The Church was a good thing

The Church didn't allow divorce in 99.9% of cases. If you married someone that was it until one of you died.

This forced women to choose wisely and commit to the best male they could find in a brief period of time from among a select group in her immediate environment.

Now women are always looking to 'move up' and can divorce whenever they want. Women are now left with no restraints on their nature and modern society is the result.

The fall of society is linked to the fading of the church.

So... If you don't love someone anymore you shoulld still stay married? Altough i get what you're saying, still seems a bit lacking of freedom to be binded to someone for the rest of your life.

>until death do us part.

Marriage is about building a strong family. It's not about stretching out your honeymoon period for 50 years.

Also, a big reason why women 'fall out of love' is because they think they can do better. If they couldn't divorce they couldn't do better and hence wouldn't fall out of love as often as they do today.

A few generations ago it wasn't unusual to meet a girl once, usually in the company of her parents, and ask her to marry you. And statistically their marriages worked better than our system now of "trying out" dozens, if not hundreds, of different people as if they are an item of clothing.

We really don't even have this type of freedom for a career choice. Switching between fields is highly unusual. Not many people go from being a plumber to being an accountant, or from being a clerk to being a firefighter. Yet it's widely common (in 50% of people who get married do this) to start a family, have kids, and then essentially abandon them and start a new family. Sometimes multiple times.

Just ask yourself, what changed to radically in our society/sense of social norms, to cause such a massive shift? What type of influences normalized this destructive behavior?

White men caused women to fight for their right to divorce, it is power balance created by the state

> Love
Get the fuck out of here stupid faggot.

>The fall of society is linked to the fading of the church.
Sexual Liberation actually, but the two are linked.

As an atheist, i agree w/ this.

It's the kikes that want to destroy Christian founded conservatism and countries, so, gas the kikes and we'll re-balance humanity.

Meh, it had too much bad

You know why they always had the line until death to us part? It literally meant you stay together until someone dies. No matter what.

The way she bites her tongue is so cute, desu.

Love is a feeling. Just like happiness and sadness. It rises and falls. Expecting any serious partnership, be it business or personal, to be maintained by a fluctuating feeling is ludicrous.

People today, especially women, say "I no longer love them, therefore I have made a mistake and married the wrong person," but marriage is about more than love. It is about being a member of a partnership and acting as one to advance that partnership.

Modern society is due to overpopulation.
It's been too long since we had a good war.

Here's a protip:
>If you marry a balloon titted trophy there better be a huge wallet in your pants cause as your looks fade and you get fat and old she'll be on the look out for something younger, sleeker and better able to handle her appetites.
This is as telling about vapid, vacuous women as it is about manchildren with shit taste in women...

It's not really a 'now' thing, though. We had Henry VIII who invented a religion with divorce in 1534.
Our church had an 'ay okay' on the divorce from baby Jesus via Henry VIII for the past 483 years.

Do you not have testosterone? Dont you wanna stick your dick in every pussy you see?

99% chance the man cheated first and that led to divorce. Learn some fucking biology you fagget.

Absolutely. Regular church attendance also creates an environment where shame is very, very powerful.
Guilt is for men but shame is for women. Church was the ideal institution for women to implement shame.

family, have kids, and then essentially abandon them and start a new family. Sometimes multiple times

Boomers. The young generation saw the damage this type of selfish life caused.

Church is more than a country club. It is the body of Christ. Not all churchians are Christians.

The church does not care that Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God, died for your sins, was buried, and rose again as prophesied in the Old Testament. The church is required to not only care, but to BELIEVE!!!

You have too low a definition of love! Your last sentence describes true love.

Women never choose in the past. Men did. Men will again, very soon.
DOWRY - a gift (bribe) from the bride's family to convince the groom to take care of the woman.

That is a whore.

