...not to let it fall into the Memory Hole.
Just a reminder
Look up the difference between "native" and "indigenous"
Oh man :(
I'm sorry your ancestors didn't fight harder
Fuck Indians and fuck their shitty water.
The fact that american natives even still fucking exist is by our good graces. How do minorities not get this shit? They didn't fight for their freedoms, they're not stronger than us. We're just nice.
Go read some history about the indians like the sioux in states like that. They were horrible people.
The oil spill is from an old part of the pipeline. You are literally complaining about something that the oil companies want to fix. New and better pipelines
You'll be judged soon, Gad will overcome.
Wow everybody is having a good time it seems!
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Merry Thanksgiving everyone
>nigger natives use this board
Why? Every real Sup Forumsack is immune to your shitty shill D&C, blackpill, astroturf tactics.
kek. i forgot people drove cars to get out and protest oil.
Look up the difference between "pusillanimous" and "poltroon".
>the oil companies want to fix
...but didn't, because of the impact on the almighty "bottom line".
>they didn't ride horses instead
>oh wait Europeans brought that to them as well
It's almost as if the only thing native niggers contributed to the world was lung cancer and a shitty language nobody outside the states knew during world War 2. Even then that was only one tribe while the other Prarie niggers drank mouth wash all day.
No, because look at all the hassle they already have. Even more pipeline would have to be placed than was placed with the XL pipeline. Think they want to deal with more politicians and dirty ignorant hippies?
good, redniggers are by far some of the worst fucking people you will ever meet
As you can see, not updating pipelines is what hurts the bottom line. Do you think that spilling oil is somehow a great money maker?
>illegal scare tactics
Not to mention they fucked up our history classes. I didn't realize how much i loved history until i researched it on my own. All my classes were:
>muh indians
>muh civil rights
I was thought they were talking about pilgrims but then realized they meant last year and I chuckled.
> I chuckled