Say hello to the winner of the 2020 election.
Say hello to the winner of the 2020 election
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MakeApp this pls
can't run for public office with a felony.
I can't tell if that's Hillary or some other female politician because Hillary does not look like that.
At least not anymore.
>tfw I know who this is...
What felony? And please don't give me any Alex Jones tier conspiracy theory bullshit or something only on right wing websites.
Yet, she does not live in the white house
Something something don’t count chickens before they hatch something something
Dee Ess Bee (
a.k.a. DSB
a.k.a. Spaceman
fuck off, not even the lefties like this bitch
Here you go.
That isn't Senator Armstrong.
You can't run for election if you are dead
Dead horse: you're beating one.
that isn't trump
That's Gonna be tough for her to accomplish from PRISON !!!!
Bitch won't even be alive then.
If dead people can vote Democrat can they also win an election?
merry christmas.
If she's above ground in 2020 I'd be amazed.
But that's not Oprah Winfrey
>Say hello to the winner of the 2020 election.
hi donald
She is a whiny cunt that to this day is still whining about her loss. She lost. If she keeps this shit up she will lose again.
Do it about 40 more times then post the results.
4th times the charm. now get your pantssuit on and get in there.
After losing she was angry but since then has slowly descended into madness. Russian financed Serbian hackers and without "proper" support, were reasons she lost? She spent $1, 300,000,000 USD to be a loser..
Congratulations Hector "Macho" Commacho on becoming the first woman president of the Unitet States!
I think you mean 2016 winner, Madame President
What if Trump was playing 4D chess by not locking her up so she can run again?
NAW she's going to die before 2020
lol kek
once upon a time New to Sup Forums I got a warning for that once.
So many fags do it tho and get away with it.
I'll never understand
i like the cut of your jib
>Rapidly deteriorating health.
>Stress of being the biggest loser in US election history is getting to her.
She will be dead before 2019. I guarantee it.
Dude it’s hinted Hillary won’t go down w the swamp - I fully expect her to die in a freak accident around the time it breaks. She is a coward and won’t face the music.
Thank you. Now i can have nightmares tonight.
What kind of elections do they hold in prison?
Not hideous enough. Satan really does reward his demons.
She's never once smiled like that post-Trump. It's been all demonic bitchface all the time.
That's a very wholesome and rare pepe. Thank you, user.
I need therapy again after it
Say hello to the winner of the 2020 election.
>he thinks Hillary's doctors can prop her up for 3 more years
Oj Simpson would landslide her
A tiny jew that can talk fast.. Ya ok i would vote for him.
she look good AF for a lizard
I'm doubt she can still eat enough babies to make that happen.
Matt Drudge warned us how sick she was in October 2015...
Truth here:
hilary couldnt even please her husband, what makes her think she could please a nation
I said that at my high school's democrat club once
Hillaryty ensued
She's a big lesbo. The secret service snuck women into the White House for her all the time.
One of the better kept secrets that's leaking out now that she's being hung out to dry
of course Bill also said she's "eaten more pussy then me"
It's not funny at all. The bitch literally has Kuru disease. Innocent children were killed for her spasms.
daaaaaamm she was deep in dat huma
>she's going to spend another billion dollars
>and it's still going to lose
the future is bright, Lambright 2020.
Absolutely nothing stopping a felon from running for President. In fact 2 candidates have run while imprisoned. The only requirement is that they be out by inauguration day or it will go to their VP (who could pardon them, appoint them VP (has to be confirmed by congress) then step down).
Only impeachment can bar them.
wait what
tell me more
Jesus man i only made the request for one of these. She/It looks like a puppet.
>A Lesbo
That's the best you've fucking got?
The cunt has put bodies in the fucking ground. She sold Uranium to Putin so he could nuke us once she was President.
Good god man if you do the cross eyes thing it has a slight 3D effect. My eyes actually teared up when i did it.
How many billions will she need now if 100k Facebook posts were enough to cost her last election? I mean it’s not like cheeto-lord had anything to do with it amirite?
Little jimmy has already guzzled down the contents of the glue bottle
I would rather see him in congress, I don't trust his politics because (((()))).
He is a fast talking trey gowdy that married a nigger and has a big nose.
How many months do you need to get out of a cast from broken toes from getting "coffee" She's hiding her anckel tether. Selling uranium to an "enemy" like Russia is probably treason. Death penalty for her she won't have to worry about felony
Stop being newfag. The bitch is a cannibal.
Hillary Clinton, 46th president of the United States (of America) - AND 1ST WIMMINS MADAME PRESIDENT - It's like ex-pres Bill's 3rd term.
I saw a thread about it earlier today
I mean, the murdering, lying, and corruption was something I already suspected, but this is a whole new level of fucked up
I fully expect aids to claim you
Church = Trump voters
Beer = Hillary Clinton voters
Looks like she's winning over him, LOL
His name was Seth Rich
His name was Levoy Finnicum
Hillary Clinton, Democrats & progressives may be the cure of Trumpitis - then again, I rather have Bernie Sanders as my next president.
too old, my prediction she will die soon, or her health complications will make her unfit to run. Bernie or some other random puppet has a better chance.
If she doesn't die from lack of soul sucking soon
Can people in prison run for president?
She'll look like emperor palpatine by 2020
Shit, she probably won't live to see 2020.
She is becoming a huge embarrassment to the dems.