.
yeah I work on the computer so I always keep a tab open. I took a break for a few months once but as they say
>you're here forever
that's interesting, because I think a lot of suicide here comes from loneliness and lack of community leading to depression.
Everyone should look at bowlingalone.com
>mass immigration which leads to social and cultural isolation
spot on
nike, my friend. we're into nike. the adidas is more of a russian thing I guess
I-I'm a nigger, can we still be drinking buddies?
And who is behind all this? Money hungry Jews who lack souls and therefore see us goyim as commodities to exploit. Most Westerners are circumcised too so there is chronic sexual frustration from the kikes taking a scalpel to your dick as a baby.
I'm going to Serbia this summer. Before I do I'll respond to any Serb I see here, I'd like to hang out
People seem to get mugged in Eastern Europe a ton.
And don't Gypsies cause a lot of problems?
They're basically your guys' version of Niggers right?
ah, it was so much better in the 90s. 5 (five) deutschemarks average salary. sanctions, UN embargo. nothing to do but spend time with family, friends and neighbours. we too have become weak in peacetime
are you the same lad making bible jokes?
keep up the shit posting, friend.
It's shit in London now. Posh cunts everywhere making everything all frigid - it's an expensive vaccuum of rich kid lefties. It kills me that they're just doing it to piss off rich daddy, who voted Right forever. I don't care what someone's into but it's like Replicants from Bladerunner or Jack Kirbys 'Pseudo People'. Replicunts. They are that. It's the same in US, the cliches you have there in what Bill Burr calls the Birkenstock States.
U hate these fucking strokers!
>Why do so many westerners not have any friends, are virgins
Dude im all those things here in this shithole minus the suicidal. Today im going to the mall alone to buy a few pairs of contact lenses bymyself because i got no one to spend fun mall time with.
hanging out with others like me isnt inclusive enough :(
I guarantee it's perfectly safe. really the only thing to avoid for a foreigner is soccer matches. and if you're a foreigner who looks like a numale soyboy you might be mistaken for homosexual and beaten. gypsies are a meme, they scare easy
anyone know what happened to bong user that was going to kill himself tn?
answer me, I got a good job and save like a boss I was thinking of touring europe anyway, will you drink with a humble BASED nigger like myself?
Schizoid personality disorder
>the mall
no one wants to go shopping with you fgt. buy your local kloshari a 2L of beer in front of the drugstore you'll be friends in no time
>Hey chetnic! i've heard the whore's there only charge five dollars a pop..is this true?
are you unironic or not serbbro i can't tell
of course I will senpai. ready to get slav wasted?
only the gyppo whores. wouldn't recommend
being serious. ever since we ousted Milosevic western mentality has been nibbling at our soul bit by bit. but we're still stronk
nice flag ya got there
too embarrassed to post from your country? dont respond. i know the answer already
This is no joke tempting. Our society is morally bankrupt. We've fallen a long way in 100 years.
Honestly, I don't have close friends anymore because I fall into this weird ideological gap where I don't feel like I can be completely honest with anybody, left or right.
I drink with some rooski mates sometimes on the weekend, if you guys drink anything like them I'm sure I am ready friend :)
describe your politics
Ah, I understand. It's very difficult to avoid this mentality nowadays. Do you think you guys are going to fully cuck, recognize Kosovo and join the EU soon?
Serbian women, yum.
I've underestimated you and for that I am sorry
Never gonna happen. We might pretend like we're negotiating but deep down I think everybody is waiting for the Russians to push west
>describe your politics
To put it very briefly: fiscally liberal, socially conservative. The last presidential candidate I really liked was Mitt Romney.
Of course you can! Blacks are always the center of the party here!
that honestly seems like you shouldn't have that much trouble being honest with people. I mean, socially liberal people will never accept you, but many socially conservative people won't mind fiscally liberal views.
niggers hanging niggers? interesting.
Dont listen to Serb lies - best fun you can get is Albanian youth orgy in the mountains
Well, to put things into perspective, I'm in a university environment where most of the people I'm around, especially the ones with any kind of influence are in the socially liberal category. And I share just enough of their sympathies on a few issues that my conservative family back home would probably think I'm some kind of pinko freak if I opened up about it. I just don't confide much in anybody.
god fuckign dammit thats every bit as degenerate as i could imagine
That's because love is a limited resource in the West. Everything fucking fights for it. If you're 18 you can get tossed on the street, if you're 68, your kids will toss you into the old people home. Unlike other countries you don't get love here for mediocrity, only if you belong to the fucking best.
Sometimes I envy countries like Greece. You have huge families with like 10 members and each one helps each other till the day they fucking die. You get love for free.
Try to make Christian friends; many of them share your values.
why do you think this exists
yeah what is with this? meds seem to be real family oriented, I know some wogs who still care for their 90 year old grandma at home and she speaks of comfy village stories back when she was on mykonos
she calls me the arápis but I look past it cause she makes dope baklava
Avoid niggergreekmongrels beyond Orosh and Kosovo subhumans and it can be fine
No just a loser
Money. Everyone in the West is busy either earning money OR spending it. So there is no much fucking time for sentimentality and love. Western people also don't fucking raise their kids. We let them be raised by the public school system. There is no such thing as values anymore. Just instinct. "Make money, fuck bitches." That's it.
Some people just prefer to admit they're assholes and abandon their family and simply say: "Whatever, they were bad parents/children. They deserve to rot."
It's simply not worth to get attached to people, because everyone can move fucking away whenever they want and spend time making money or change 180°. Nobody has an identity anymore.
In a Greek village where you don't have many opportunities and all are relatively poor you can't fill your emptiness with materialism, you HAVE to fill it in the healthy way: with friends and family.
Easy there Gopnik you're trying to sound cool but your country flag says otherwise
Idiot, greeks are degenerate roaches that make gypsies appear Aryan. ahMeds don’t have any real family bonds as a norm
Pretty miserable modern society
I had a lot of friends throughout primary school, but after highschool began I just kind of slipped behind. Also my parents were typical boomers going "don't hang with those kids they're bad" and I eventually just gave up
Sorry for the blog
eastern europe?
what places there have minimal corruption and good economy?
lol no I'm not a soyboy
Alright I'll look into it. I've heard good things about Croatia and it's historical spots. I may as well head out east a bit to check you guys out while I'm there.
How they pass the time in eastern europe
Bullshit, nigger. The west is dysfunctional as far ad genuine relationships go. Most people interpret shallow as meaningful, so a lot of people have friends that are the best they're going to get. Get deep with anybody and they think you're some kind of philosophy genius when you really haven't said much, then you know what they're used to getting, and it's pathetic.
But regardless, I've always wanted to go east because of what you're saying. More genuine people.
This. People here only care about what they can get from you. I can count on one hand the really cool guys, and maybe a girl or two that are cool but too are down the leftist rabbit hole to be worthwhile.
Cause I cant converse well with outsiders, being around family is draining, and I just want to sit by myself listening to death metal and shooting up niggas in vidya games. I get irritated and pissed when people don't respond to me on Sup Forums.
Here you futile NEET, have a (you)
the fuck's a depression??