I never expected to say this but I wish super never happen

I never expected to say this but I wish super never happen
It just ruined everything


is this recent ? im actually laughing out loud

Anti-super propoganda at full swing. >150025590
Who is paying you? Tell me, who's your boss?

>ITT: autistic nostalgiafag circlejerk
Super is fine.

Get over it man. It's bad. It's not even fun anymore. It's just frustrating.

ruined what? bu arc was very bad aswell, dbz never ended in a good state so i dont see anything of value lost, maybe whats currently is goin on on super is not the very best but at least you have the hope that eventually they gonna pull something awesome hate all you want but zamasu arc was decent vs what happen before with Frezzer and the tournament arc

Buu saga gave us ssj3, ultimate gohan, fusions and a major development on vegeta's character
I guess you could say it's the worst dbz saga, that's debatable but is not way near to this monstrosity called super
And the zamasa arc was possibly the worst arc so far and you need to get some taste, retards like you is the reason toei can get away with garbage like this

nope it's not.
opinions are different and people like different things, senpai.
I for example watched db when I was a kid, dbz when I was a teenager, rewatched db and dbz (kai) in my early and mid-20's and now I watch super and I like it. a lot.
you can't deny that zamasu was a pretty badass villain.
sure, the first 20-something episodes were just retelling the movies. but the movies were good. beerus and whis are great additions

but okay, what's your opinion? why is super bad, besides the bad animation in some episodes?

which is useless
>major development on vegeta's character
so has super
>ultimate gohan
super has had some major development with him too, whether or not you like it is a different story.
>zamasa arc was possibly the worst arc so far
zamasu was a great villain because he's been the first db villain who we've seen develop from the very beginning and we saw the roots of his motivations and his descent into insanity. how's that bad?

Dragon Ball didn't have a satisfactory finale, but that didn't excuse GT, and doesn't excuse Super. It's like trying to wipe a stain in the floor with shit, yeah, there's a stain and it has to be wiped but you're making things worse.

not him but how are we defining good here? I mean if you watch it with your brains turned off and kinda just enjoy the badly written, weirdly messed up wild ride then it sure as hell can be entertaining. Entertaining is good so yes, I agree that it's "good". However compared to pretty much any other anime out there it sucks massive balls, I think we all can agree to that can't we?

>you can't deny that zamasu was a pretty badass villain

Zamasu was unbearable. When he and Black were mysterious figures, we could theorize they would be something more interesting than what they actually were. His speeches about how much humanity sucks seemed so edgy and out of place and they would have been bearable if he didn't feel the need to sperg about how much he hates ningens at every occasion to the point that the other characters even make fun of his autism. I mean, at this point is funny because he became a meme and writers are so lazy they let him won without any character realizing it, but he sucks as a character. His motivation is terribly bland, he gets some points for being smart enough to pull all the shit he pulled, but at the same time, why did he even fuck around that much in the future instead of wiping Earth in ten seconds, like Majin Boo did? Also what was his endgame? He killed all gods, he wanted to kill all ningens, his perfect universe was just an empty universe? Just with two versions of himself? That makes for great memes of him fucking his alternate self, and it could fly with some brainless shits like Majin Boo, but Zamasu was a god and he should be intelligent enough to realize how pointless it was.

Zamasu was great for memes, but in the end of the day he was an edgy pretentious piece of shit. At least other crappy villains in Dragon Ball were openly retarded, instead of pretending to make sense.

not that guy you're aguing with but are you seriously comparing the Buu saga to Super? Come on man.

>useless SSJ3
which is totally supers fault. SSJ3 would still be badass if this series had actual credible writers.

>Gohan development
Super made the literally strongest man in the universe into pic related. I mean how can one fuck up a character that bad? It's almost like they did it on fucking purpose out of spite or something

>super has development on vegetas character
No. They have completely rewritten his character, complete change isn't the same as development.

I'll give you that the Zamasu arc was the best until now but that is mostly due to the other arcs being complete shit. Also they completely shat the bed with the end of that arc too so that's that.

>which is useless
in super which is a part of the reason why super sucks
>so has super
bullshit, cooking and doing stupid dances is not character development
>super has had some major development with him too, whether or not you like it is a different story.
What development? We barely see him
Also that massive power down makes no sense, in 4 years he went from the strongest character in the series to getting cucked by first form frieza
they realized the major fucked up they did and they prepare him for a come back

>zamasu was a great villain because he's been the first db villain who we've seen develop from the very beginning and we saw the roots of his motivations and his descent into insanity. how's that bad?

