Kratom is offically banned cause it is so deadly (to GSK patents)

Kratom is offically banned cause it is so deadly (to GSK patents).

Trump=Same as the Old Boss. All hail the Pharma Jew.


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I tried it before and the benefits were minimal for me (some mild relaxation and a bit of tendon pain relief) but maybe it was the dose I took. I don't see the point of banning it. Peyote is perfectly legal here, yet there isn't a peyote drug addiction crisis and I have never in my life known anyone who used it. Meanwhile, people are dying in the streets from chemicals imported from China.

Not in canada right? This shit removes all of my intense back pains.

It's still legal here.

fuck the fda, and fuck any of (((our))) representatives for supporting the banning of this shit. ive seen it literally save peoples live from alcohol withdrawal too heroin withdrawal. i seriously hate these money grubbing kikes.

This helps people get off opioids, not good for the healthcare machine. Fuck Trump for this.




im dropping all support for that faggot

Boohoo I need drugs to get off my drugs because I can’t stop doing drugs.

Get control of your life, weak faggots.

could kratom help me with my sugar addiction?

No, it just turns you into a whiny bitch judging from these threads.

I tried it when it was legal but it just made me nauseated so I don't give a fuck if it's banned.

well those representatives are voted in so....

whelp, I stopped drinking because I took a little bit of this at night after work. Looks like it's time to hop back off the wagon. I kind of missed booze anyway.

dont worry kids, you can always ingest bunch of nutmeg and trip

I don’t care about drugs or the degenerates that do them.

No other reports except from the same place that reported this: Why McDonald's Coke tastes better than all the other Cokes

kratom is physically addictive, hallucinogens like mescaline are not.

I see Trump is going to help the prison industrial complex. What a son of a bitch. Blacks don't do kratom. Whites and Asians are probably going to suffer for this.

Buy it illegally. Fuck laws.
Us methheads have been doing this for decades. You think we care about police and government?

Welcome to the club!

land of the free

thats not the walter white blue

gotta declare opiods a crisis
all fucking drug war are run by drug king pins
and anyone who claims they give a shit about (((addictions))) are pushing drugs on people

You have to take freedom if you want it.
You have to have the balls to break the law.
That's how it has always been. Laws are for fags and pussies.
>probably horrible living conditions so great to break apart american families over


Banned cause it's competition for big pharma and our state sponsored opium fields in Afghanistan.

I’m buying a gun, take that how you will. Fuck the FDA

they are acting like its connected to opiom

Lol, great observation. I wasn't against kratom until I saw all the faggot hippies all buttblasted about it. I think it's great that's it's getting banned.

>me talking to someone after going to the dentist about other (((dentists)))

Buy live plants so you'll always have some handy.

Kratom has changed my life, I’ll help clear its name

Or you know stop doing drugs. Workout after work you'll achieve the same relaxing effect.

Kratom isn't banned. Only the DEA can make it illegal, and their "hands are tied." It'll likely take months until a final ruling is in order, but if you eat kratom on a daily basis, taper down and quit or stock up and roll the dice.

You’re a dumb cunt

>I think it's great that's it's getting banned.
So do I.
More people are going to be hooked on opioids, which means more $$$ to be made off deadbeat shits. Business is business.

Who cares? Let people die. If you ain't willing to break the law, you ain't human.

Cops suck my dick every fucking day.

>Trump=Same as the Old Boss. All hail the Pharma Jew.
Pretty much!
Instead of draining the swamp he is still filling it up with vile creatures. WHY TRUMP ?

But yes, this hysteria is due to Trump's domestic policy of executive branch overreach and overreaction.

We should just execute alcohol and opioid addicts. It's a win win

Rofl, i know about 10 kratom users. All addicted to kratom, were never opioid users. Everything they post on social media has to do with "im at work all day can someone bring me kratom? ? Where my #kratomhoes at?"

Tbh this shit is just as bad as heroin. And it's especially bad young kids can buy it from the gas station or a smoke shop.

They literally sell it at the liquor store near me.

