What comes after (((western civilization)))?

Pretty clear USA is over
Europe is fucked, clearly
Pax Judaica is itself becoming increasingly ARABED

shitskins and chinks don't matter...

What the hell comes after all this shit?

Is Russia our only hope?

>Pretty clear USA is over

fuck off we’re full


It's not about that. Just curious about what comes after these dying regimes.



You know what's coming user. We all know. The west can't keep going on like this.

Russia, Czech and the Slavs are the best hope, combined with caucuses. Once again proving orthodoxy will never change and is the strongest and truest Christian Faith. Russia would never allow the degeneracy of Western Europe. They may be full of drunks and some Muslims, but they're so in your face Slavic Christian that nothing can conquer them

> inb4 pic of Putin and a random Jew

It's called tact and diplomacy retards. Unlike you Putin is smart and isn't going to screech when he sees a Jew

in the coming decades, america will become less and less white. the economy will slow. i expect whites will be persecuted when they become a minority.

america will be inherited by shit skins, so will europe. i believe that they will be ruled over by the jews much the same as they are now, living in a consumerist dystopia.

i can also forsee that an economic collapse may send the refugees (and mexicans in america) fleeing back to their own countries because they aren't receiving welfare anymore.

I'm not joking when I say this but Bolivia and Paraguay. I think America is fine for now though

>stupid arabic scum
Pick two


Not Arab. I'm a Lebanese CHRISTIAN. We fought a civil war to massacre the Muslim invaders, it's more than you've done in the past 100 years to them. I just fucking complimented you and your people, what is your problem? Pic related my visit to Russia

>chinks don't matter...
Yes they do. If they manage to genetically engineer their popualtion they will become the #1 super power. And without Europe and the US they will have no competition.

>i believe in a different semite so its okay that Im a shitskin
not suprised you love Putin
guy is completely wiping out racial Russians by sponsoring companies who invite Dagestanis and Chechens to Moscow and Petersburg since theyre cheap to hire.

here ya go

> Is Russia our only hope?

you stupid diaspora niggers make me sick

Basically this .. Anyone who thinks these are the end times should spend one hour reading about the events leading up to the formation of the Third Reich.

In my opinion the political climate of today could very easily be compared to that of inter-war Germany.

Maybe the "alt right" will become something like the Nazi party one day, or will at least influence enough youngsters to see through the conservative lie.

Your DESERT religion doesn’t change your DESERT race. Fuck Jews, semites, Christians, Putin, gooks, niggers and Southern Europeans

The Amerikaner Free State and the Western (racial) Awakening

I went to a club in germany for the first time in months. 5% blond people rest dark, darker and darkest

The human population collapses to levels sustainable with subsistence farming, a small fraction of what it is now. Basically, after the people who sustained civilization go extinct, the shitskins starve to death.

Go outside

This has already started.

economys too good for that. when you have obese homeless you arent going to get a 1488.
what you need is a egypt where over half the populace is jobless and starving before people do anything.

we'll run out of oil even faster than that

They won't have anyone to sell their fucking Tamagachis to either retard and they're economy will crash.

The muddening

>economys too good for that.
>he thinks the petrodollar has a future

If the west falls it's chinatown

lol r*ssia


dirty communist scum

> b-b-b-but r*ssia is so based and white!

deceitful communist pigs

Which is why keeping cheap fast food available in North America is a priority along with harmful foodstamp and other welfare subsidies. A lot of policies and subsidies are in place simply to keep bread and circuses solidly in business no matter what pressures they may be facing or could be facing in the future.

Russia is controlled alternative that will fall quickly once rest of EUROPE is muzzied/kangzed all to hell.

greentext all you want, but its hard for me to see an actual revolution occur in america.
i think youd sooner have america false flag ww3 if it meant preventing an actual revolution on its home soil.

Nice proxy. You have to go back, Mykola.
Latin America is the only place where western traditions will prevail. So, after Europe (including Russia) and USA fall there will be Pax Latina with Brasil, Mexico and maybe Argentina as superpowers.

This is already everyday life here in (((Los Angeles))) I have baby boomer childless neighbors, proud dogparents, who wonder why the neighborhood is deteriorating. There is increasing crime and homelessness. These neighbors never make the connection between their degenerate lifestyle of childless hedonism and importing massive amounts of criminal elements from the south. You can call them on it but they will only screech in cognitive dissonance. Economic collapse is about 20 years off yet. California will look exactly like Mexico then.

The solution is to move north. Huwhites will make their stronghold there. Who knows, in 500 years there may even be a northern huwhite ethnostate... similar to what is happening in eastern Europe.

>N.S. Germany was created by fag revolutionaries

>muh western civilization

You people can't even define Western civilization or what your intent is. Communism is a Western ideology. Nihilism is a Western concept. Equality and egalitarianism are Western concepts. "The West" refers to so many things and encompasses so many contradictions. You need to drop this vague "West" and be specific. We are living in the West right now, the environment around us is the West. We are surrounded by problems, but they are all Western problems. I feel like this term was implanted upon you people by troublemakers to make your ideas and ambitions vague and muddled. Get specific, "the West" is too broad.