No he wasn't, he went from I hate all ningens cause reason to I hate all ningens cause reasons, that's literally it
Very predictable and swallow character


>Super is fine.
Why are you lying?

Super is truly the AOTY 2016. You can say by the number of Super and anti-Super threads everyday on Sup Forums.

the zamasu/ningen threads are not pro super they made by kids trying to fit in
here you see some actual discussion there you see a bunch of wojak and pepe memes

Maybe all this controversy was planned.

wanna play bud?

>ITT: GTfag shilling

>mfw GT is canon means we'll have a shitty 5 second form Cell took and Canon Jobgeta
i rather want Young Jiji's DBAF to be canon instead

>literally strongest man in the universe
>never does anyhthing major besides killing off Cell for good

He as well was shown as massive nerd and weakling at the end of DBZ, Super changed nothing about Gohan, he was pathetic from the beginning.



Right right is fair to compare a 26 years old zoom in non key frame with a today key frame
And the irony is the old is still better


Dumb ningen final kamehameha and other such penny attacks will work against me what you need is pull a sword out of your ass just like the one Trunks is holdi--
Never mind I am the universe now, it's magic ain't explaining shit

Nice blog post, OP.

Go to back to your "it's time" thread faggot, we don't want your cancer here

>this is a still image in 2016

>The Zero Humans Plan!
Please tell me this is just a bad translation.

No. Vegeta in the Buu saga before he killed himself accepted finally his damn family and later accepted how Goku was better and why he was better than him in calm way.

Super says "my bulma" and you see a Vegeta going back into this stupid rivality in obsessed angry way instead of just training and give it a go. So, what was his develpment? Doing stupid shit to please Beerus because is scared of him?

Family man...? Like in the End of Z but without "I think I can still be a super saiyan" and without Piccolo dying again because of him?

Rushed ending. Never explained why Black has magic powers like those clones. Black was much more interesting as villain than Zamasu.
Zamasu's reason for hating ningens could have been interesting if, for example, he saw something 1000years later and then he decides to erase them for that reason, instead of "ningen are inferior, blablabla, flaws, gods are perfect, I am perfect and beautiful" into an insane point. And the reason Zamasu seemed to go insane was because Goku touched him and was stronger than him. That's fucking stupid. Worse is how Gowasu kept ignoring how Zamasu was getting insane because "that will go. Is just teenage hormones. I will ask some tea and things will go away"

Super is a pile of shit and anyone autistically defending it is just doing it to fuck with you morons. Nobody actually fucking likes this show.

The thing is, at the beginning Black was just toying with Trunks to get stronger. Then he meets Goku and realizes he can get stronger just by fighting him. That's why he never killed all humans in that time.
The problem is when Black and Zamasu actually want to kill everyone and they fail hard. Fat Buu would explode cities just with air. Super Buu could kill every weak human being just by spamming ki blast from Kamis place(survivors were Mr.satan because mr.satan and Tenshinhan because martial arts). Zamasu didn't, they exploded things but it was just empty spaces or already destroyed buildings. In fact for god level all these explosions are a joke compared to Buu saga.
Worse of everything is how humans fought back and survived. Humans that don't know martial arts. So next time we want Tenshinhan or Krillin back just give them shotguns, snipers and gas bomb. It seems gods get confused by those type of weapons

It is, it's supposed to be Zero Mortals Plan

zettai zero ningen keikaku

Starting with Future Trunks saga fighting became much better.

I think it's pretty clear that at the time animators weren't too hot on working on the fights from the movies with lesser budget themselves.

Kys and you're ningen taste

you guys should know by now thaat they purposely botch the animation so they can sell the BDs

Beerus and Whis are great

everything else is just awful

how are they gonna fix this in BD?

who will buy this shit after last arc?

Sorry for the late response, but it's just frustrating to see. The way Goku acts, the boring power ups, and the iffy fights. I enjoyed Black, but zamasu was just annoying and whiney.

Personally, I think Beerus and Whis were a mistake. They are fine characters, but their addition made a limit that was never gonna last. Actually, that mistake was made back when they made Buu, the strongest fighter or whatever in the universe.

