WTF happened?
I leave Sup Forums for a week and literally every thread is a shill thread
It sounds like your definition of shill has diluted so much that you've become paranoid. Nobody is trying to sell you anything.
try to stop us trump dick sucker this boards ours now don't like it ?
They found out about the fake facebook groups/events to cause chaos, they're blaming it on the russians for now. Apparently theres indictments unveiled monday for who knows.
It seems as though nobodies making an attempt at a different strategy either, its odd.
shills, those threads you were kicking, were quite bottylicious.
why does pol make words become meaningless?
Everyone calls them shills as a nickname, but they're just paid posters.
Sup Forums has been filled up with shills, you have to go deeper for quality now
Nothing changed, you just didn't realize it before.
They're making more slide threads than normal.
1500 indictments.
I dont think it's the jews user. I'm seeing too many twiddling thumbs.
Who runs pizzagate? Mossad.
Who did Harvey Weinstein hire? Mossad?
Who did 911? JFK? Vegas? Pulse? etc etc etc? mossad.
:) It's actually happening.
>Zionist puppet theatrics
user, none of the jews in my area have done anything out of the ordinary, not a single one looks worried or concerned. They're not your friendly neighborhood spider-jews either.
I think this is an unveil.
Mods are relaxing, except for porn (although earlier tonight I think I succeeded in drawing their attention to some /x/-tier bs about Merkel being a lizard).
This is the future. They are completely unable to deal with us, so they're messing up our board. We must post (without replying) in shillthreads, clearly and succinctly laying out why they are shills (one-line writing prompt, no source, unarchived source, emotional babble, viral marketing, etc). The reasons must always be ideologically neutral. Good luck.
Nobody has had a concrete definition of shill for the past goddamn year, don't pretend otherwise.
Fuck off JIDF. Everyone knows it's the Zionist shills. Stop trying to push your kike bullshit.
Media caught hold of the last stunt now flood the place trying to get the next step. No worries they got no attention span. Soon be back to business as usual.
Paid posters, leftypol, sjw infiltrators, and intelligence agencies are all called shills. Shills are basically anyone who isn't a genuine poster. That's the best definition I can come up with.
>Argentine submariners heard crying for help at these frequencies:
today's Jay Eff Kaye docs are juicy as fuck
Instant slide whenever it's brought up
all day
There's no time for breaks soildier. We need more men on the frontlines. Theres tranny , nigger, gook , feminist , and kike shill threads at every turn.We are getting inundated with the full barrage
how can you expect the plebs to hold the line without the presence of the epitome of virtue that is (You). Faggot
>user, none of the jews in my area have done anything out of the ordinary, not a single one looks worried or concerned. They're not your friendly neighborhood spider-jews either.
>I think this is an unveil.
What did he mean by this?
Reminder the companies that fund the shills here got an $18 billion cash injection. If you thought people shitpost here before they're doing it a hell of a lot more now.
Also its a confirmed fact that some asshole is using a VPN bot to flood threads he doesn't like on many boards and the mods are helpless. Not really sure what can be done at this point, possibly a new Captcha system