Norms only have force amongst the (unideological and unidealistic) masses when there are benefits to following them and punishments or disadvantage for deviation. So, for the good of all, yes, and you'll be a lesson for those who come after you.

friendly reminder that protestants ruined everything

The book Culture of Critique is critical to understand cultural engineering. The pdf is free if you google it.

those boobs are a good thing


Yeah, marriage is about private property and inheritance, not love. That's why it's bourgie bullshit and commies introduced "no fault divorce".

> Love is a feeling. Just like happiness and sadness.

> globalist overpopulation meme

Leave the city clusters and tell me how many people you find outside over populating the earth.

>Marriage is about building a strong family.
The irony.

>says the church is good and that its death has been a detriment to society
>posts roastie

really makes you think

Marriage for love is a meme. Marriage is to produce offspring and a legal framework for wealth to be passed down to the next generation.


Many people in church today seem to be not at all who they portray themselves to be. (honest loving hardworking people)

It's fasionable to go to church, it's something narcissistic do in order to gain attention.

Go to any upperclass church and you will find some of the scummiest, conniving, hateful, jealous, vulgar roasties you could ever imagine.

They put on a good show while in public at church, but as soon as they get into their car... their mask comes off. Not an ounce of shame either maybe...

They see it is.

> well, i go to church so saying anything bad about me is nullified in the eye of the public.

looks like a guy

>family values are pagan

we should meme that divorced women are utterly disgusting

Free market is better

Who cares about the kids right?

What if you are unable to reproduce, are you forbidden from marrying?

I feel as though there should be a mandatory Marriage counseling session. Something that lasts like 2-3 months. If that fails, then you can continue with divorce proceedings.

so if society forced couples to stick together till death again, what happens when wives catch their husbands cheating in such a scenario? You know, to deal with guys just falling to the temptations of "their nature"

Pretty sure adultery, even from only the husband cheating on his wife, was a bit more than a cause of those.01% of divorces that were "allowed" by the various totalitarian religious bodies which decreed who got to bone legitimately (still do, if you're into that sorta thing) desu

Take into consideration the following:
> If your woman wants to trade up, you might be a major letdown.
> Maybe you don't satisfy her
> If you feel like you have to rely on the church as an institution to force someone into staying with you, it makes me wonder if you could possibly make someone stay with you on your own.

You cuck yourselves by simply not making yourselves desirable. You are your own white genocide.

was a bit more of a problem than just the .01% of divorces that were allowed*

it's more giving them all 1st world standards of living, or just maintaining/increasing the standards in the 1st world that fucks us. You won't find people, more the farms, clear cut forests, mines, other resource gathering/processing facilities and all the support structures necessary to support our soon to be 8 billion fellow humans.

Of course, we could all just suffer a reduction in living standards and probably stretch things out a bit or find a way to become way more efficient at maintaining that standard. On the other hand, we could just convince the developing world to have fewer kids (which is sorta in motion, look at Iran for instance which has far lower fertility rates than only a few decades prior)

you shouldn't believe things just because you want to lel

>Regular church attendance also creates an environment where shame is very, very powerful.

have you considered alternatives to totalitarianism? I'm not even saying full hedonism, maybe just not being so hellbent on controlling peoples lives like some sort of Soviet commissar.

Flighty passionate love matures as time goes on. People today want to be 21 forever and fear maturity instead of embracing it

You don't stop loving your wife just because you are no longer experiencing the excitement of the first phase of a relationship

This passage was about sacrificing everything for God, not literally hating that stuff. Quit taking stuff out of context, fedora.

You'll see this with any value that the church supported.
Theft, gluttony, jealousy... all things that are on the rise since the church has faded.

1) men and women aren't the same. Arguments that apply to one gender do not apply to the other
2) the key to stable and productive society is the distribution and control of women
3) the most useful way of thinking about women is to think of them as male property
4) men who do not respect the property of other men must be punished in the most harsh ways possible, as they undermine the most important aspect of maintaining society - the distribution and control of women

Marriage is not just about fun alone. Yeah, the spark and romance spices things up but why can't you have that even in marriage. No wonder your western societies are in shambles. You seem to think the nihilistic lifestyle (whatever feels good) is good.



