Are diseases like anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc. real? If so, what causes them? If not...

Are diseases like anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc. real? If so, what causes them? If not, why do so many people claim to have them?

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Should be cured with beatings


They are real, I got add and depression. My theory is that it is linked to iq. Mine is very high and I find more often than not I am disaticefied and distracted. I blame dumb people and really stupid people. When I'm in good company I do better.

Thats pretty good user, it almost sounds believable

Best reply I have seen in months.

Demons. Fight back.

They're real if you believe in them, most symptoms of all of those can be cured with keeping your brain and body occupied with activity. These diseases are so prominent in today's society because humans aren't supposed to live in a box like we have been born to do. I do agree with the higher IQ makes you more likely to develop symptoms, cause you're more self consciously aware of your own thoughts.


yes i have an anxiety disorder, have had it my whole life (am now 50) not diagnosed until it was too late
and have had 2 complete nervous break downs too the point were i am unable to work

It's real. I didn't believe it until I got it myself. I have NFI what caused it. Neither did the shrinks. It can make you severely physically ill. Depression is bad. Anxiety is the real mother fucker. Not sure what fixed it for me. But I felt like I had to give up on everything before I got better. I am ex army too so it's not like I was always weak. It just hit me in mid-life (which seems to be when a lot of people get it). When I seen others get it my I just figured they needed to harden the fuck up. But I was wrong.

adhd is undoubtedly tied to a high IQ and is treated by isolation. the person likely has a personality that feels stimulated when alone and if the person is left alone, they don't feel the negative symptoms of adhd

depression stems from anxiety and is usually caused by shitty parents. most notably a shitty mother who probably did drugs while pregnant

I've had OCD with symptoms manifested since I was in elementary school (obsessive type) and was diagnosed after I started skipping high school classes due to paranoia/anxiety which I wanted to attend. people claim to have them because playing the victim is falsely seen as heroic in modern society. I generally don't tell anyone about my mental problems and I've refused medication for this since the first time I tried "personality stabilizing" medication it made things worse. Saw a therapist for a couple months, but it didn't help too much so now I mainly rely on methods I've self-learned over a decade or so

>Sup Forums must be full of paranoid nuts like you
I actually reject most conspiracy theories outright and don't support any actively. The only thing which has kept me stable in my life is relying on critical thought and utilization of logic

no single-word replies pls

Definitely real, but often overdiagnosed and mistreated.

Still more prevalent in modern times because our civilization has advanced faster than we have evolved to adapt to it. Biologically we're still built to live in small agrarian communities or hunter/gatherer tribes.
In those environments everyone is needed and has a purpose. In modern life we're all replaceable drones with no real purpose and nihilism starts to creep in.

Intelligence is a factor because a smart person is more likely to read and study, which leads to discovering blackpills.

They are certainly real. Anyone who says otherwise has not looked at the literature.

Why wouldn't it be real? There's a vast conspiracy of people doing a really good job of fucking up every other facet of their life to get off work and then be poor?

They're usually real, but they're too often treated with medication or quackery as a first line of defense. Medication can be okay as a treatment, but it doesn't always fix the problem, and it can't fix environmental or personal conditions that are causing the upset. I think we'd be surprised to see how much happier we'd all be if we simply took the time to care about one another.

These mental issues are the result of a post industrial society. For a while we have been spiraling deeper into materialism and nihilism. We have all of these fancy gadgets now, all the social medias, instant gratification, only to remain spiritually unfulfilled.

Most of us are already dead, we have no cultural roots, no familial ties, and a disdain for tradition. We go through the motions of daily life, and believe what the entertainment media aristocracy tells us to. The strategy of Progressivism is to solve the problem of human social chaos by removing humanity from the equation. It’s gotten to the point where we are severed from nature, only to be on artificial life support of pills and insincere consolation.

>Intelligence is a factor because a smart person is more likely to read and study, which leads to discovering blackpills

Anxiety is an observable, quantifiable thing. Very much overdiagnosed, however.

Depression is both a meme and is extremely overdiagnosed.

ADHD and ADD are completely fake excuses for being sacks of shit, particularly amongst children.

They're caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, the same as all mental illnesses.

People claim to have them for attention and so they can go "WOE IS ME, WORLD!" It's a badge of honor for a certain crowd. They're the type of people who go "OMG IM SO OCD!!! XD" when actual people with OCD baselessly think they're secretly serial killers and check themselves into mental hospitals or scrub their house top to bottom with borax for hours on end.

>I am mentally challenged (ADD) and depressed
>I am a genius
>I cannot spell dissatisfied
>It is stupid people to blame for my depression
One of these statements is not like the others.
One of these statements is false.

There are two types of person...

>Those who enjoy the struggle of life
>And those who despise it

The great news is it's all about personal choice, the bad news is some people are so stupid they are not even capable of understanding that they are stupid, those folks are lost forever.

Pedo spiral logo really joggins my noggin.

this gave me anxiety


you're trolling for attention.

Found the retard.

I have OCD and its definitely real

This is a good description of the science behind it @ 22:30

Yes. Chemical imbalances in the brain.

Most diagnoses are actually malingering

Adhd had a recent breakthrough actually:

I suffer from it, I have a cyst in my brain that impairs my production of norepinephrine. Medication helps correct the imbalance - but I do not like it because it does not help the problem. getting the symptoms out of the way helps me do that part myself, so I will quit when I am able.

wy dunt de guberment jus taek out da exta chemicels???

They're symptoms of poor mental structures.

They manifest themselves when you don't have the correct mental tools to apprehend life. It's not just about self control but about how you attain the state which is called self control.

I can say adhd and add are pretty real.
Depression and anxiety seem to appear as symptoms manifested from other conditions, but depression has been observed to have real physical affects on the brain. So something is going on there.

Now that you mention it, I do much better on my own while I work, I do tile and prefer to work by myself-put on my podcasts and I work for eight hours straight, I eat brain food in between steps or during trips to the bathroom or car/work area to get items