Because if he doesn't, they'll kill his son/family. Don't you know how this works by now?

No, but probiotics and garlic can.

Why though? I'm not the one addicted to a mild "narcotic". Have you seen the utter street trash at the protests? Gas em I say. What did people do before kratom and wide spread opiates?

Fucking idiot drug addicts

>ROFL, I know about 10 smokers. All addicted to tobacco, were never drug users. Everything they post on social media has to do with "im at work all day can someone bring me a cigarette? ? Where my #tobaccohoes at?"

>Tbh this shit is just as bad as heroin. And it's especially bad young kids can buy it from the gas station or a smoke shop.

>They literally sell it at the liquor store near me.

It’s a great herb but I am very addicted

So if it became illegal I would be thankful in a lot of aspects. I’d feel bad for the people in chronic pain though. It’s safer than opiates

>Workout after work
stupid ass dumb nigger advice
lots of shills in here tonight

abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz

It works better than my enbrel injections did....and no risk of death, cancer, or infections-so there’s that

Lol, this tires old argument again? Just as bad as the faggot dude weeds.

i imagine you never ever take drugs then? or opioids whenever you have surgery?


Not nearly as bad as your "argument."

>nearly 2018
>weed still not legal in canada
>opening up a lab for weed production

LE WEEDMAN better not let me down, again.

Why not I do 5 days a week. Even if I'm doing 6 12s. Plumber/steamfitter here.

it has no psychoactive effects

it's literally just a mild pain killer, no euphoria

ok what propblems has it caused
fuck your young kids pedoselling theory faggot

the government has the HEROIN you fukcing stupid faggot

Yeah so don't do it and, you won't have any issues. STOP DOING DRUGS.

what problems has cops caused

Coffee is physically addictive and more people die of caffeine overdose.

Kratom is opposite of a degenerate drug. It is a nootropic and helps focus or calm down depending on strain.

There is no high whatsoever. You just feel a little bit happier and aware and can tolerate pain better. It like a nice cup of coffee or Kava with very effect slight pain killer. I cycle between the two. Coffee/Kava for 1 week, Kratom the next. You don't get tolerance.

I have a much harder time cutting down caffeine. Caffeine is at twice as addictive.

I'm not going to go and find a dealer on the darkweb after my supply runs out. I but I will craving the names of the Kikes at the FDA and Glaxo Smith Kline into various bullets that I have in my every growing RAHOWA collection.

I strongly suggest other people takes up this RAHOWA bullet craving therapy. It is very relaxing.

You will be hooked on dilaudid tablets in 30 years for the inevitable chronic pain you're going to suffer from whatever disease or debilitating illness that age, genetic factors and environmental factors bring. It will strip you of your humanity, you will be too depressed to leave your house. You will shut yourself off from the world, and your day will revolve around either vegging out, or going to the pharmacy for a refill. You will inevitably die a miserable old man, without having achieved a sliver of growth.

However, you could have had access to a plant which doesn't strip you of your emotions, and doesn't get you high. You could've had the energy in your last few years in life to take one last shot at tying up loose ends and accomplishing whatever goals remain. But, nope. You will die a drug addict, like everyone else. Stripped of everything.

So why is euphoria bad?

stfu faggot andmind yoru godamn business

HAHAHAHAH oh wow, this post is wonderful, really sums up how natsocs think. "I lack self control therefore things that are bad for me should be banned"

why are you fags for more government control?

Lol. Ugly American who is a useful idiot for his parasitic, Machiavellian pharma overlords. Gr8b8m8

They suck dicks.

I'm not the one with the problem crying like some bitch because the big meanie is taking away my magic plant. You're !asking it my business by posting in this thread. QQ cry more drug addict.

Natsocs and neocons are literally inbred. Just because you can't smell his shit encrusted jeans through the monitor, don't be fooled.

because most posters on here joyless fags that think everything people enjoy should be banned because it's the only way they'll ever get a gf.

The DEA said they would wait till FDA ruled and if the FDA said it was dangerous then schedule 1.

