Redpill me on Hunter S Thompson

redpill me on Hunter S Thompson

did he participate in Bohemian Grove rituals?

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He was a degenerate and so are you. Sage for hippy bullshit

yes also the guy was a known child fucker pushed on the mob by their masters

In a video on Letterman he said
>"I rented him like a step child"
Whatever the fucking hell that means....

A teacher used to say stuff like that. now that I recollect my memories he was also a writer that loved drugs and indiscriminate sex. he often talked about his "nephews and cousins" in his prime

Has to be one of the most overrated writers in American history. Had 0 relevance after like, I don't know, 1979? Nevertheless, each year sa new crop of brainlets discover him and shill for him and his mediocre garbage like they're the first to ever do it.

I did myself when I was 16 then turned 18 and his garbage made me cringe .

Hunter S. is the most innovative prose stylist and journalist of all time. Fearless and critical to the end.

Don't ask Sup Forums, they don't read books, never have and never will. pick up a book of his and decide for yourself.

t.16 year old trump dick sucker

lashing out just because you don't understand it reflects more on you than his work user


you REALLY need to kill yourself, for more reasons than one.

stop pushing some strung out hack here kid

t.16 year old trump dick sucker

The man embraced his hedonism, integrated it into his work, used it to supercharge his production; it was part of a larger programme of the unflinching search for truth. blowing up for good the inherited notion of false objectivity in journalism. takes a lot of courage to break with the hegemonic ideas in your profession and invent a new way forward.

also his obsession was political corruption, and he was calling the whole American political structure a sick house of cards 45 years ago, kind of like we do now.

Got anyone more useful to read?

Why do people glamorize and associate with obvious narcissists? This sociopath committed suicide because he got too old and left his son without a father. This failure was not a man, only an animal.

Brilliant writer. Miserable human being. Drank, snorted, and smoked as much as could until he said fuck this shit and blew his brains out. Admired by those who haven't yet figured out that there's nothing admirable about being miserable.

So degenerate, desu.
What do you mean, "recollect my memories"?

>also his obsession was political corruption, and he was calling the whole American political structure a sick house of cards 45 years ago, kind of like we do now.Got anyone more useful to read?

prose isn't a compliment tho
>muh gonzo
wow 3rd world tier journalism.

Someone want to play devils advocate for me here?
Why would a snuff film lover kill himself?

I don't want you to kill yourself. I need to make sure this is done right.

He as a great guy

He was their go to camera man, so yes.

He was good writer, he had very readable books that were interesting.

I doubt many critics on /pol actually read him...

He was very anti establishment, believed whole heatedly in many conspiracies of people in power...

Rum diaries criticizes slut culture and black/white mixing and the depravity of women.

All this while basically admiring he is a degenerate lost in a sea of degeneracy, thompson was a bit like a drug addict warning about the dangers of drugs.

>many conspiracies of people in power...
Campaign Trail '72 should be required reading because of how the movers and shakers are reduced to just fuckups with problems like anyone else. Easier to see back in the stripped-down campaigns of that time - but useful today.

HT had Nixon Derangement Syndrome. He was like the Keith Olberman of the 1970's.

>Admired by those who haven't yet figured out that there's nothing admirable about being miserable.