Canada Admiration Megathread

Can you name a better anglo country than Canada?
>You can now legally rape animals in
>They import 750k 3rd world shit muslims non-whites a year for a population of 36m
>The economy is complete shit
>Not addressing someone by their pronouns gets you sued/jailed (Bill C-16).
>Ontario's elementary school curriculum was designed by a convicted pedophile and teaches kindergartners that anal sex is fun.
>Pedophiles don't get jail sentences
>If someone breaks into your house and rapes your wife, and you kill him, you go to jail for life. You have to call the police and let the rapist finish.
>The prime minister is a drama teacher / snowboarding instructor who has declared Canada a "post-national" state with no core identity or culture.
>no free speech
>90% of the population is in a state of acting like Canada is the 51st State of America.
>Government basically tries to mimic Sweden's Feminist Government, and virtue signal against everything Trump/USA.
>The Elections/Electoral are basically Toronto Decides.
>No Canadian Politician has done a thing for Canada or Canadians (Natives, English, French) in the last 70 years.
>It will be an Islamic State by 2050 if nothing is done.
>And the Government is slapping Laws to Accelerate it faster.
It is the best and most cucked Anglo country in the world
>inb4 le 56%
Did I mention they're 65% white?



You guys built a space arm for the shuttle that was pretty sick, keep up the good work


For me, it's Canada. The best Country in the West. I even ask for a big black cock to fuck my wife and Canada is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for a medium sized big black cock and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Canadian worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the Canadians greet me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three big black cocks to fuck my wife. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere in Canada, I go there at least 3 times a week and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great black cock that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my cock in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great country.

Just leave this country, you fucking stupid reddit cuck. I'm sick and tired of you fucking shills whining about shit and not doing anything. All you do is complain. You shill incessantly. So leave.

99% chance you're underaged, a faggot reddit shill, a NEET, a loser, or any combination thereof.

I like Canadians. Conservative Canadians are based as fuck. They're like Americans but without the built in disadvantage of the American education.

Always respect Canadians for their ultimate Self-Sacrifice. They turned themselves into containment country where all the people considered degenerates by other countries come to hide in and what’s left of the non-degenerate population just flees to America. I do see some hope for the future though, as some of the people here are at becoming angry with refugees living off the government while they struggle to own a house, at least where I live.

Don't forget the fact that french makes up 20% of the population while all our shit pretends it's half and half.
New Brunswick is a province thats govt is OFFICIALLY bilingual, meaning in school we have years mandatory french emersion where the whole year is done in french, and in order to have a govt job you must be fluently bilingual.
Only a third of the province is french. Even less would be bilingual.

I don't know if that's pasta or what but I'm taking it.

For me, it's Britain. The best Country in the West. I didn't even ask for a big Paki rape gang to ravage my wife but Britain is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I ordered some chicken biryani and the Paki shop owners ran off with my daughters. I said, "Wow, did that just happen!?" and the nice friendly British police officer laughed and said, "I'm going to put you in jail because you don't respect these brown peoples' culture!".
Now the other inmates greet me with "hey it's that racist American!" and ALWAYS give me three proper rapes a day. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere in British prison, I'm under constant surveillance except for in the showers which is where they usually rape me. Usually. So if you want a great chicken biryani that's affordable, ruins your life really fast, and can make you kill yourself with a prison sheet.
I don't even spit out the Paki semen anymore, it's delicious! What a great country.



It's a shame that when a conservative is in office w/ majority everything is still exactly the same because Canadian govt is a complete fucking scam and all they do is deflect questions as long as they can so they can get as little progress as humanly possible.


Scotland /thread/

OH you made my day top kek

Every other leaf I come into contact with makes me think I'm in the matrix and they are just NPC's. When will the phone ring and bring with it the reassuring voice of a red pilled black man?

