He's a nigger, so no.
Niggers are the best danc-
He should have hit her twice, apparently she didn't learn the lesson the first time.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
no, hes a nigger. but the guy defending the bitch is the biggest faggot in this situation
Nigger or not. Respect where respect is due.
But then again, you're probably a numale soyboy.
A woman telling a nigger from Manhattan who is riding a bus/train to close his legs and not expecting to get punched... blacklivesmatter
Looked and sounded like a homeless drug addict. Why does anyone ride the subway in NYC? It's nothing but self abuse. But so is living in NYC.
And she looks and sounds like a retarded coal burner too. Didn't get punched hard enough, because she was still running her mouth afterward.
Just don't open your mouth or make eye contact when taking public transportation.
black man hits white woman in 1957, he dies. Black man hits white woman in 2017, Sup Forums creams their collective pants.
Have we heard any response from Huffpost, Salon, the feminists, or Tumblr on this one?
I like how the "Jesus will judge you!" guy is kicking someone while they are down
wtf I love niggers now
She was harassing him because he was a black man. She's sexist and racist.
I could watch this shit all day.
will someone just post the fucking video, damn
Seriously you niggers, where the fuck is that God damn tape.
oh fuck off
He apparently was YOUR boy. Now they're BOTH getting what they deserve.
Niggers don't deserve respect, just the rope. Just because this ugly ape punched out an annoying, stupid bitch doesn't mean I'm going to respect him.
Funny, since only soy boys say niggers deserve respect.
Doesn't say you can't in the bible
Becky forgot her place in the hierarchy of victimhood.
Jamal reminded her. That is all.
He's literally doing God's work.
what did they expect? Dancing in the middle of a freeway? Even children know not to play on the road
What her name again?
See filename Pic related describes her holiday meal next Thursday
>cunt put in her place
>nigger in jail
best case scenario possible
It's very funny to me how these liberal feminist types defend muslims and niggers. Not thinking about how they will btfo them when the niggers and muslims have their way. Dumb fucking cunts.
Literal fucking chimps, Jesus. These are not the same species as white people.
video is only after the punch, once the off-doody cop steps up
Is this her?
No, even a bind pig gets an acorn now and then.
true, well put
Don't think so. Compare shoulder tattoo
Comparing assholes may provide more insight though
A shame this pic isn't scratch and sniff
You know, sometimes I hear people call white trash white niggers, but I truly never see them do anything remotely like this
her fingernails look like toenails on a fat bitches feat.
Same. Ghetto niggers and white trash are nothing like eachother
Nooe, he was a nigger
Kek. Theyre like monkeys used in 90's films, just more violent and less Intelligent
how much exposure to white trash have you actually had? I live in methville WV and I've seen shit you wouldn't believe, gun battles, looting, midnight burglaries and broad daylight robberies, the whole nine yards.
although being from methville WV i have thankfully not had much exposure to niggers so maybe i'm just conflating the worst thing I know with them
Sounds like she finally got equal rights
I bet this is white males' fault.
*Breathes in*
He's a nigger so no but that feminist trash definitely deserved that and more tbqh.
>asian men
Every time.
This is just the left eating itself.
Don't associate us with their self-destruction, they did this to themselves.
However it's still a win.
You have to give it to niggers that they're not ashamed to put roasties into their place. Whitebois should learn a thing or two.
This is where the negra is right. White guys don't stand up to shitwhores enough.
is that really fucking necessary
nearly brought up my breakfast
Whites are any better? Look at any pride parade where they are literally drinking urine of randoms and are getting adopted as 6 year old girls while being 52 year old men themselves. Both "races" need to be gassed. You fuckers are even spreading your degeneracy here.
No, anyone from the middle East must never be described as Asian.
What do you have against the smell of fresh pine on a crisp day
reeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm so sick of all these squinty eyed gooks coming over here raping kids and doing kung fu.
>NYC is safe
>Being around blacks is safe
>He got away with it
>Went to a fucking Urgent Care
Holy shit this tweet is 110% fucking crazy
Fucking hilarious and saved.
>Anyone from Asia just never be described as Asian
Explain your mental gymnastics cuck
Bro, that IS Jesus...Savage...
jesus christ she's disgusting
he is a degenerate.
If some wimen starts complayining about "manspreading", make her feel even worse.
Every fucking time on public transport I spread my legs as wide as possible. What is the best thing to do in such situation? Just look at her, laugh and if possible film her. If it provokes her to get physical because she feels empowered, let it happen. Sue her after and GG.
Fuck off mudslime