Why is this still a thing?
The economy is more productive than ever, shouldn't we have to work less as a result?
40 Hour Work Week
most people have to work 40 hours at least to pay the bills.
>europeans don't work
Fun fact:
In 1930 one could fill a house with groceries for $20.00...
In 2017 one can fill the house with groceries for $500.00
Figure it out.
>tfw working 60+ hours a week
i don't even want the over time they just keep giving it
No, I refuse. Tell me the answer.
But Great Depression.
Sure. Work less and consume less if you like. It's all up to you.
where is china?
No, that.
>The economy is more productive than ever, shouldn't we have to work less as a result?
We would have to work less, but we have all these invaders and shitskins whose mere presence drives down the price of labor and whose consumption of goods and services raises the prices of goods and services. Additionally, they add burdens and costs to every aspect of life and the markets in which they are involved.
>The economy is more productive than ever, shouldn't we have to work less as a result?
This is time inconsistent.
Barring short term fluctionations, the amount of work should be relatively constant over time.
Every hour you don't work towards contributing towards improving technology is an hour more work for your kid's kid's kids.
Granted, their time isn't more valuable than yours, it is roughly the same. Ergo you should work such that your future progeny would have to work roughly the same amount, so on, forever.
If you believe the level of our ancestors was too high, yea we can permanently lower that now. Otherwise, we have to follow in their footsteps.
8 hours a day 5 days a week is NOT that much.
>Work less?
>Make more?
That's not how it works.
I work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you don't work at least 90 hours a week, you aren't even trying to make money.
>muh free time
Watching jewtube?
Going to clubs?
Hanging with "friends"? (Other degenerates)
Working long hours gets you paid AND clear of the degenerate behavior lots of young adults fall into with too much free time.
Work is what makes and defines a man.
Who do you think was doing the rampant speculation that caused the Crash and Depression?
This can't be right. How are Japs so low? Don't they work insanely long hours?
pic related is the actual reason
I spend $80 on two weeks of groceries and I have to buy for one person. it's cheaper to cook for a family, so I doubt the average family has to spend more than $350 a month on groceries today if they are purchasing intelligently
This is inspiring me for Monday
You've been Jew'd, user.
>18 hours a week
>On Sup Forums
Do you sleep?
Same. I get paid hourly too. Anything over 40 hours/week is automatic overtime. They keep trying to make me salary too but I know that they'd work me 60+ hours a week and I'd get paid less.
what? i thought mexicans were lazy? you burgers lied to me!
Because people need to work
>In 2017 one can fill the house with groceries for $500.00
In the US? You're buying processed filth or muh organic bullshit
>If you don't work at least 90 hours a week, you aren't even trying to make money.
2000% wagecucked
I've noticed that outside of work most people do nothing more than consume Jewish propaganda (hollywood productions like tv shows or movies). I like working so you can fuck off you lazy shit.
This guy understands, what do you do?
One could by an ounce of gold for $20 in 1930. So your point is?
More time to relax so we can be more productive and time effective.
All the countries at the bottom have the best happyness indexes and comparatively are as productive as the US.
>In 2017 one can fill the house with groceries for $500.00
t. retard who can't cook and doesn't know how to eat
The ones here just come here to make babies and collect welfare while they sit around all day.
Russians and Americans work more than Japanese lol
Define work. In joules?
Yeah, I can feed myself and two others for $100 week and still have room to go much lower
>japan works less than america
i refuse to believe that
This. I spend $175x2/month and we aren't budget shopping. That's meat for dinner every night. Problem is people spend too much on snacks and drinks. Then they wonder why they're fat and broke.
Many Japa are NEETs. Skews the average.
>Greece second highest on the list
>STILL can't pay denbts
You can't make this shit up.
We commute 3 hours on average
Get this: only the worst people a nation can offer immigrate nowaday.