but these poo-pajeets at the cinema go NEXT LEVEL!!! This is one of the funniest clips ever.
Holy shit, I thought that blacks acted retarded in church
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bump. watch this faggets, its as funny as fuck.
I viewed it. Pretty ridiculous desu. They do the anthem before every movie as well.
Chinks and poos are subhumans
Why the fuck are they even cheering, imagine if they made a Matrix with poo in loos.
I watched a view more videos. apparently these are the big entrance moments of the their famous action stars.
Holy shit. Evil drumpfy gave you power?
Got a vrill generator hooked to the saucer.
They did that tho
global superpower2020
Poos do the black head waggle. You yise.
Also, no wonder the fuckers think it's ok to talk during talks by others.
One of the funniest things I've ever seen on youtube is a guy punking a telemarketer by pretending to be a street shitter & not understanding, then going off all over the place. The telemarketer's final reaction is priceless.
They do make great subjects for jokes
wish i enjoyed movies this much.
Jeez - move-by-move, of the shootout scene. Is there not a trade-agreement or something? Haven't people seen the Matrix, and thus boo such a rip-off?
omg holy fuck
poos are the kings on unintentional comedy.
i used to work with a poo, he went on and on about awesome bollywood was and i told him to describe the plots of his favorite movies. EVERY single movie was a ripoff of a hollywood one.
poos, even in the west, arent allowed to watch western films because their parents think they're too naughty. when they grow up they finally see hollywood movies and they think every single one is a masterpiece. which explains the popularity among poos of the dc and transformers movies.
I come from a long line of plumbers. My uncles were old white guys with bad backs and common sense. They shared a secret with me that was never taught in any of the public schools I attended. The invention of the sewer and plumbing make urban western civilization possible.
>We bring hundreds of thousands of these to the US
Fucking kill me how do Pajeets even function in India? Should have remained part of Britain
I saw Justice League last night and unfortunately a group of Indian men sat next to me and my friends. They talked rapidly in indian the entire movie despite multiple sushings by almost everyone and a warning by the theater usher. The worst part is we couldn't move seats because they were all reserved ahead of time.
Poos now /bestgoys/?
Chinese are actually very well behaved in Mass here, nice to see
i thought everyone have their cellphones out in china/hk during the movies and theres codes on the movie screen to type in to get stuff.
They actually call actor's "power star's" and actually use the word "superstar" for poo in the loo insignificant actor's.
They actually call actor's "power star's" and actually use the word "superstar" for poo in the loo insignificant actor's.
They have 1.4 billion poos paco, these actors really are superstars.
more like "pooperstars" amirite?
This is entertainment without MKultra, Rape and Pedofiles.
Rajinicunt motherfucka!