Is he Reddit, or a genuinely underrated and incredible man?
Fun fact: President Trump's uncle was a part of the team that seized his work after his death.
Is he Reddit, or a genuinely underrated and incredible man?
Fun fact: President Trump's uncle was a part of the team that seized his work after his death.
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Very smart man in a simple yet confusing world
His meme persona is reddit
Actual Tesla is /r9k/
Edison was his Chad
Edison was the real genius, but redditors like beta virgins
I don't like Edison after reading up he electrocuted animals to prove Teslas AC was inefficient
Meme reddit man.
Much of his work was done by others or is overrated.
Also became an eccentric crank with meme-tier insane ideas which didn't pan out in the real world.
Not to mention skeptical of rigorous physics employed by guys like Einstein in favor of his autistic meme beliefs.
He meant to save us from exactly what we are suffering though now. But (((they))) drugged him and made him fall in love with a pigeon to get sheckles.
You must be uneducated as fuck to say that. omfg go read a book or fuck just google tesla...kys
He's more like MGTOW desu
Smartest man of the 20th Century. His problem was that he overdosed on knowledge redpills and it made him insane.
>Jared is Tesla reincarnate
>on a mission to take back his properties from the nephew of the man who seized them in the first place
It annoys me that redditors continue to spread the myth that he died penniless, he was a wealthy engineer who spend the last years of his life living in a luxury hotel room
Tesla is extremely overrated and overhyped. He made a handful of noteworthy contributions like developing a brushless induction motor and popularizing (not inventing) AC current for power transmission. But the truth is that the overwhelming majority of his career was spent wasting money he'd borrowed from people either repeating work that other researchers had already done first and done better, or else chasing down hunches and false leads. He's only gained the notoriety he has today because of a rabid online fanbase that's bought into all the steampunk shit, conspiracy theory crap, and free energy quackery.
Edison developed the modern model of private research and development at Menlo Park. A format that would later be used by every major private facility from Bell Labs to GERL
Not reincarnate. He never died.
Greatest mind of the last 5 centuries.
His problem was he had an ego the size of a planet. Almost all of his major failures were self-inflicted by his own stubbornness, pride, and overconfidence.
He thought the game was stupid. He didn't believe in ideas being contained to siphon them as cashflows.
Not even in the top 10
This is what happens when you disregard all the bullshit including women and focus on a goal.
All of you are capable of this.
He was a stubborn, vain little faggot who spent fortunes of borrowed money on experiments built on hunches and confirmation bias. He dismissed nearly every major development of the early 20th century as a fad - from relativity to quantum physics.
If he'd had half as much confidence in scientific rigor as he had in his own ability he could have indeed been a great physicist, but he didn't and he wasn't.
Engineers cannot into scientific rigor user
>absolute genius...fucking dumbass when it came to Jews...many such cases.
>this...if he was a Jew he would be up there with Christ status.
Tesla was nofap world champion before it was even a thing.
Would he have lived up to his potential if born in the 90s?
people here like to be contrarians and meme about him being a hack because of *le reddit.* Truth is, he could have been even more recognized and could have truly manifested his genius were it not for other established people who didn't want his competition. People here will say he's overhyped, but you should take the actual opinions of people from scientific communities into account. Sup Forums users will simply hate on him because he's not WASP
ac electric was invented, discovered by him by him realizing that how dc worked, like a river flowing
and the sun was setting and he realized, it rose again
thats 4
4 corners
it all fucking is related
in some way
wanna know how I know you are a faggot?
Edison hired Tesla to do his job because Edison was too stupid to do it.
Then Edison Jewed Tesla after Tesla BTFO'd him from then on till end of Edisons life. You either knew this and are being faux ignorant or you didn't know but in either case you are a pleb tier brainlet.
Fucking Edison cucks, eat more American propaganda , retards
4 posts shilling hard against tesla. There has to be some untold story here, some reasoning you're holding back.
>a genuinely underrated and incredible man?
And this is an understatement.
>Edison was the real genius
He was a better businessman than he was a scientist.
Don't be ashamed. Fearing a man with such ambition and CHARISMA is only natural.
how light works
the rope hypothesis
every thing every atom is connected to each other by extended entities, ropes
if i hold one end of a rope and you hold the other end, i spin it counter clockwise you see it?
clockwise. the opposite just like everything else
Tesla was a great engineer and tinkerer that let his autism blind him; despite being the person some people call to mind when thinking of an "electrical engineer", he didn't think electrons actually existed and spent his last years rambling against theories that later became empirically proven (like relativity or QM).