>Communism is a Jewish ideology. Nihilism is a Jewish concept. Equality and egalitarianism are Jewish concepts.

>Just curious about what comes after these dying regimes.

Ever listen to Deltron 3030? That's pretty much what I envision.

Don't worry, United States hegemony isn't going anywhere for a very long time, probably not for several generations. We're OP as fuck.

I'm not saying that any of those things are good or that we haven't been infiltrated by kikes you dummy, I'm saying that the West is too broad a term to mean anything. "The West" describes a huge fucking list of ideologies, but you people treat it like it is one specific thing.

Yes I agree, the kind of people we need won't openly support that kind of movement until their own well being is jeopardized because doing so now is an instant career/ reputation killer; by design ..

I agree with this, on that same thought this is why we subsidize major league sports leagues. Keeping the population fat and distracted.

>until their own well being is jeopardized
it IS jeopardized in minority-majority cities
they won't end up starving etc. until it's far too late (((they))) won't make the weimar mistake again. People have to wake up to the fact their children/grandchildren's well-being is what's at stake, else it's already over before it started.

Ahahhaahh. Russia has like 20 million Muslims. Go to Moscow it's all people from the Stans.

End game is pretty much Elysium.

Why do you think the push for migrants and immigration is so big?

To wash out the white and then have nothing but subservient dindus ect. that will live off government subsidy and be obedient slaves for (insert whoever you think is running shit/jews).

You already see it happening. Even here in the US with Obama offer8 amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants and giving cheap gibs to dindus. To keep them and have then vote democrate.

Not to say the Republican party is all great either as Bush Jr. fucked the US up.

But yeah the future is nations full of brown people serving the small % of upper class. Automation and machines will be doing most of the work and resources although pretry abundant won't be shared. And the nation's of brown people won't have a say because they will be to busy fighting amongst themselves as they already do now.

And you lost like a bitch

White Sharia

That was already the case. Your Red states are your poor ones surviving off the subsidies paid by the blue states.

Not really, white flight is in full effect and the only ones living in cities are self destructive soy boys. 75% of the working class whites in the major cities commute 2-4 hours every day to avoid living near minorities.

pretty sure your government has an expat programe for anyone with russian ancestry for free land in the east so no your not full lol. your the life boat nigga

No need to get them involved, it's chr*stianity that is responsible for the weakening of the west. They breed this pathological altruism to the point people can no longer handle invasive species.

Well I hate to break it you but it will be just a slow, steady but irreversible decline to Brazil 2.0 for all of North America and all of western Europe.

Look to Brazil to our future.

There will be no 4th Reich taking place anywhere, and nothing similar, to any degree.There was one shot at that and it failed with the 3rd.

Sure there will still pockets of Europeans around, living mainly on the fringes in the coldest climates. But as a group they will wield no economic or politician power of any significance.

There will still be a few whites holding positions of influence within the Brazil 2.0's. But just like Brazil they will just belong to an elite ruling class. They shared no cultural or social connection with the now vanished middle and lower class whites, who have been bred out of existence, or assimilated as mulattoes into the brown tides

Now in the face of this, what happens to the international balance of power? . We are in effect left with Russia, China and surprisingly Israel.

Of those two only China and Israel are capable of expanding. Russia is like a huge groggy drunk, useless at achieving anything but damned hard to take down in a fight. Russia may take back bits and pieces but politically, socially, and economically its already a Brazil 2.0, just loaded with a grade 2 whites instead of browns. They will not become western civilization.Mk II.

China and Israel are different though. They are pragmatists. Efficient. But China is corrupt, has been for thousands of years, and for all the window dressing they will never change. They will become like the British Empire, expanding to exploit but never truly controlling the territories they move into.

The real winner is Israel. Those guys are vicious fucks who know what they want and will not let any bullshit get in their way. What we will see is Israel cutting through the Middle East like a knife through butter.

I would become Jewish if I were you.

Run out of oil! Kek

>this guy over here.

more like this, nice and brutal



And Jews(95% of the modern ones) came from Europe. Then what's your point?

Why ask a Roman what comes after Rome?
Ask again in five hundred years, I'm sure someone will have an answer.

>Is Russia our only hope?
I hate this meme that Russia is some kind of saviour of European heritage.

an endless hell where biologically immortal Jews rule over their low I.Q negroid consumers for the rest of time

Sucks, but this is a probable outcome.
I'm just praying that the Eastern Europeans recognize and will act on their duty to never, ever, ever go brown. My grandmother was Polish; perhaps I could get right-of-return if shit got hairy.

And who will work and produce stuff that jews will sell?

we need a war before it's too late. technically regarded as a race war, I suppose, but most of all similar to the crusades, a stand against muslims trying to take our land, our countries, and drown out our genes

When is the last time you left your house

I dunno, I'm inclined to think that Spengler is right and it it all burns down and it will take centuries for a new civilization arise. Although sincewe have nukes and shit, we might not see another one. Or the chinks take over.