What is it from originally, a mcdonalds commercial or something?

canadians are very robot like and lack emotion. theyseem nice on paper but they all just talk shit behind your back.

at least in america they will call u a fag to your face

The McChicken copypasta from /ck/

several inaccuracies in OP:

Closer to > 1 million people come in each year when you add up all the "immigration by other names" sneaky tricks to get people in.

Often peopel just come here with no papers and stay... they just caught a guy with dozens of guns and ammo and shit, hes not even declared, they have no idea how he got here, and get this, they may not even be able to prosecute because of his non status.

65% white seems overly generous, basically small rural towns are still 80-90%, every major city is 30-50% white at best

Very good reason why our "conservatives" have the word "progressive" in their name...

at best you could call them center left, with liberals as "left" and NDP as "super left"

>Ontario's elementary school curriculum was designed by a convicted pedophile and teaches kindergartners that anal sex is fun.
>Pedophiles don't get jail sentences
>If someone breaks into your house and rapes your wife, and you kill him, you go to jail for life. You have to call the police and let the rapist finish.

Please tell me these aren't true

Any meme about Canadians being nice is a crock of shit. Maybe in the past it was true, just like any normal white person was polite and respectful.


Whats this about raping animals?

For me, it's Sweden. The best Country in the West. I even ask for a nice blond gf to fuck and Sweden is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I took a blond girl home from a bar. Turns out she wasn't a girl at all. I said, "Wow, you tricked me!" and the nice friendly Swedish 'girl' laughed and said, "DIE YOU CISNORM RACIST SCUM!".
Now the Swedes greet me with "hey it's CISNORM RACIST SCUM!!" and ALWAYS give me three rape accusations when I look at them or walk by. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere in Sweden, I get accused of rape at least 3 times a week and maybe bum rushed by ANTIFA or other assorted terrorist gangs around dinner time on Tuesdays but what a great and diverse society that is accepting, going down in flames fast, and can match my daily rape accusation needs.
What a great country.

Ontario makes California look red pilled

are provinces allowed to have official languages up there? Or will the frogs blow shit up if they aren't treated with kiddy gloves?

> some of the people here are at becoming angry with refugees living off the government while they struggle to own a house, at least where I live.

this isn't just a meme - I've seen it firsthand. some straight up refugees, others here under the TFW program of the week. very obviously foreign, oblivious to local culture, trouble with either official language, working crap jobs, but somehow able to afford a better standard of living than many of the locals.

All provinces are english except Quebec which is 80% french and New Brunswick, which is officially bilingual. Meaning to have a govt job it's mandatory to speak english and french fluently. So literally anyone you walk up at Service New Brunswick (provincial govt branches) must greet you in both french and english, all govt docs must have both french and english, licenses, pamphlets, fucking EVERYTHING. When only 20% of the population are french, and they are located in a few specific cities.

Pic related, back of SIN card

I don't know about other canadians, but french classes in school when I still went were trash. I got good marks in the class but could speak it on my own. (Ontario)

pls be my leaf gf

Banjer lazime
89% Grade 9

>tfw can't read that
I should have went to private school...

It's a corruption of bonjour les amis.
I wanted to support what you said about french in Ontario.

How were your classes for it? In mine no one in the class gave a shit and all we really had to do was memorize some lines and say them infront of the class.

Also built the landing gears on Apollo 11

its not french at all.

The same here.
I got such "good" marks beacuse I did an accent but it was just a joke.
My class did not give a single shit and messed around the whole time and not one failed.
Even the nerds didn't give a shit.

I wouldn't know, I don't speak french.
It's almost like no one gives a rats ass about the "second" language.

>French class
The only reason to join french class is for the gibs they give you since they steal all the good school trips. And we're less then 50% white now so we're pretty much doomed, fucking French and their culture war we should've killed them all when we had the chance.

To be honest, I'd much rather hear French every day than fucking Latin American Spanish.

We get it here too...because of you. Play any online game and the chat is filled with people from america speaking Spanish or typing in Spanish. I'VE HAD IT.