>repeating work that other researchers had already done first and done better
Sauce please, and I know you don't have any.
tesla had no balls
they were cut off
its not rational
(((empircal scientific method)))
no its the
rational scientfic method
quantum has no pull (it can't explain the force of pull)
answer that
And that's what matters in the real world.
the fuck? you're literally posting your nonsense with a device that incorporates results from QM like tunneling.
your a fucking retard\
a cpu is a simple godamn fucking abacus
like to see you beat that one
if you've ever benefited from an alternating current, then yea he's pretty good
the fuck you cant even explain your fucking shit
always shit talking in tesla threads like the cia niggers glow in the dark you are
they cant explain nothing to anybody about quantum they dont uderstnad it they make up shit
like big bang
black holes
dark matter
eat shit with your ghosts and phantoms you dont prove anytign you shit tlak
Alright you fucking plebs who THINK you know the story of electricity, you need set some time to watch this:
The Tesla/Edison 'War of the Currents' is covered in this.
anything that explains physics without the rope hypothesis and doenst even explain itself I know for sure is BULLSHIT
i made up the rope hypothesis, ik understand it
yo uwant ot stand there and talk shit for small minded people who cant understand any concepts nad smoke screen and distract so they cant concentrate on any topics but YOU fuckign fagogot are talkign to ME and your full of shit fuck you
time cube
ac electric
rope hypothesis
ALL share in common something one thing
they all have 4 corners to them
YOU never have 4 corners in anything you say 4 corners gives length width and height and makes it physics to any object
sure, a CPU is simple to model mathematically using logic, but the actual physical implementation on scales that reduce to the behavior of single atoms and their interactions rely on the descriptions provided by QM
no one is going to deny that there are gaps in science, but nothing that tesla described filled these in. if you think you have the answers to these anomalies while still providing a self-consistent mathematical model, feel free to provide them
Do you even know how to make a coherent sentence?
He would be disgusted by most here.
Tesla was funded by Slavs. We should thank them.
Sounds like you have Tesla and Einstein reversed, Kikeovitz.
yea that you cant explain it
BIG BANG CREATIONISMyour the one who cant explain your shit
answer what quantum says to explain the force of PULL
oh wait is that another magicial theory called gravity?
>Tesla was funded by Westinghouse
Fixed that for you.
lOGIC isnt the basis for anything
that is a concept created by man
math isnt the language of science, either.
its the language of adverbs
dont make me btfo of you with some grammar lessons faggottesla had it going more
created ac
which you and your faggot buddies edison never did
or even attempted to shut down using your magic
so you and them are on the same side to me
Are the kikes seriously attempting to discredit and downplay Tesla’s contributions to science and society now? Are they going to start attributing his inventions to niggers?
This is pretty infuriating. Tesla is the one person that we should never allow to get post-humously Jewed like this. He already experienced plenty of it during his lifetime.
wow, you just proved yourself to be and underage dumbass in one word
>your the one who cant explain your shit
>tesla had it going more
I have been the biggest proponent of holding Tesla in higher esteem than Edison, and I've even posted sources.
You're just raging at the monitor while banging your head on the keyboard. it's amazing that we can even understand half of what you are banging out.
Chill dude and carry on a conversation instead of raging at the monitor.
Are you trying to say that Edison was or was not a scientist?
Tesla was a weirdo who had literal gold of wisdom but couldn't find the truth. He was a flat earth whicch instantly makes him a genius (not joking) but he wasn't right with God in that he sought man's glory and not God's
the way they claim dark matter(not prove) is because they wonder why teh stars stay at their positions' as a galaxy spins
... well why does a ice skater not have their arms and legs wrap around them when they spin?
its ilke a bicycle wheel
if there was dark matter, we'd run into it... i forget what their claim is on this but why we dont
ive watched videos explaining ALL these quantum phenomenon, and came to these conclusions, some stuff are new ideas.
check out
some of these videos
quantum doesnt explain anything
you started BITCHIGN at me saying im using something that uses quantum.
i said that there are theories that follow a scrtain pattern
that prove to be riht and are HOW the world works
ac electric
try running everything off dc then faggot
explain time to me then at your position relative to where i am. at my time. without me having a clock
stupid fuck oh you need that jew device for yourself
quantum cant explain pull
and you want to bitch about what im doign with no .. arugmeent
>"Is he Reddit?"
>Fucking Tesla!
kys you abbo AIDS homosexes ridden faggot!
He had visions, and his emotional intelligence makes him more intelligent
than the rest of the geniuses from the
heard his new car is super speedy
heard they steal names of inventors to sell their
A casual glance at his inventions will tell you that he was indeed a genius, just not in a business sense.
He electrocuted that elephant that was already going to be put to death because it mauled people
why was that propogand allowed to go on for so long to now?
i dont believe that edison was a piece of shit, he is, and that your lying..
even if so that doesnt disprove that edison pretended it wasnt and this isnt his fault (is his fault)
>the way they claim dark
I already posted that Dark Matter is a dead theory:
>Dark Matter has been pretty much debunked.
>you started BITCHIGN at me saying im using something that uses quantum.