I was very excited when the universal tournament was shown, but disappointed by the fights. I was super fucking hype when future trunks showed up again, and adult Mai, and Vegito as well, but just ended up disappointed by the end of the arc.

I don't hate super, but it could have been so much better.

Beerus is shit and is partially responsible for how retarded Super is at this point

Quit defending "super" it's a piece of shit serious..
Unless your into shitty shit, then take your fetish to Sup Forums.



You have shit taste and probably think Cell is anything other than trash. Don't post again.

I actually like it. The two movies were great and the Super season is fun. Dragon Ball as a whole was never any good. It lost its "ADVENTURE OF THE YOUTH" appeal shortly into the DragonBall run. By Z it was just another shitty shonen anime. Super at least has some CUHRAZEE.

Garbage taste.

Don't care for Cell but any of the three Z villains are better than a shitty cat that never actually fights after his debut and forces terrible humor

With every post your taste just keeps getting worse. What do you want, for Beerus to just nuke any threat that shows up? Because that's what would happen if he fought every time something happened.

Toei exagerates with Whis and Beerus's food shit.
The other problem is that introducing the gods made the stakes way too high and then saying "only gods can sense other gods" it gets into a point everyone is useless aside of Goku, Vegeta and if they want Gohan like they did with Future Trunks. Unless they pull a Namek God, Piccolo will be a comic relief and babysitter like he is since Buu saga. Goten is literally written off and kid Trunks will never do anything as kid and as long Super is placed in this 10 years bullshit until the EoZ. Oh yes, there is Mr. Buu that is always sleeping.
And if there are no plans of Goku and Vegeta getting into Beerus level any time "soon", then what's the fucking point? If they can't use Vegetto, if Blue isnt enough to be close to Beerus, then what are they going to do? Introduce just other universe characters that are weak except for like 4 characters in the other 11 universes while gods and kais are just watching?

And the tournament was a disappointment because we think of the older tournaments and all that choreography. The fighters were also a disappointment due to the fact that Goku and Vegeta alone could defeat them alone except for Hit.

I'd like if Beerus hadn't been retconned by Super into being that unreachable tier of power
I'd like if the shitty cat wasn't just around for shitty gags about how scarily strong he is

Garbage tastes? You think the series as a whole (all of it) is quality? It is just stretched out weekly shonen nonsense.

DragonBall had charm, for a little while, while it was still about the coming of age of a boy and his grand adventure. It immediately came to a halt and became serialized weekly garbage.

The only redeeming value after that was "how CUHRAZEE will it be next week?'

the original dragon ball isn't that great aside from the initial arc, tao pai pai and the 22nd/23rd world tournaments

It isn't how crazy next week will be
It's how badly will Toei fuck up this already terrible arc next week

guess this guy's funny (epitomizes the "goofy old experienced guy gets completely one upped by simple kid" shtick)

Freindly reminder to not reply to retards.

it didn't happen, what the shit are you talking about?

he was definitely a villain in his debut

Reminder that Dragon Ball Super is perfectly fine and quite enjoyable on it's own. The three main groups that shit on it are as follow:

>Autistic spic anons

villain noun:
1.a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel.
2.a character in a play, novel, or the like, who constitutes an important evil agency in the plot

Beerus was just doing his job, nothing evil about that..

>doing his job
>when fights Champa and destroys a bunch of planets because they are in the way
>when he wanted to destroy Earth because Saiyan God not there and Earth was supposed be on the list for a later time


I never got you fags who say the newest season ruined X. The older stuff doesn't get magically worse, if you don't like super just don't watch it. A new season / movie of a series is NEVER a bad thing.

If Vegeta went great ape during Frieza Saga what changes?

>part of the job
>being hasty is now evil

havent seen any of super aside from the movies

are you guys saying gohan doesnt get any better? ;-;

it's not shit because it's new you dumb faggot
super is literally worse than DB / DBZ in every way possible. how did Toei manage to do that? no one fucking knows

>Beerus was just doing his job, nothing evil about that..

so was frieza, cell, buu and hitler
no one is evil ever stop using this word

kys retard

Its shite and you should feel bad for your shit taste

Frieza was being an emperor and oblitarated planets because he felt like it, Cell wanted to kill everything for no reason at all other than to prove he is the best and buu has always been refered to as evil incarnate

You should probably take your own advice, cunt nigger

>Frieza was being an emperor and oblitarated planets because he felt like it,
Not true

>Cell wanted to kill everything for no reason at all other than to prove he is the best
Not true

>buu has always been refered to as evil incarnate
Doesn't matter what he was referred as

Again even your statements were true it doesn't matter cause nothing anyone ever does is evil. they were just doing what they were meant to do
Can't see how retarded you're with your double standards furfag?

