"Women can't program like men can-"

>"Women can't program like men can-"


Explain that one, sexist assholes!

Other urls found in this thread:



Who's this butterface

who dat

Brittany Venti

manface milkers

fucking scam. brb lemme download pcmatic while im at it

some random user's gf, he said she was a 7/10 then posted the pic and everybody laughed at him

those tits + a paper bag = an 8 if anything

Could this be the start of a ... spicy new meme?

Reminds me of an Asian version of my ex-girlfriend. The real problem was that put her at the tipping point for getting fat to begin with, and then 30 pounds or so later, she had neither a good face or body. She was a terrible person and I curse her name daily, but damned if I don't miss cumming on her breasts.

SAUCE???? on the girl please

Her face is 6/10. I would suck her 20/10 udders dry.

Prob got a thick ass too.

the Sup Forums solid 7 was the best (worst)

Post more

attribution of anecdotal evidence to the whole

Reminder to sage/ignore and report obvious bait/shill threads

Those are some succulent milkers.

>implying there's any discussion of the OP's message in this thread
You know damn well why we're here.

Face: 4/10
Body: 10/10

Averages to 7/10, so he's right

Just realised she's cosplay ingredients as mei

exception proves the rule, sage.

Autismos please over-expose op pic. Clear nips there and I'm but a humble phone fag

They totally can.
No one actually believes "women can't do STEM" except the women.

We just troll them because they're such willingly useful idiots for the Jews. :\

Welcome aboard actual people.

t. famous programmer (not even larping) who also dabbles in Nazi shit

also, more of this semen demon

Who wants more gook titties?

> "boot camp" tweet that had "no such file" 10 times in a row and women saying it was "easy to understand" when it was juxtaposed with the inverse square root and them saying it was unintelligible.jpg

Just get on with it and point us at the album already.

some dude was posting his gf yesterday and this was her apparently

What in the fuck is up with all these
>Woman can't do thin-
post lately?
could you stop shitting the board up with your shilling bullshit and just fuck off? thanks

Sucking cock doesn't make you the right kind of famous, Zoe.

I wish he posted more of her tits but he only posted 2 decent ones

And maybe this will give you a kek.
Be me, /fit/ 2 years of SS and 1 year of weightlifting with chinese pros. I have alright arms but 30 inch thighs and 19inch calves
>At latino bar in China, friends with lots of central americans
>While Im javing my lunch i see something out of the corner of my eye
>Some chinese girl with mammaries like OP and a kim kardashian ass
>Thankfully less of an ugly golem
>Having lunch with my friends and didnt want to make a move
>Fast forward to that night, go to a latino bar with same group of friends
>Dancing with a bucket of rum and coke in each hand, properly intoxicated
>Catch a glimpse of that thiccness again, but with liquid courage I approach
>Heard her speaking spanish so I assumed she was from central america with chinese parents
>Realize the latina ass is from something in the water since my throbbing benis assures me that this oriental semen demon has it too, make a note of this discovery in my phone
>Decide to approach with something in english, I look kinda latino (56%) so wanted to make it clear I cant speak spanish
>Think I should try an ice breaker or insightful comment to start off
>Okay, here goes nothing, this ones for you benis
>"You're the only one here with a nicer ass than me."
>"Sorry I dont speak spanish, but your ass is amazing. Goodnight"
Asspie is best pie, thanks for reading my poorly written blog, now please let me see milkers.

Maybe she can explain to you the difference between an anecdote and an average


Not as many. There's a median iq gap in gender too and if you're an actual "famous programmer" you know damn well there's less women for a reason. It's the same reason there's less blacks and Hispanics. It's a lot closer than the racial gap, but it's still there and you can't fake things like mathematics knowledge.

There were only a total of 4 pics m8. I think shes cosplaying in one of them (unsurprisingly)

heh she has bubs

no girl has bubs

i am atract 2 bubs even if everything else is trash (not manchild tho)

Typical leaf
You forgot to weigh the grades, you dingus

Face: (6/10)(4/10)
Body: (4/10)(10/10)
Final: 64/100

That's only a 6/10 on a good day.



