Dammnit millenials

"wahh, muh apprenticeship program, wahh, my certificate program."
I'm tired of it.
We are the generation: who has gone literally fucking insane,and we need to get back to our roots, or shit is going to get so bad: that we'll just die bro...boom that's it, your dead.
just no.
I don't give a damn if it doesn't get you a job, or likes, or social standing, if you don't want to DIE, you need to know the following: chem, organic chem, physics, algebra 2, trig, calculus, biology, biology 2, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics.
Shit is just going to get worse and worse, and the only way you're going to survive the massive shitstorm is to know how to build shelter, how to provide medical attention, and know how to build things and grow crops.
don't buy the iPhone: BE the iPhone o.k.? the door is narrow: shove yourself in.

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Or you could lift weights and own a gun.

do you know how to make guns?
I want a damn gun in a month or your a waste of space prepare to get bulldozed SON!

You had me until quantum mechanics.

You're drunk user. Just go buy a gun.

Are you ok OP?

"ur drunk user."
no, you're a lazy leaf bro: I need MAPLES not cottonwood.
I did feel that was a little meme-ish sort of autistic, but knowing a newer field of mechanics before it becomes mainstream can give you a slight advantage. it kills the hype per-se. plus you could see new insights before they twist it and pull it and distort things. something to look into.

I'm not o.k.
the kids aren't aiight bro...

Dude we are literally like the generation which experienced the degeneracy of Weimar Germany. Already THEN there was people who deep inside were against the degeneracy, but of course everyone thought that generation is shit.

What did they do? As soon as they matured they created fucking Nazi Germany and wiped all degeneracy out from the face of the earth. They couldn't do it immediately, they needed to wait till the monarchist retards died out.

We just need to wait until the fucking boomers die do. The situation is literally fucking the same.

Our generation is just as fucking crazy as their was. Millenials are fucking capable of anything. I mean most of us watched our first gore with fucking 12 or something. We are cold-blooded like the fucking SS.

Mah nig.

>wiped all degeneracy out from the face of the earth

Actually you lost the war and got your shit pushed in

Wtf is a algebra 2? you redneck retard. Also this is copypasta?

What the fuck me level is that? I've only ever gotten to 98% completion

>fought communists
>fought gays
>fought lazy people
>fought gypsies
>fought retards
>fought for women being traditional

>didn't fight against degeneracy because the world ganged up on us
Fuck off

sorry Sweden, we have different types of "maths" in 'murica.
just...know math...
to the highest levels...

it's a Mario maker level...one of the hard ones...
(they make hard ones)

and Germany you just need to... not do that, like, no, murica was prosperous at your "age of enlightenment" against "the degenerates" infact 1913 here was pretty good...but I don't want to discourage you: sure, save Europe, maybe we wont get lured in again.

if you would genocide saudi-arabia I would gladly die for America

Fuck it all, we are doomed tbqh.

your cool Germany, your cool...
lord with. the path is long ahead.

America lost, and now we are getting ours since the 1960s.