At least it made GT look good.

I love Super, its not perfect, my main complaint is that stuff is rushed and not always explained and the animation can be very bad (I miss the old washed out colors personally), but I love it, its fun.

There is some stuff that could be done a lot better, yeah, but its still just silly fun old dragon ball, and I'm fine with that. As someone whose favorite character has always been Future Trunks, and yeah he's always been a bit of a gary stu, more-so in Super, I'm so glad Super gave me the ending it did, it was bittersweet and heartbreaking to see everyone wishing him well, even Vegeta, Goku saying he was strong enough, and the little thing between him and Gohan/F. Gohan, him admitting his weakness and the implications of "Just be well man, stop putting everything on your shoulders all the time, we all fail."

I loved it and its finally an ending to his story that I felt was satisfactory and just completed a part of my childhood. People are free to their own opinions of Super even if I find some of them to be a bit harsh and spergy at times, but I like it, so its all that matters to me. I legit don't think it ruined anything at all.

>Gods of destruction are appointed by the King of All himself to maintain balance

>Not true
Not an argument, he was enslaving people and planets for his own personal gain

>Not true
Not an argument, it's literally his entire character, wanting to prove he is the best, he even created a tournament to prove he is the best. Guess who else want to prove he is the best? Goku. You don't see him going around planets and threatening to destroy them

>Doesn't matter matter what the author himself has stated about said character
Never mind the whole evil vs good fat buu

try again when your IQ reaches a point that is bigger than Celsius degrees faggot


>haven't watched anime in years
>come occasionally for the memes
>they revived dbz
>it looks horrible

That's 2006-deviantart-tier bullshit my man.

You made false statements I called you out and your response is "no an argument", what does that even mean?

You're reaching autism levels that shouldn't be possible

Also you literally said nothing so I assume you just gave up, too easy

Dragon Ball was never good

>he thinks typing "not true" with nothing to back it up is a counter point
You can stop pretending to be retarded any time now

I'm not even sure what your argument is, how can you look at Frieza literally build a galactic army and terrorize/destroy multiple planets and say that's not evil? I know you're trolling but at least put some thought into it.

We're going to have to wait for Kai.

So mad I buttraped you that you started samefagging now?

Even if we are on Sup Forums, I find it hard to believe that people can be this sad.

Nice dubs tho

Super is entertaining and I'll watch it, but it feels like a joke 'feel happy' series than an actual serious continuation of Z. Dont even compare Super to Dragonball because despite Dragonballs comedy, it still had better writing and character elopement.

Super is basically a shitty fan fic come to life. In fact, there is no doubt some fanfic out there with awful 15 year old Dragonball AF ssj5 cover art is written better than Super.

i like super and im a gohanfag. my only complaints are animation and the fact that gohan gets so little screen time

>than an actual serious continuation of Z.
Oh boy. This is just between the 10 year gap from buu saga to end of Z. This isn't even a continuation of Z, just some shit placed in the middle retelling shit like Freeza knowing about Saiyan Gods or Vegeta knowing about Beerus since a kid

You fags will gobble up anything that Toriyama shits out his ass with the name Dragonball slapped onto it

Yeah it's actually Humans 0 Plan


Super did literally make Vegtto worse though.

Toei's tv show stuck in filler hell until the manga does the franchise justice.
Toei should stick to making gifs of the manga.

Not DB Minus

Literally nobody cared about Vegetto except power level fags. Good riddence.

>my main complaint is that stuff is rushed
what the fuck are you talking about. it's impossible for a series that will probably have 100+ episodes to be rushed. it's the bad writing and pacing that's making it feel rushed

it didn't "ruin" anything, the original still exist you retard. If you don't like it just ignore it

>humans fought back and survived

They might have survived, but they never ever hurt either Zamasu or Black with a gun. Not ever with Bulma's guns.