Prove me wrong, you can't.
If Jesus was still alive today he would most likely be a Palestinian Muslim
Jesus Christ the Son of God would absolutely not be a Muslim, you bag of hammers.
Why would he be Muslim?
If Jesus were alive today he would probably be a moon born potato with 9 arms and a Buddhist.
Prove me wrong. You can’t. Oh you can’t. See anyone can write a load of bullshit and add prove me wrong on the end. Doesn’t mean that you are any more correct than your mother was correct when she decided to keep her Down’s syndrome child.
90% chance that he would tho, I'm sorry if it triggers you.
Because 90% of them are Muslim.
>be a moon born potato with 9 arms and a Buddhist.
Using probability you proved yourself wrong.
Doesn’t trigger, it’s just unsubstantiated nonsense from a child like mind. Prove it isn’t
why do you think that, i think i would have heard this before if it was true
Jesus is still alive you retard. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. I don't have to prove you wrong, you are to stupid to be right
>The son of God coming to solidify His true faith would be swayed by the local faith.
Literally heretical
Lighter skin used to be a symbolization purity and being closer to god, as god’s son he would of been super pale
Maybe instead of being birthed of a virgin, he would have been born of a muslim rape.
Almost 90% chance of being Muslim.
He wouldn't
He would tho
He was a Jew though.
Bullshit, Jesus hated organized religion,
that's what got him killed. He would have
hated Islam as well.
this is a pro-Palestinian board, you retarded leaf
why do you care, ashkenazim?
What are the chances that hypothetical Jesus has autism and is born without his left leg?
Just like Zuckerberg was a human
Ah, wut? You are not even trying to hide the trolling.... He was a Jew...islam was even around for years after he died and was raised...there were only four people groups back then in greater israel: Judeans, israelites, samaratins, and romans. Aramaic was the spoken language of the time.....
Ugh, satanic shills are for real
>The Som of God would follow a religion that says he isn't the Son of God
wasn't even around I mean.
almost zero.
Jesus never claimed he was the son of God, that's something that dumbfucks added later on.
Are you dumb? I said if he was still alive today, meaning on earth.
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Vhrist is come in the flesh is antichrist.
You overthrow the faith of the weak, for your work i reward you thus, that your faith should be made weak and if you can be saved with little be saved and if not that little you have will be taken and given to me
>Are you dumb? I said if he was still alive today, meaning on earth.
So you made a self defeating argument. If Jesus was alive today it would be proof that Christianity is certainly the one true belief system.
Islams view on Christ is obviously Arian influenced Gnosticism.
-They believe that Christs conception was miraculous without sex.
-they believe he was the messiah of the Israelites.
-they don't believe he was crucified.
-they believe he was a lesser prophet
-they respect some of the apostles.
>If Jesus was alive today it would be proof that Christianity is certainly the one true belief system.
What are you even saying leaf? You don't make sense at all.
Rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef is the king of the Jews.
>Islam was invented when?
>Palestine was invented when?
>Palestines borders are how close to Nazareth?
>Dumb fucking leaf
If Jesus was still alive, hypothetically meaning if he was over 2000 years old, he would most liekly be a Palestinian Muslim, deal with it.
No he would be the Son of God, you retard
t. athiest
>He thinks 2000 years ago Israel was full of moors
> they believe he was a lesser prophet
What does that mean? No they don't, he's deemed as the most important prophet and seen as the Messiah, Muslims don't act like it but Jesus is actually more important than Muhammad in Islam.
Are you retarded, can you not read?
>The son of god would worship the wrong god.
I mean...
Wrong. Israel during the time of Jesus was Phoenician; the brown Arab shitskins invaded North Africa and the Levant centuries after Jesus
Are you fucking stupid burger? How come so many dumbfucks can't read properly? I said if Jesus was still alive today.
And why would a Nazarene Aryan be a Palestinian "still alive today"? Retard.
I'm saying hypothetically if he was alive on earth for over 2000 years.
>jesus is born
>is the son of god and saviour of the israelites
>waits 2000 years
>is now muslim
Day of the rake when?
if jesus was alive today he'd turn back time and stop himself from being born because fuck humanity and shit.
Does basic logic not compute with you burger?
or a Jamaican rastafarian.
Since Islam has run off every non muslim ya your prolly right.
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. If Pocahontas was born today, she'd probably be a white woman. What are you trying to prove, other than that you're a moron?
so the son of God would worship satan?
gonna go with nope on this one you dumb leaf
100% chance of being Jewish.
They didn't though, there was still 10-15% Christians in Palestine.
>If Pocahontas was born today
Again, I didn't say if he was born today. Fucking burger illiteracy is a real epidemic.
Absolutely 0% chance unless he was suffering from dementia.
There is nothing to deal with.
