"Cultural Marxism" does not exist

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Cultural Marxism is, in fact, Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Deleuzianism AND Guattarianism. Idpol is not a political philosophy unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning philosophical non-system made useful by the Guattari's schizoanalysis, rhizomes and vital deterritorializing components comprising a full philosophy as defined in 'What Is Philosophy?"

Many left identitarians use a modified version of Deleuzianism every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Deleuzianism which is widely used today is often called 'Cultural Marxism' and credit is given to the Frankfurt School, but many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Deleuzian non-system of difference, developed by the Liberal identitarians.

There really is a 'Cultural Marxism', developed by Adorno, Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin, but these people aren't using it; it isn't a part of the system they use. Deleuze is the philosophy: the difference in the plateaus that allocates the machinic desires against the oppressive totalities and identities that you know. Deleuze is an essential part of Guanttarianist identitarianism, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete liberal college campus. Deleuze is normally used against Frankfurters: Cultural Marxism is actually the whole system of Deleuze and Guattari with the name of Marx added. All the so-called Cultural Marxists are really Cultural Deleuzeans!

Other urls found in this thread:

pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina Folder/kell24.htm

Fuck off with your pedantic #"not real cultural Marxism" nonsense

You're talking to people who don't know anything about Continental Philosophy.
Now, that isn't to say that most of it isn't garbage, but they don't know anything about Cultural Marxism besides memes they've been fed.

>"Cultural Marxism" does not exist

I didn't even read the rest, KILL YOURSELF

>"Cultural Marxism" does not exist
Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

Erich Fromm, Judaism and the Frankfurt School
pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina Folder/kell24.htm

Frankfurt School

The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt

Frankfurt School of Social Research

The Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism

The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances

Frankfurt School - Satanic Judaism in Action

Freud, the Frankfurt School and the Kabbalah

The History of Political Correctness

How a Handfull of Marxist Jews Turned Western and U.S. Culture Upside Down

The Jewish Frankfurt School and the End of Western Civilization

The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

Who Stole Our Culture?

Cultural Marxism is a broad conspiracy theory that describes a real phenomenon. It's similar to when Jordan Peterson talks about "postmodernism". They're talking about these ideas but describing them with misleading terms that describe a broader range than what they're talking about. It's not some organized plot by a select few nefarious individuals plotting to subvert academia though. The Frankfurt School actually criticizes conventional Marxism quite a bit. A lot of the ideas like critical theory, deconstruction of language and traditional Western values, idpol are described as simply cultural marxism or postmodernism but that is disingenuous.

Blame Deleuze, not the Franks.

>It's similar to when Jordan Peterson talks about "postmodernism".
And in this case Peterson would be correct. Deleuze and Guattari are the dudes whom you should be blaming, not Adorno.

>It's not some organized plot by a select few nefarious individuals plotting to subvert academia
So you're either retarded or don't think Marxists are nefarious

>real cultural marxism has never been tried before

shut the fuck up.



Cultural marxism is more catchy and normie Friendly.
You make some good points.
Write a paper on it if you are a scholar.

Thank you for your interjection, Foucault. We should return now to our agenda, which is, shitposting I see?

stop acting like this shit isnt a (((google search))) away

Blame you, you sticky cunt

It has nothing to do with Marxism. If you knew anything about how the left actually degenerated into what it is now you'd realize Deleuze, Guattari, and to a lesser extent Foucault are your real enemies.

First Rule of Cultural Marxism is Deny Cultural Marxism is a Thing.

>le Jewish word salad refutes pol

Gas yourself.

PoMos aren't Jews.

>Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism



Adorno is the reason sjws define fascism as a personality trait instead of as a political philosophy

All while saying capitalism promoted degeneracy


Adorno isn't the reason SJWs exist. Try again.

this thread again

>reason sjws exists
You have a problem with reading comprehension.

You are just a typical Frankfurt school dicksucker who wants to think the problem with intersectional feminism is that it isn’t intersectional enough. Yeah it’s the white feminists who are the real sjws

>This nigger gets it.
>Don't forget Derrida.


Interesting. i've honestly never heard of Deleuzianism or Guattarianism, but i will take a look.

Also, i think a lot of the bullshit in academia these days results from:


(pic related)

>It provides a substitute to the "Western intellectual tradition" where the researcher "earnestly seeks certainty in a representation of reality by means of propositions."

yea, fuck that tradition that is responsible for like 97% of scientific advancement.

Define Deleuzianism. Actually, fuck it, I don't even care, and have serous doubts that it's more accurate than calling cultural Marxism, because identity politics always follows along the lines of Marx's oppressor-oppressed dichotomies and the people who follow it often are found to have communist sympathies or be full-blown reds themselves. It's still accurate and nobody knows who Deleuze was, don't bother with your undefined semantics any more thank you

Noice. Saving. They're obviously trying a new tack here.
Good to have a linkstorm ready to go rather than bother re-arguing the same ground just because they peeled off the old label.

Now this is what I call pasta.

And not a single intellectual argument was made...

