>Christianity: Love your enemies
>Buddhism: Don't give a fuck about anything
>Judaism: Masturbate into potted plants
>Islam: Kill your enemies
Is Islam the most masculine and high-testosterone religion?
Other urls found in this thread:
Islam hates dogs.
Dogs are fun and good company and not judgy.
Checkmate, Muslims.
Dogs shit and piss everywhere and slobber on everything and stink like shit when it rains.
>Islam hates dogs.
...only in the house. Go to Turkey and the ME sometime. In Turkey they actively look after street dogs. They neuter them, tag them, and they roam the streets freely with foodboxes around.
Any religion where the cuck adherents stick their submissive asses in the air while praying is not for me. Also, the latent pedophilia is even worse than Catholicism.
christian reconstructionism
A large swathe of adult muslim people I have met are vain, preening, egotistical simpletons with the vocabulary of ten year olds who dress like homosexuals.
They also exhibit a vapid and single-minded state much like women when a mobile phone is placed in their hand.
There's nothing that suggests to me islam in any way, shape or form reflects masculinity or 'high testosterone' in general. It does however represent repressed homosexuality and sexual insecuritiy.
youre confusing ghettomuslim kids in the west with middle eastern people who fuck around with ak47s and motorbikes all day
both of them have the mental capacity of monkeys usually, but they are possibly the most retardedly toxic masculine on the planet atm. which is WHY they need sharia laws to protect the women for their own good
savage high test animals basically, or what ancient people called them; barbarians
And it just so happens that all the "Muslim" people you've met grew up in the west.
Kill yourself, Muslim shitter.
All semites need to cease to exist.
>toxic masculine
Did you just use that term unironically?
o7 Amen
For laq of better term, yes.
But it fits.
>toxic masculine
You are such a faggot.
You missed one.
Fuck off to your shithole goat fucking sharia utopias, fucking shitskin sand niggers. We don't need your pedo-worshiping insanity here, we have plenty of other shit to deal with.
>Kill your enemies
Do you really need a religion to teach you to fear or hate what is unfamiliar to you? We humans already know how to do that very well.
A religion that teaches you to go against your primal desires, to ascend from your flesh and this world of hate and greed, is one worth following. This world is tough, and giving in to your anger, fear, and hate doesn't bring you peace.
you do realize i never advocated FOR muslims, I'm saying they're so "high test manly" that they're basically just underdevelopped/evolved agressive primates
Dogs are fine but Muslims are right that only niggers bring their dog in the house and let them sit all over the furniture.
I'm Turkic though, which makes me about as white as you mutt.
Hurrrr goat fucker durrrr sand nigger huurrrrrr
low quality shitposts usually never make me lol, but this one had me rolling lmfao
Whites are broken people when they don't have their dog around, it shows how flawed their chr*stian belief is.
Fuck islam, i like music with stringed instruments and Im not into fucking goats
Worlds Strongest man 2017 high test champion, anglo saxon Eddie Hall
you do realize some of the most classic/ancient stringed instruments like santur and predecessors of modern string instruments come from the east...
Sand niggerdry is a state of mind. Kill yourself. GTFO my board.
Again with the goat fucking meme, Do you Amerifats have any actual knowledge of Islam or do you simply parrot the anti-Islam propaganda of your Zionist masters?
Both Islam and Zionism suck.
It's not exclusive.
Just like how both America and Australia have their problems.
>8 25 pound plates
Yeah great, but pointing to outliers like him proves nothing. This is the average western male today.
no common sense or logic on this board, pls read the rules and come back
No one here seems to agree with me but...
WHITE SHARIAH. Islam is only bad in the hands of violent subhumans (arabs, africans). In the hands of white people it would be great. And it doesn't mean we have to accept the subhuman Islamics. we would be 100% xenophobic
fasscists have daddy issue penis size obsession mental illnesses. are perpetual man baby failures but who ring the donation bell the loudest...
>being this fucking stupid
yes, very masculine
nah mate, bunch of dogs
>can never fight one on one, straight on the phone to call homosex brothers
>drink and smoke despite it being absolutely haram
>hypocritical - denounce the evils of the west then buy televisions, adidas gear, western luxuries
>cunts to women
>most dont even know the quran - every answer regarding it is 'allah wills it'
>delusional hivemind
>black armies
>parasitic communities
>have to pray a million times a day
maggots m8
One tribe in the hills of Afghanistan buggers boys, therefore 1.5 billion Muslims are fags?