I highly doubt the son of God would approve of a religion which allows child brides.
I don't even have a problem with Muslims but you are being retarded.
>a religion which allows child brides.
I think it's time to lay off the DUDE WEED.
You're saying that if he lived for 2000 years he would be muslim now. Explain why instead of calling everyone who calls you out for being a dumb fucking leaf illiterate.
Mohammed literally married IIRC a 5 year old.
There are countless cases of child brides in Islam, so much so they perform child weddings in Sweden.
Incestuous and ultimately pedophilic marriage is more common in the middle east than any other place on Earth.
If you think this is what Jesus would align himself with you are gravely mistaken.
You are welcome to convert to Christianity.
You have no place to say what Christ would or wouldn't be.
The quran clearly states that all Allah's Prophets are alike. But the most important of them all is the prophet Muhammad (SAWA). Bear in mind some of my family members have seen Jesus in they're dreams. He will come back as a leader for the christians to unify them and The Imam Al Mahdi (SAWA) will unify those who are worthy Shia and sunnis and to exterminate all the zionist, masons and jesuits pluss the wahabi british made doctrine.
Nah. He'd be a Haredi or Neturei Karta type or a West Bank settler, with the (((media))) assuring us he was a good boi who dindu nuffin, and with goycucks believing it.
Because over 85% of the people who lived in that land eventually became Palestinian Muslims.
>Mohammed literally married IIRC a 5 year old.
False, she was in her late teens and multiple pieces of evidence point to this. Also marriage at that age was common at that time even in Europe.
>There are countless cases of child brides in Islam
This is not common and just because certain people do it doesn't mean it is part of the religion. In fact according to the Quran, a person is only ready for marriage after the end of puberty; therefore late teens at the minimum.
So just because 85% of a geographical area adhere to your religion means Jesus would convert if he lived for 2000+ years?
By this logic of statistics then if the world's population were never ending and undying then everyone would be Christian.
Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.4 billion 33.51%
There is nothing wrong with Islam except the child brides and apostasy punishment.
You are not welcome to claim what Jesus may or may not be or believe. How do you even know Jesus would stay in the middle east after living lifetime after lifetime.
It's likely he traveled during his lifetime anyway.
Saying Jesus would be a Muslim if he were still walking the Earth is about as probable as saying he would be a Jainist.
If Jesus were alive today he would be Donald Trump
He'd be born into the line of david and therefore a jew
This is a White Christian Board. Not a non-white 56% Mutt board.Now Begone Shart!
Jesus was the sort of person to question the beliefs of his culture, dummy. He was crucified for it.
>Because over 85% of the people who lived in that land eventually became Palestinian Muslims.
jews were kicked out in the 1st century AD
wtf i love killing palestinian muslims now?
>Jesus questioned the beliefs of his culture
>So lets blindly follow christian beliefs
christard logic everyone
Can you prove you are right faggot?
>brown Arab shitskins invaded North Africa and the Levant centuries after Jesus
seems to happen everywhere he is carried out to and forced upon the white populace via death
The weak should fear the strong
muh nothing to do with islam
they should, no arguments there, glad it's settled then
Sahih Muslim (8:3309)
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine.
No, he wouldn’t. Jesus is the son of our Lord in Heaven, muslims worship a pedophile and a false god, if Jesus were alive today he’d be extremely anti-muslim as the false faith runs completely contrary to all of His teachings. Muslims will burn in hell
>son of god
no, and he certainly would be a Muslim in this day and age, or he'd just be executed as usual.
What a fag, puts up no resistance and actually begs his god-dad to do nothing about it, after crying about being forsaken.
So FUCKING obvious that his last words were "why am I forsaken??" and that's it, then the apostles added that last bit about him begging for forgiveness and rising from the dead. You literally all worship a dead jew cult of submission, morons.
>implying I'm Christian
>If Jesus was still alive today
Jesus is alive today, I serve a risen saviour.
It's funny how Moslems are still as illiterate as their false prophet Mohammed(piss be upon him).
If Jesus were alive today, he'd own a cache of weapons, move to the outskirts of Dearborn, MI, and pick off snackbars like you one by one, and because he's Jesus, he'd never get caught.
Jesus never fucked kids, drank camel piss, or tried to behead anyone so I doubt he'd made a good muslim
There are several religions which recognize Jesus Christ and none of them mentioned that he was a fucking retard, so there's your proof that Jesus wouldn't be a muslim.
get rekt, leaf
>Prove me wrong,
Being a leaf does that.
this, jesus would be jesus no matter what
and im not even a christian
You obviously don't have any grasp of who Jesus Christ is.
ahem false prophets...
Muslims follow a false prophet and the consequence of that is showing.
The muslim world will not exist in 7 generations.
Thank you, based god!
.t I know wtf the christian god is.