That wasn't me. I haven't chimed in on QM.
>try running everything off dc then faggot
I run stuff off of AC and DC.
I do believe that you are raging against the wrong person. Or do you simply rage at the world constantly?
He was a serbnigger
Proof that Serbs are the true masterrace.
Gods chosen
i seen you link i made my own i described IT ALSO
fuck your link lnigger i agree with mine. unless yours agrees with mine, i dont fucking care
did you even read what i put? di dyou check out my link instead maybe? i agree with myself and wont be reading YOUR HORSESHIT you have no other reason to keep repeating it except your stupid
i want right answers and people who are right are insestive, and can explain it themselves. not bullshit
fukc off fuck off i lijnknedyea you switch around this shit from different postes i got back and forth
you didnt read i was >> to another person on the second part you bring up on your 3rd non-point
you must be talking to someone else
go fuck yourself about dc or ac i again was >> to someone else
on this shit which you replied to the one i >>(YOU)
on that one. go fuck yourself with your dc or ac
i dont care
>I run stuff off of AC and DC.
Edison wanted to use DC for distribution, which is full potato.
>(((empircal scientific method)))
Huh? Are you suggesting that physics should be completely aprioristic?
You're fucking retarded
no i dont have to need that
you JEW
how would science work?
People who claim to be scientific as a way to refute people are the epitome of a dunce. A real scientist always questions his conclusions.
Tesla doesn't even come close to Maxwell or Euler or Newton, and so on. His free energy solution is just a meme, and his ramblings against modern physics like QM and relativity are crank-tier.
Take your schizophrenic ramblings back to /x/ where you belong
>on this shit which you replied to the one i >>(YOU)
You truly need to follow the bread crumbs better.
Here's a screencap of the (You)s:
Enjoy your rage. I hope you get your head straightened out.
WASP. funny way of spelling JEW. Fuck off "1 post by this ID" fuckin' rotating proxies shill poster.
yeah, good luck telling that to reddit fags, it's like none of them have ever studied history or read a book. Edison contributed far more to the modern world then Tesla, and the only reason Tesla gets shilled so hard is because he was an immigrant and Edison was a born American and there's a push to shit all over everything American from butthurt euromutts
I do work with mobile equipment which runs off of `12V DC. Edison's DC distribution was good for up to a mile. Tesla's polyphase motor made AC generators the way to go.
you stupid fuckign godamnpiece of shit
you replied to that comment
it has 2 >> in it
different ones
1st is you
youfollowing that????? nigger
you replied and liinked it
then another one without reading whta i put in it, also linked to you, this was another reply of mine
yuo acted like i didnt hear YOU by not reading what I put
then after you try insult me
you go back to my other 1st reply with 2 >> links in it
and start going offon me on the 2nd >>
not linked to you
twice to make non-points
fuck off now retard
cant use the godamn comptuer get off of it
fuck edison DC and then what?
your a piece of shit tesla invented way more stuff
>oh but i was agbble to take a bank loan out and get jews with money leftover from bubbles tehy created and deeprssions thhink napoleon to doo sutff
wow amazin great job fantastic
go kil yourself
i do not care about your fucking godamn LINK
(video) I SAID 2 TIMES
your link is still there no matter HOW Many times you cry at me
He died a virgin. He one of us
Redditors are the cringiest fuckers ever. It's like that annoying kid that doesn't get the hint and wont go away.
That's the most Jewish thing I've read here.
>the way they claim dark matter(not prove) is because they wonder why teh stars stay at their positions' as a galaxy spins
>... well why does a ice skater not have their arms and legs wrap around them when they spin?
>its ilke a bicycle wheel
>if there was dark matter, we'd run into it... i forget what their claim is on this but why we dont
>ive watched videos explaining ALL these quantum phenomenon, and came to these conclusions, some stuff are new ideas.
I debunked it in my own godamn words and you wont listen yo upiece of shit
Underrated and extremely badass
Unfortunately too autistic to capitalize on his own genius
Tesla is a legend, the only people that hate him are some Americans because they cant stand the fact his a Serb not American.
durr im gonan debunk yo uby using old shit again durrr durr
yea sure about that th ecia wasnt involved in his downfall just some type of something different says ??
what superman comic #1?
superman comic #1 he fought a
"mad scientist" so they where making fun of tesla in superman
so thats who superman is some type of hero for yoursutpid fagogts who likes that shit
Have you americans been taught about John Atanasoff?
He is not underrated at all. If you've studied physics, you'd know that. Teachers and lecturers speak of him nicely.
He was in favour of eugenics: /ourguy/
Based as Fuck. Any Q's?
literally everyone was for eugenics back then.
It's literally common sense for anyone who understands natural selection.
immigration laws wherent all fucked
niggers where seperated segregation went on, niggers where different and seperated