Living here

maybe it's ok in your tiny little 2000 population town, but you're just running from the inevitable that the rest of us are already enduring


Furthermore Israel will not fuck around. They will displace the populations, drive them out and settle the land with their own people. They are not idiots. They know what the fuck they are doing and mixing with the natives will never be part of their long term goal. I wouldn't put it past them to bring on a breeding plan so they can dramatically increase their population in order to stock their new lands with loyal Israeli subjects

These guys have been at war for their existence forever. They treat everyone as their enemies. They will not give into any sort of Christian or western liberal bullshit about equality. a brotherhood of mankind, or any of the wishy washy crap that was partially responsible for the demise of the West. They are smart, ruthless and not shackled by Western morality.

No one in the region will be able to oppose them. The sheer brutal efficiency of the 6 day war will seem like a dress rehearsal compared to what Israel will do to its neighbors, and they will do it with sweet satisfaction after enduring decades of prolonged threats to their very existence as a nation and as a race.

Futhermore the USA will remain their bitch, a Brazil 2.0 bitch but a bitch still the same. For they will still control to at least a major extent the financial and ploitical strings of the USA. Right up until the end until the USA is rendered as corrupt and inefficient as Brazil is today.

For Israel it will be a race against time, to still gain assistance, food, arms, raw materials and international political support from the gradually weakening USA ,while they expand their territory and economic power base in the middle east. Once they have secured that they will no longer need the USA.

You seem destined to panic, so go right ahead.
Others just fight when their time comes: not before, and we will prevail.

Don't piss on other people's pants, m'kay?

It's not just western civilization, humanity itself is fucked unless we do what needs to be done and soon. Africa is slated to have 2 billion people by 2060 with India not far behind. The planet simply cannot sustain that level of humanity. It'll be a choice of genocide or let them starve.

First, we fight.

I ran the numbers the other day and I'm not concerned. The demise of the west is fake news and the trending factors were worse 10 years ago than they are now. America will probably lose its position as the sole superpower but it isn't looking that bad for Europe. Small incidents are focused on heavily by the usual suspects and the media creates a false reality to demoralize.

I'm lmaoing at the idea of millions of burgers with 1/64 Russian ancestry shitting up Russia ahahahhaha

Confirm close to 5 hour round trip commute everyday (driving, train and cab/subway)

Some pretty sweet rape porn there user.

Trends are just that—not destiny. All it will take is one catastrophe to break the equilibrium and change the trend. A Franz Ferdinand, a Pearl Harbor—and what we were sure would occur does not.

The Third Reich rose because it's natural enemies were weak and decadent and only grew more so over time. There is no "Arsenal of Democracy" for the degenerates this time. It's gone. The next time will and skill won't be subsumed by a shielded production machine.

Have faith. Despair isn't a luxury we can afford.

Jesus dude.

Go to England in 1990. Still mostly white. Even London.

Go to England again in 2015. Brown skins everywhere.
Most of London brown except a few swanky neighborhoods.

In just 25 years. It was unbelievable.

And those browns breed up a lot faster and a lot more than whites. While all the time more of them pour in.

But yeah, run some numbers and continue deluding yourself.

Israel? LOL. They can barely keep their own country majority Jewish.

We can all hope, be ready to act, but at this stage its like looking for something the size of an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs.

White people move to the moon. Just like that movie Elysium.

Okay then, Iceland will inherit the Earth. That make you feel better?

It might be that. Or say a small scale nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Or Israel and Iran.

You don't honestly think that will happen without the parasites demanding a ride too? And them receiving it as part of a diversity quota?

Nah dude, the Moon will be a Chinese colony. A 100% Chinese colony.

We'll see. Jews haven't had much luck the other times they tried to subvert the prevailing world order. Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Spain, England. Yes they rise, but usually it doesn't last.

That’s what happened in the movie lel

No. A small nuke exchange wont solve anything. It would take a catastrophe that all but plunges the world into total economic and social collapse.

A total break down of international communications. No internet, widespread food scarcity, Major outbreaks of disease. Major shortages of fuel.

Nothing gradual becasue the world can always cope with that, adapt. It has to be sudden and life changing for most inhabitants. Where fighting for one's survival in the cold, hungry and thirsty, replaces the comfy browsing of web pages with a soda and a big mac.

You wish faggot

You die old in ur moms basement eating ur tendies wondering what the fuck happened and why your internet buddies didn't start the uprising

I was planning on moving to Russia before seeing this post.


Also, thank you.

Lebanese Christians are based.

Whites are going to stay home. Minorities will begin to believe they aren't minorities and push too hard. It's starting in the US already. Putnam did the research, and it's just a matter of time.

any american is an improvement of the average russian

Probably this.

China is doing well. Maybe India will make some progress, I don't really know how are things moving on there


And then this.

And then this

And then this.

I know that but I feel comfortable about my projections all the same. The period where the trends were looking terminal is over and I don't see that reversing. There are a lot of factors involved and it would take a very, very long time to take you through them all. In short, the reports of the west's demise are grossly exaggerated.

And then finally this.

white ethnostate in the pacific north west