It seems you are refusing to accept the truth of who the real fag lovers are.
>>drink and smoke despite it being absolutely haram
This is because they can get a pass for doing it if they suicide bomb a public area.
That map is outdated
We had a survey not a referendum, but yes the correlation between western and queer will get even stronger soon.
It's because we have science that we found out some gays are biologically gay.
It's because we value freedom that we allow them to simply exist.
So if Mudslimes aren't gay why do they fuck little boys in the ass?
I could never get hard for a male.
it is very masculine to fuck goats and sodomize young men fuck out of here
why does everyone who posts about Islam vs. the West always forget eastern europe and russia? seriously.
> be orthodox
> live in /comfy/ snow-capped mountains in east europe
> masculine society
> gorgeous feminine slavic women
> the most beautiful churches, heavenly songs, unbelievably holy relics and icons
> priests grow massive beards and marry with many children
> like dogs and cats, have no problem with either
> can eat food like a normal human being and not hiss like a vampire when a dog or a pig walks by
> actual fasting unlike garbage-tier ramadan. orthodox fast year-round and cut out unhealthy foods and indulgences in order to actually SUFFER and use that hungering pain to understand Christ
> unlike muslims who 'fast' by waking up late in the summer and not eating until 9pm, when they gorge on a monstrosity of food and garbage drinks. most muslims actually gain weight during ramadan
> be orthodox, be a good human being that understands compassion tempered with morality, and might tempered with mercy.
> have all the masculine traits of Islam without the pedophilia, closet homosexuality, bloodthirsty rage, and torture of innocents
> have all the beauty of catholicism without the degeneracy of the modern west and its disgusting ((tolerance))
seriously, grow up. orthodoxy has the best traits of both islam and catholicism without being a violent primate or a weak degenerate. you shouldn't stoop so fucking low that you have to have a lebanese orthodox lecture you on not being white enough
> inb4 someone claims there aren't orthodox christians in lebanon
based balamand disagrees:
Every society has it's perversions but the bottom like is their culture rejects degeneracy while we celebrate it.
Mudslime culture allows for fucking little boys in the ass.
Western culture rejects it.
Do Muslims have furry conventions? Any Muslims businesses selling horse dildos?
Why does any search for bestiality on the internet result in a bunch of white women fucking dogs?
Sorry buddy but it seems like the west is into fucking animals not Islam.
Muslims are too poor to do anything relevant.
Their women get one taste of White cock and they're whores for life.
White women get one taste of White cock and they're gud gurls for life.
>it says ON THE FUCKING plate 25 lbs
Western culture is putting boys and puberty blockers and calling them girls.
Western culture uses research to debunk Jewish lies and prevent lives from being ruined.
Islamic culture enforces them.
There is no defending what the west currently is. It's fine to support what it once was but the west in its current form needs to die. Islamic societies have held on to their traditional values and are light years ahead of us in terms of morality. This is just a fact.
Alright then get the fuck out and go back to sand land muhammed.
??? I'm confused, I thought the Lebanese Sandnigger Christians are Maronites, which is Eastern Catholicism.
>being supported by liberals as a good thing
Libshits adore primitive brown monkeys as they do little pets because they care more about virtue signalling than they do hard work.
>raping children
Yeah pick one retard.
Roger that Satan
Islam is a degenerate religion followed by weak people. Their “prophet” was literally a pedophile. Not exactly someone worth looking up to.
>Dogs are fun and good company
>Having pets
Pets are degenerate, only keep an animal if you are actually using it for something. A hunting dog, a working dog, a cat for killing rodents in your barn, a cow to milk, a chicken for eggs, a pig to eat, a goat to fuck.
Islam will rule no matter how you spin it.
>Love your enemies
youre all retarded. go back to plebitt
When did Jesus promise that
WTF, I want to convert now
so does your wife mate but you still shag her and you tell me straight faced you wouldnt fuck a dog your square fucked mate.
Atheism is
This is the future for all white bois.
gtfo ya dumb cunt
its about 880 lbs (400 kilos)
You think you're really bothering us, but honestly these memes are fucking hilarious.
>shares them with bros
good riddance
fuck off achmed
there's nothing alpha about being stuck in the 1400s as your rivals develop better and better weapons to kill you with from a distance. get out of our countries.
>Christianity: Love your enemies
>Islam: Love your goats, often
*Love your enemies only applies to your personal enemies, but you must hate the enemies of God:
>Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
>I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
>Psalm 139:21-22
Real Christians genocide muslims.
Tbh it's the zionest masters