>CPD Dispatch Stream:

>Same feed with ambient music:

>For Ambiance:

Zone-6 (isolated scanner of worst area)

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>Get Behind the Vest donation drive:
>Chicago cops aren't even issued fucking armor by their shithole city.

>The Chicago Police Department Memorial Fund (ALSO GET SOME SWEET SWEET MERCH):

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>Shootings ScoreboardS:

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>Chicago Racial Demographics:

>Chiraq Gangland Map:

>Police Codes:

>Chicago Police Dept. Directives:

>Related twitter

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/pD418Eky

This is still a thing?

It never wasn't a thing

It's always a thing.

>animal abuse call.
Nigger should be shot on site.

this guy sound like he's 18

Looks like the whinny faggot from /lpd/ made a thread FINALLY

So what's Chiraq like tonight lads? Is it as much of a warzone as it has been?

>child abuse call
>slamming things and throwing things around
>child screaming really loud

and the cycle of nigging continues

It's chilly and a New Moon so expect plenty of domestics


Only went into /lpd/ once to give link. Never posted there before tonight. I'm the user who did most of the bingo cards for /cpd/

>plenty of domestics
I know it's mostly niggs but does anyone know how often illegal spics get caught up in this shit?


MALE HISPANIC makes appearances fairly frequently. There are at least 2 hispanic gangs at war with each other in Chiraq. Check the gang map in the OP link.



Let's get some bingo cards up in this bitch



Did that officer just reply to
>paper car

>male Hispanic
I wonder how many are illegal? These damn cartel gangs need to be dealt with. Could we somehow get them classified like ISIS or something so we can get our military involved? At least at the border it's a bloodbath there. But the big cities like Chiraq, and Nuevo Houston are terrible too

Ready for action

Trying to find locations card. I'm sure I have the original somewher if not I'll get my pc and find it

Ive looked for /CPD/ lately

and never found it

nice to see still going, seems the cool weather has slowed things down

Check Yo Keys!

Life got in the way, haven't been around to bake bread. I think there was only about 5 of us who would bake.

I mostly just read and listened along, miss these threads

I just like to count with friends

drop them dank cpd may mays
> white power robert in the houseeee

Was going to go out for a drink tonight but just saw this thread. Time to get /comfy/ instead.

I'm heading to the gym her in a few minutes. 4 chins is blocked on the wifi there so can only browse with vpn can't post. So if anyone wants to bake if it's needed before I get back I'd appreciate it.

Ill be up another hour or so
Can cover it that long
Have a good workout

>Honey Butter Fried Chicken

female sheboon breaking the doors down

CPD is garbage. They "sent someone" to talk to my friend when a nig stole his phone, but no one showed up for 3 hours. Not to mention the districts are so fucked that the station that serves us isn't the one that's 1 block away, it's the one that's 7 blocks away.

...we don't even know the street...hes just walking over there

Robert doesn't care either

>CPD is garbage. They "sent someone" to talk to my friend when a nig stole his phone, but no one showed up for 3 hours.

do you want to post your name and address?
CPD will be over to talk to you very soon after that
working to put the ENFORCEMENT back into law enforcement
They will send officer friendly

robert will run into hell on fire in a snowstorm for some hot coffee and donut time

we found the nog in the group sorry jamal

Thanks user. Heading out now, just doing cardio so should be home in abt 1.5hrs.

>Thanks user. Heading out now, just doing cardio so should be home in abt 1.5hrs.

just checked heyjackass and looks like we are in a rain delay

wait 1262 maybe having an emergency...

>Complains that taxes are too high
>Simultaneously complains about police response times to non-emergencies (which is caused by lack of officers, which is caused by lack of funding, which is caused by lack of taxation)

You get what you pay for.

I think there's a reason they build the stations away from the actual precinct area, my department did that too. Could also be caused by redrawn precinct lines. Maybe your area doesn't need a full station, only a substation, while another busier area does.

Oh yeah, it was a weapon in his right hand
go get him
he's going north bound

Dispatch: "This is gonna be drama."

this is great

"i heard screams for help in the area" no followup


>at least two males in a Cadillac have been parked for 15 minutes, something something, smelled marijuana in the car

>something sacramento, males making too much noise on the street

lmao this is what chicago pd is concerned about

Trapped in parking lot of building? How?

>missing bipolar schizo

Not exactly. The problem, as is almost always the case in Chicago, isn't lack of funds so much as corruption and misappropriation.

First you have the problems with the budget. The money is there, Chicago takes in a volume of tax revenue that is difficult to wrap your head around. The budget last year was just shy of three billion dollars. The problem, though, is that everything gets thinned out by the combination of half bright programs and immense corruption. Rahm promises more cops, he taxes for more cops, but he's not even keeping up with attrition from retirement.

Then you have the drain on the budget. We have an enormous number of officers who work behind desks. The budget is strained to the breaking point with superfluous command staff that exist pretty much exclusively to reward politically connected officers. All those folks with clout "work" huge amounts of unsupervised overtime, draining the budget that would be used to take guys out of their normal precincts to flood violent neighborhoods.

So, what do you do when the budget is fucked but the pastors are screaming rape over the cops not doing anything when Jamal shoots Rayray over Rayray shooting Lamarjerin over Lamarjerin fucking Rarray's cousin T'landria? You move cops out of the neighborhoods where people pay taxes and into the neighborhoods where tax money is spent on plugging up all the fun new holes that only intergenerational poverty and a complete breakdown of social systems can make. 016 goes down to a skeleton crew three shifts a day so 07 can have crowd control. 019 doesn't have the bodies to deal with the crime tourism so 015 can pretend it gives a shit that someone is dead over a diss track on youtube.

what's crime tourism


We've got trains in Chicago. All the lines are coded by color. The Red Line runs from the Northeastern tip of the city down to the middle of the South side. Its one line that runs through some of the richest neighborhoods in the city all the way down to some of the worst, and along the way it goes through at least two major entertainment districts.

Criminals get on the train, ride up to where the rich people are, steal a couple of phones, mug a couple of drunks, then jump back on the train and go home before the cops even get a car on scene.

Evening Roberts

As a side note for any Europeans in the thread, this is a big part of why Americans don't want public transportation.

15-20 people fighting
>Here we go

>mom and dad are fighting with knives

I think its a little more complicated than that. Its not an issue on the Metra and it wasn't even a real problem ten years ago. The issue now is that a lot of neighborhoods are basically on the honor system now. Ten or fifteen years ago, if you got in a fight in Wrigleyville there would be cops there inside of three minutes. If there were reports of an armed robbery you'd have cops out looking. Now they've got RAP going back at least half an hour most nights. 019 has fewer cops, more people, much more money, and more businesses than 15 years ago.

Criminals go where its easy. We made it easy.

>they refused her entry
>she spit on them

What happened to that wannabe superhero who Chicago needed?

>a passing female hit caller with a stick

just got in somebody give me a recap


Back. Really slow night.

>mother kicking pregnant daughter in the stomach.



Is of baby lol