Well the FDA just said it danerous and evil so the DEA will have it banned before Christmas.

Nice strawman. You build that all by yourself? QQ


The logistics to have it banned that soon won't work. At worst, it'll be banned in 90 days.

>why isn't muh nu-opium plant legal?
Just grow poppies if you want to get high on opiates all day druggie

your a piece of godamn shit fuck you
stop diong your beer
stop eating food
stop doing this or that
it interupts my money flow

thats all you say ill fucking kill yo then you can shut your godamnmouth bitch noone will miss you is my point. your running your mouth noone cares

you will shll bitch at everything i say without making a point that noone cares about

ills tart nowcaffiene
theres one for that faggot

you need it for shit
yea so mind your business guy up there faggot


yea get this one. food has euphoric effects
try getting hungry, then eat really healthy food. AHH how do YOU FEEL??/ feel that sensation of wellness? FUCK THAT ILLEGAL GODAMN FEELINGS

now your eating world health organization amounts of food they deem not enough to overdose on
carbohyrates limited to starvation levels
vitmains limited to starvation levels

yea shut your fucking mouth dont tell me what to do fucking retard at top

illkill you and NOBODY will give a FUCK. make a statement somnee cares about OR YOUR A THREAT AND WILL BE DEALTH WITH

fuck you cocksucking godamn drug dealing mother fucker thats what you are since your fcmpletely godamn stupid

go back to your shill station nigger

>duuuh uuhh opium

i dont want ot hear your shit about having a need for pain relief or whatever hunger things you want to bitch about ill fukcing kill you in this CONVERSATIN over itif you want to bitch at ME over my intake of substances

yoru a fucking terrorist wanting to push your federal reserve buddies shit cuase you NEEDS that money supply

Too much work for your average drug addled brain.

go starve to death nigger over your potattoes

There you go.
Voter input? ZERO

I love authoritarianism. It really brings out the "sick fuck" in politics.

SUFFER. Suffer and hurt, you lowly creatures that support governance.
You are your own worst enemy.

I do what I want at whim, and your cops do nothing to me because cops are retarded(no one with intelligence becomes a cop, don't kid yourself).
The free market always fixes it.

no but the government is arent they???
cuase not anybody said nothing

the illegalities of the fda or fbi or any alphabet agencyu is well KNOWN fuck you stupid fucking cocksucker

It's a new meme-opium. Sure why not, have you ever seen a fat junkie? There digestive system shuts down so they stop eating.

shut up stink nigger

Hey user these have a proven track record of destroying your life. You shouldn't do that.
>REEEEE insert false equivalency fallacy

britain caused the opium wars in china
so beore that stupid non-arguement pops in here ill say that true


mind your own business you retrded cocksucking fagogt
go back to begging the federal reserve bankers for printed money

QQ QQ will you ever stop crying?

you guys are idiots. youd rather give up the ability to control pain with a much cheaper and less addictive plant that ISNT CONTROLLED BY THE CHINESE

you're literally giving in to china by accepting this ban

and you're grinning like idiots because hurr durr suck a dick drug addicts

i guess none of you think you'll ever get old?

I'm just gonna fuck around with you cocksuckers now.
>the assholes who protect the deviants who kidnap and rape children said drugs are bad, I'm so happy for that!

Kratom should be put behind the counter like sudafed is, but it shouldn't be outright banned. Maybe prescription only at worst.

It's still not illegal and available in 42 states.... I've been hearin this shit for like a year now.

i dont know if you stop breathing with a gun to your head blow it off



>like sudafed is
I've reached behind the counter and 5-fingered this shit and turned it into a 4-figure profit at 2-fig expense.

Keep sucking that cock.


.45 ACP is best pain management

brr hard to bleieve with the trump claimiing their s an opiod crisis.. where there isnt one they must be crying trying to sellCRYING TRYING TO SELL herion

>you lowly creatures that support governance.
Barely anyone supports it
Support is irrelevant

drug dealers get shot by me i know who they are fuck off nigger