Why not convert to Judaism?
It seems like the best religion out there. You get to basically rule everything without any effort, that seems good trade-off for cutting off skin on your dick and not eating bacon
Is there a trade-off?
Why not convert to Judaism?
It seems like the best religion out there. You get to basically rule everything without any effort, that seems good trade-off for cutting off skin on your dick and not eating bacon
Is there a trade-off?
my foreskin is too high a price
the act of cutting off a piece of your body is symbolic for cutting off a piece of your soul
If your mothers not jewish you are not jewish. It's like trying to convert into being a Polish person if you weren't born as one.
Judaism is spread via the mitochondrial and x chromosomal DNA
Then everyone can be a baby foreskin chewing gay pedophile rabbi!!!
Wrong. A proper conversion makes you as Jewish as Moses.
I married a jew and almost converted myself. I learned quite a lot. There is no large Jewish conspiracy, they jew each other as much as they jew the goyim. They all suffer from crippling neurosis from their overbearing mothers constantly comparing them to higher achieving people. They are miserable and I want no part of that.
I already talked about it with a Jewish friend and he said it's not hard
You have to become part of Jewish community, attend Jewish stuff and rituals, know some Rabbis and learn Jew stuff and after a while they will accept you (but you still have to out-Jew them to be really accepted, sure)
Jews had to accept non-Jewish people in order for the religion to survive. So it's not totally closed
But of course it's not open like Islam or Christianity that want to convert everyone by knocking on doors
I used to be really into the religion. I almost converted, but decided not to for several reasons.
1. my ancestors are white, and I would be betraying them by switching sides.
2. Jews have fucked up DNA, and I wouldn't want to curse my lineage to be inferior. (Webm related)
3. Many parts of their culture tend to be fucked up, such as the rampant pedophelia and other abuse. I couldn't stand cursing my lineage to live that way.
Can a Rabbi advise me if I'm wrong?
Jews work hard as fuck and are hated Nd blamed for everything no thanks.
Being jew must feel like a comstant fight for survival.
Exactly how do they work hard?
By cheating, lying, raping, murdering?
Funny kike
>1. my ancestors are white, and I would be betraying them by switching sides.
reminder most white people are christian, also a middle eastern religion
Jews have always hated Christians for their religion and their blood. Muslim Arabs are from the middle east too, and it would be an even greater betrayal for a Muslim Arab to switch sides. (not that I give a fuck)
Evidence for how much Jews hate Christianity
Kikes are dumb
What kind of nut job wants to rule everything anyway? Sound like a dangerous time consuming job and why would I care what other people do? Less time to enjoy my life if I'm wasting time trying to mass control people and it often doesn't end well for totalitarian control freaks because surprise, surprise most people don't like being controlled. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me but whatever floats your boat.
converts are still goyim and it requires genetic screening
You're dumb.
Sure thing kike
Christianity is Roman, tard
Reposting the same illegitimate bullshit every night is the definition of spam. Read the rules.
A lot of Jews converted, many because their parent/grandparents converted to christianity after the war.
> genetic screening
Jews have a very high race mixing ratio, they always had, that is why there is Jews of every colours.
It's really hard to convert and they do touch your wee wee
Sup Forums is pretty lame tonight.
Because there is only the race.