I think there's definitely a closer connection to liberalism, but did D&G advocate any of this supergay/tranny SJW shit?


This is D.A.R.V.O. Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender.
(Be caught being disingenuous, accuse your accusers of being disingenuous)
First-response Cultural Marxist tactic when called out on their bullshit.
Directly out of Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals along with "change the meaning of language".

Remember folks, these are Anti-Western Communists.
They swap and change, and hide behind many differently and shifting labels.
Probe for rhetorical and ideological weak points. Without rest.

It's jewyness applied as a political ideologically. It's Harvey Weinstein's whiny sex-wheedling game as a political movement.
Constant edging, deal-making, probing, just needing that one moment of surrender and they seize the new ground,
never give it up freely, and then start the next round of begging, lying, creeping.

Push these fucks back at every turn. Hold onto the thought that one day not too far away it's very
possible we'll be able to Shoah them, for real this time.

When you read shit like this user and OP's bullshit, just think of Harvey Weinstein trying to
get his cock in the ass of some dumb starlet.

"I won't do a thing, please. I promise, I won't do a thing. Just sit with me."

We owe you nothing.

He's just saying that the conspiracy is largely a neocon trick. And it is, they rehashed McCarthyism to try and bring the Right back together and redevelop conservative culture. And they did so by attacking this supposed communist plot. But there's no actual connection to what the Frankfurt School studied and any social justice movement.
If anything, there would be a conspiracy to infect the Right with these ideas, because anyone can go back and see how the New Right was heavily influenced by the Frankfurt School. Meanwhile, there are no groups on the Left showing such influence. They have actually all been kicked out by the hard-liberal Left for all this intersectionality stuff. Anyone who truly followed Marcuse would oppose intersectionality since it is effectively repressive desublimation.

No, it's simply a call for basic intellectualism on the Right. Philistinism leads to disaster, and more of the same.

That'll lead to better systems than marxism, surely...

Cultural Marxism is simply Jewish behavior.

>Remember folks, these are Anti-Western Communists.
this is true. they control both parties. the rest is semantics


Wouldn't this mean that much of pol and the alt-right is guided by marxism?
The Right uses this shit everywhere, especially in the migrant crisis where all white women are in danger of imminent rape because of toxic masculinity.

We dont care. We just hate "enlightenment" philosphy. Whigs, kikes, marxists and deconstructionists all get the gas. Act accordingly

So Bush and Drumpf are anti-Western communists?
Fuck, you retards make McCarthy look like a genius.

Keep It Simple Stupid.
If you can't explain a concept without referencing several philosophical schools of thought(without explaining them), chances are you're appealing to authority, or the tu quoque fallacy.

>giving a shit about the culture war
What? The only reason any of it gained footing is because the ones in power on the right let it happen. Religious conservatives for lack of a better word "cucked" out and forfeited any bearing Christianity had on mainstream culture. Republican politicians avoided fighting back for fear of not being reelected.
Show me one neocon in office who's actually done anything to retaliate against neomarxist institutions.


Sounds like Right Bolshevism.
Be careful what you wish for, faggots.

>can't understand a basic argument without resorting to MUH FALLUHCEES!

Stupid people use alot of words to say little and you also managed to be wrong

>nahtzis are the real jewish bolsheiviks
You are onto us!

You should have dropped the ""Cultural Marxism" does not exist" part, then it would have been 10/10

So if the cuckservatives tried to cuck everyone, why are you following their neo-marxist conspiracy? Wouldn't that make you a cuck?
I mean, if no one on the Right actually understands the divisions here, nor the intellectual arguments, how can they ever fight back?
Again, the Alt-Right is heavily influenced by the Frankfurt School, so if they are such a problem why follow its methods? It's a total contradiction.

necons are definitely trots. perpetual war creates massive welfare migration of brown people into white countries. sound familiar? war on drugs. war on terror.

pic related

Trots are mensheviks. Almost the same tradition as whigs. Both need to be gassed.

>he thinks people who can't read should be in charge of the justice system, and somehow this won't negatively affect him
Nice argument.

You haven't made a argument. You said/made a bunch of words/references the average layman wouldn't necessarily know/understand, didn't explain any of it, and acted like you won a debate.

Oh, and that would be called the fallacy fallacy, if it wasn't spot on in its description,

There is no cultural Marxism.

Only Marxism. We must reject it and all its works.

lmao, okay.
Thanks for the confirmation that MUH CULTURAL MARXISM is truly a 26% retard meme.

Not to mention many neocohens have connections to trotsky. The bush family for example...

You might be retarded.

yup. they also shill for open borders in the US. so they are basically taking Trotsky's perpetual revolution to a new global scale using the power of the US military.

You're right. We should gas the illiterates too!

>still no argument
I gave you a chance.

i already stated here what people think of as "Cultural Marxism". they basically argue around reason--pilpul.
>women are men
>wh*te people cause black crime
then they form front groups like BLM, La razza, LGBT rights, etc, that create domestic unrest.

this and this demonstrate this

What does this have to do with what I'm talking about?


thanks, i'll take a look tomorrow. getting late here