The destruction of the church a good thing. Now you are not trapped to some old hag that you do not like.

Alternatively, if you do truly love your wife, you should be constantly trying to improve yourself to keep her interested.

Read 1 Corinthians 6,12-20, it's a big redpill, especially for thots who joined church and say "we gud Christian girls now, tee-hee, God forgives all of our sins, doesn't he, tee-hee?"

Was marriage meant to be about love? Even if it was, is this still attainable given the culture and knowledge we now possess?

>The fall of society is linked to the fading of the church.
Sexual Liberation actually, but the two are linked.

They correlate, but they are not a causation. Even Pagan had a lifestyle of this kind or civilization wouldn't have advanced out of stoneage. Hence there just needs to be a value-set what predated monotheistic religions that has commitment to lifetime partnership and austerity of polygamy.

That should be the job of women. They used to be the best at deterring each other from cheating, being whoreish, etc. Feminism destroyed the social order of women, which is huge because women are very very receptive to social pressure.

Marriage was understood as a commercial transaction before its secularization. Women wouldn`t be able to “choose wisely” because there was no choice to begin with.

Religion is responsible for monogamy, while our animal nature is hypergamy but it is not sustainable in a civilization, so we have effectively suppressed it for thousands of years.

Women have always been whores. You have money, you keep your lying whore. You're broke, no whores for you.

Fading of the church? LOL. Oh, please.

tl;dr women can't control themselves and the fag in pic related thinks you should give up and get a dog?

No I will fight, even if it means siding with the Mormons.
you can fuck off

Someone link that video where a black man is telling obama about what marriage is and why it's for a man and woman.

The reason marriage exists is for a man and woman to get married and have children, it doesn't matter if one couple is infertile, the reason for marriage is still the same.

also how could tournament that be 'human nature' when being raised fatherless is proven to cause all sorts of mental/emotional/sexual fuckery come adulthood.

And he is asking what the fuck is the point with that way of thinking.

It's like someone asking: "The ten commandments say you shouldn't steal, why is it important to follow it?" And you answer "Because it says so in the ten commandments". If you're too fucking retarded to be able to argue why it is beneficial that people not steal from each other, your best bet is to shut the fuck up.

Marriage at its core is a contract of family. Family is the fundamental building block of society and when society starts dismantling family and family values, that society very quickly spirals into degeneracy and collapses.

You shouldn't be able to back out of a contract without a very valid reason, this is why no-fault divorce basically amounts to overturning rule of law. Imagine if a law was instituted that allows one to break a business contract whenever they want on the sole grounds of "I don't like my partner anymore"...

You're reading Bible like a muslim is reading Koran. Stop it.

Why the homophobia?


Everything about marriage benefits women.

The men still pay for the engagement ring and it is worth 2 months salary due to some jewish marketing back in the last century. Women keep the ring in the event of a divorce

Women don't bear the cost of the wedding and honeymoon. It will either be the parents or groom who pay for the majority if not all of the wedding.

Domestic Violence always errs on the side of caution on the womans side and the burden of proof needs to be non-existant.

Divorce courts favor women as far as child custody goes.

Women can recieve alimony if they were "accustomed to a lifestyle" basically they bought nothing to the table but their husband works hard for a upper class lifestyle. Now that the women is affluent she should get paid to remain affluent. That's how you hear all these crazy stories where rich celebrities get raped in divorce court. What about men who get accustomed to the benefits of blowjobs and sex during marriage? Where is the BJ alimony for men accustomed to that?

The State will provide with generous benefits in the form of WIC, food stamps, outright welfare, free daycare ect. for single moms

Tell me one way that men benefit from marriage (no tax arguements) and women DON'T benefit from marriage.

>choose wisely
>arranged marriages that sold women off like property totally weren't a thing