What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Soy, the fall of bullying, and the acceptance of people with mental disorders.

who the fuck eats pizza like that?

>What went wrong?
None of it kosher.

well it's a good thing he put on the surgical glove before handling the pizza.

what happened, he seemed he ate some pizza a guy come along and sat next to him, some shit was he was doing with his hands then and opening and closing his mouthprobably talking then it repeats

i dont get it


Degenerate faggots

>eat pizza with fork and knife to appear sophisticated
>eat it like you have Parkinson's

>cuts it into horizontal slices
>Still picks it up to eat it anyway

This is stroke inducing

That pizza didn't have enough semen on it

I thought he was getting ready to fist that guy at the end

Jesus christ what a faggot.

You don't eat Pizza with plastic cutlery.

It's amazing how faggots can figure out how to do literally ANYTHING in a faggoty way. I mean even the smallest thing, like stapling some papers together or checking the time on a wristwatch, they can find a way to express and signal their faggotry with it.

What do soyboys eat at thanksgiving?

each other's assholes.

how can this shit not infuriate people?


at least I can understand him being a faggot and wiping the oil off the pizza and eating it with a fork and knife like an utter retard, but why does he have so much trouble putting it in his mouth and actually chewing? It's like his mouth is numb. Is he fucking high or something?

You should eat pizza with fork and knife. Plastic cutlery is shit though, and the guy in the video looks like a fag.

so let me get this straight, all that effort not to get dirt or grease from pizza but will stick his tongue in another man's cornhole without any issues?

he's focusing all his attention on keeping up the act of being gay.

I can just imagine his faggy voice

that just made me depressed

deff fall of bullying kids like this would have nark pucks in there mouths ffs

he's used to having dicks stuck in his mouth


Soy boy term is going to be burnt out like cuck soon. Time to fire up the old noggins and get a new one ready

>having more grease on your food is a good thing


I want the sauce, I need to know what he is saying

This is literally the faggiest thing I've seen in my entire life. And I've been to Toronto.

he does it in the most faggy way

If you have to blot the grease off the pizza you shouldn't even be eating it in the first place.

He's on thin ice because he gets paid to eat fucking pizza and the gig can end at any moment. He's doing his best to add a bunch of actions that make him seem like he is doing special shit that justifies being a professional pizza eater. So far his stage act includes napkins, cutting things that aren't typically cut and wearing plastic gloves.

Here, drink it and you'll know

fuck off spic I want the videos

>would have nark pucks in there mouths ffs
Can you translate this into English please


>he does not eat his pizza with a fork and knife
>he does not take off excessive grease from his food.
What are you some nigger finger food eater,or worse some pussy chink scared of knives

You uncultured swat

Found it.


that fucking webm just pissed me right off.
where do these fucking people crawl out from?

thanks pal

Pizza is not supposed to be too greasy though. Actually, it is common to add spicy oil on top.

Wtf frog telling Americans how eat American pizza. Maybe the appropriate way to eat pizza in Fronce is like a faggot, but it's not here.

dabbing pizza to wipe of the grease is legit. ulillillia did it and he's like the reverse soyboy


Kek excellent point user

Being born white lmao


This is the gayest thing I've ever seen in my life.

And I'm married to a man.

fresh used urinal cake placed in mouth then forced to chew

oh fuck im gonna get kneecapped

FUCKING bong your food is greasy as fuck

well I want to punch everyone in that video, the soy boy is afraid to touch pizza

fatherless children

Creative, thanks

Mexican pizza you mean?

I get the grease off my pizza with a napkin too but not like that faggot.
Flap the napkin on there and boom you're done.
Also who the fuck eats pizza with a fork and knife?
What the absolute fuck.

back in 96 at school we got our urinal cakes taken away for doing fucking snitches

are you like the prison colony for australia or something?

FUCKING frog again talking like frogs invented pizza. No nigger, Italians invented a flatbread with spinach on it, and then Italians moved to America & pizza became world- renowned, like everything else we do. Fucking lecturing Americans about pizza, effete prancing mustache twirling snail chewing cretin.

It's my understanding that's where the Aussies with good behavior get transferred to.

no faggot pizza was in ancient Egypt by nigger kings you bigot

That's a Soviet soldier, you kiwi-cunt

Italians and Mexicans aren't the same thing, despite sharing similar complexions. But then again so do many frogs since their mothers were constantly receiving Moorish seed, just as they do now.

I watched that youtube video, and it is definitely about a nigger-mexican pizza.

Well Italians negroes Egyptians & frogs are all strands in the great swarthy tapestry that is the Mediterranean basin.

It's a shit pizza chain in mall food courts, Pierre. Not exactly the apex of American cuisine.


kinda yeah

I eat my pizza with knife and fork, raised that way, to be honest, eating with my hand grosses me out. watching poo in the loos eat with their hands makes me literally wanna spew. scooping up a glop of rice and shoveling it in their mouth. - fuck man really disgusting.
this dude is just plain retarded. seriously. and we are giving this retarded moron time. wtf is wrong with our society?