What went so wrong in England?

What went so wrong in England?

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They sided with the Jews instead of their own race.

The Jews showed their thanks.

It's literally better off than America.
Also this

Emasculation carried out by Jewish influence thanks to the Holohaox


They didn't take Hitler's peace proposal.

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, that's what

*armistice until Hitler needed something from France

All the good men died during the two wars. We're what's left over.



>What went so wrong in England?

What went so wrong in Australia?


Churchill never had any power. He was a puppet to the banks the merchants of death and by god they would have war.

>left: the deadliest conflict in human history

>right: the most peaceful time in human history

I don't see the problem.


After the war any Englishman who was serious about an honest day's pay for an honest day's work left for the US, Canada or Australia (or Rhodesia).

Pakis, poos and niggers were imported from former colonies to take their places. The rest is history.

And that somehow makes this outcome better?

>Good men
>Vote in favour of gay marriage

Guess again, drongo

That's why he declare war to Germany.

>divide and conquer
always useful, always good.

Ancient Greece invented gay sex with young boys.

I'm sure (((you))) don't.

Speak for yourself. My grandfather was in the trenches, and at Monte Cassino. He survived and had 3 children.

just how thick are you?


Thank God, im Orthodox and i can immigrate to eastern Russia where Christianity is booming.


>my anecdotal evidence is all the evidence i need
strewth, you and this absolute dope are proof that what i said was true

false dichotomy

Canada and Australia have almost identical economic systems to Britain, brainlet.

As for america, have fun remortgaging your house when you have an accident or fall ill. Land of the free indeed.

what are you talking about you dumb nigger

Have your fucked up teeth penetrated the section of your brain that deals with reading and comprehension?


I'm actually upset about this, what can I do to help from over here?

You said the good men died in the war, my grandfather didn't die, ergo he wasn't a good man according to you. You can fuck off talking about him like that.


>Immigration is the same as violently entering a country

>me letting someone into my home is the same as them breaking in.

Are conservatives retarded?

Stay there


>Ancient Greece invented gay sex with young boys.

In ancient Greece faggotry was punishable and the sentence was stoning.
>Go read about Sodoma and gomorrah now eternal loser.

OP is not familiar with the way Jews reward their allies... or more accurately, the way they reward their subjects.

It's a story that has repeated itself over thousands of years. Each time the jewish tricks were banished from entire countries.
Until one day, when the British gave Jews power over the world.

>"Oi Churchill, that bloke Hitler started a war with France."
>"Well blimey, let's not have ourselves be outdone."

>implying ANY of us let them in here or support the idea of letting them in here
are kike rats that forgetful?

Ameriburger here

Tfw pefectly good teeth but brain still fucked from all the fluorides theyve absorbed

are you autistic?it's hyperbole you dipstick.
>war spares not the brave but the cowardly- anacreon
>hurr durr anacreon is an idiot becuz my grandfather was brave

>Literally create Israel


The rot had already begun to set in with Callaghan going begging to the IMF in the 70s ensnaring us in privatization with the globalist machine, but shit times really started accelerating when Tony bastard Blair got in.

tl;dr: Labour.

Any proof to your claim about stoning gays in Greece? Please reply

no it isn't

all city states were not Athens and the greek city states spanned for a very long period. To say the greeks were any one thing is silly and homosexuality was generally considered as being less of a man and the very least.

>Any proof to your claim about stoning gays in Greece? Please reply

Stoning started in Greece! Many ISIS laws, are ancient Greek, even their coin "Dinar" was Greek.
The name "Hellenes" meaning Stone and Light.

Google now Greek slingers and watch what the slingers writing on the stones before the execution or a war event.

You're the fucking retard, he meant the horrors of war, not death.

>prevent a foreign invasion



Better off than America isn't much to brag about

Britcucks were always ready to for the (((JEWS))) ready to fight for them and ready to destroy the Europe for eternity and ready to accept as many as possible refugees straight from the jails of Morocco.

Nice job Brits! You must be so proud to bomb Dresden and kill all those innocent civilians! Nice job guys!

No one is talking about it. What happened to the buildings on that street? They just vanished. SAD.

>My roommate brings in his girlfriend whom I dislike therefore his girlfriend is breaking in every time she walks through the door.

Again, are conservatives retarded?

>my jewish roommate brings in niggers who mess up the whole apartment and when I refuse to clean up after or cook for them he starts autistically ranting about my white privilege

As you can see Australian ape, you are faggots, you are dumb, you are pervs, you are weak, you are people without shame and brain. You never create something, you just stole it. You are just descendants of our Civilization.
The world will be a much better place without cumskins who using OUR HISTORY TO PROMOTE RACISM AND BIGOTRY so they can divide the Mediterranean brotherhood and make the niggers and the chinks to feel inferior.

when will newfags get it?


have fun with your niggers . Daily reminder that the WHITE man needs no niggers, kikes, freemasons or any other kind of Untermenschen

>implying we aren't heading down the same road

FPBP and the only true answer.

it's not a war

They are literally the benchmark for whiteness

Liberalism and Immigration.

Women were given the right to vote.

The USSR won WW2

Hitler wanted peace with all of Western Europe from the Documents we have. He wanted a free hand in eastern Europe with Poland as he invasion corridor. After France and Great Britain declared war it was simply a matter of securing the western front. Your argument is completely irrelevant because it assumes he wanted to conquer France and Great Britain in the first place.

Crusaders was a bounce of primitive snowy eurocucks and traitors.
Two crusades against Constantinople to loot and occupy the City who fighting the muslims and other two crusades to occupy the Holy Land.

>All of them failed.

Enjoy now the cultural enrichment.