But in ops pic theres a bit. I tried doing it on instagram. Clearly her left nip is visible

someone post that Karlie Kloss post about coding where all she does is list the directory

Where can I find big titted asian girls I need to sperm them

fuckin "szechuan milkers"
my sides

I am a male coder who has worked with female coders.

We were mostly working with business software on a fairly archaic platform so a lot of the coding work was rote stuff. The women were really pretty good at handling the same mostly repetitive coding. I will also grant that they tended to be more organized and wrote better documentation.

That said they were shockingly computer illiterate. Yes, they knew how to use the software they needed to do their jobs and write code but ask them to install a memory upgrade or do some basic network diagnostics and they were clueless. They learned the minimum they needed to know to do their jobs and had no interest in understanding more than that.

Not surprisingly, when more difficult problems than the day to day coding stuff came up they didn't know what to do. One of the men would figure out how to handle the problem and they'd adopt the technique. We innovated, they adopted it.

I will give them this, some of those women had been doing the same exact job for a long long time... decades in one case. I found that particular job unbearably boring after just a few years.... dunno how they could stand it for that long.

what's her instagram pls, doubt she has one her bf was saying they game together so they sound like shut in nerds

in recent years, basically all developers have been using CTCI by gayle sexynerd mcdowell as the final prep for interviews and everyone swears by it.

She is the master, and we are all her bitches. Dont forget that.

The same way they were secretaries for 20+ years. Basically your telling me female coders are like coding secretaries.

Huh, wow. Made me think.

jewish propaganda. the research is clear on sex differences with respect to cognitive abilities in certain domains.

>female coders are like secretaries

Yes, that's pretty much it.

fuckoff whore. 75% of women in stem are retarded cocksuckers. the other 25% are competent, but still women and still obnoxious cunts. women ruin workplaces

I love how everybody thinks her body is like amazing when they can't even see it.

i see she is of fine purebred uralic finngolian stock
i shall inject my code into her to miscegenate her for (((hybrid vigor)))

>I don't know what the terms "exception" and 'anomaly' mean.
I saw a guy who was born workout legs. Guess that means we're not a bipedal species.

>>"Women can't program like men can-"
Literally WHO is saying this?

face of an 11 year old chubby boy

>women in stem

Don't you mean steam now

what the fuck

that's not your ideal? what are you, gay?


in other words, idiots get fleeced for thousands of dollars when they can just go on youtube and see tutorials on how to program


>dude posts his asian gfs tits bragging how hes happy hes banging a 7/10 while she cooks him food and gives him head ect.. ect..
>less then 24 hours later Sup Forums is spamming this dudes gf all over the place.

Okay a nice set of tits is a nice set of tits and i'm prone to yellow fever more often then i'd like to admit but this is just getting out of hand to the point i think this is a psyop. Unless 1 set of chubby asian tits literally has this much pull.

The idea that someone saved it and is now reposting it is impossible? It's more likely its a psyop, because its asian? kek

chubby asian tits are the holy grail of western civilization

And this is why I've taught my kids not to take pics and post them or allow their bf/gf's to take pics and post them.
>t. I'll have an imgur link any moment now please...


I need a steppe bitch


apple's product are shits now and will only get worse. apple is dying. is it even worth getting into ios and swift shit now?

>emoji programming
If you don't see the value here then you deserve to get left in the dust.

I would hit it like a Mongol horde

This is now a Szechuan_Milkers thread.

she's japanese though

Looks like a fucking man with giant tits.

She's not programming shit, she's fucking teaching, something women are great at. All the apps she's teaching you to program were probably all first written by men. She's accomplished nothing remarkable here.

those tits

>t. famous programmer
John Carmack?
Ted T'so?
Jonathan Blow?
James Damore? (lel)

>ios apps