Why niggers don't want to return to Africa?

I mean, Jews of vaious nationalities did it back then to establish Israel... why can't niggers do the same?

They're obviously talented, admit it Sup Forums. You once loved their taste for music and arts. Culture is the bedrock of society and that includes technology. Who knows what they could achieve once they go back...

I'm asking as a nigger to a fellow nigger myself... let's do it.

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Because it's a shithole and they know it and subconsciously they realize they're shit and they're best off just rent-seeking from more productive demographics.

They did.

It's called Liberia



a)Africa is the worst place on earth
b)They be on that welfare
c)No KFC, no nigga beats hiphop, no JORDANS

Because their native Africans can't agriculture


And it was the most satanic political experiment to ever documented on the history of mankind


Too many of them grew up without fathers and therefore not realizing their potential, and are only learn to care for themselves and not for others. It sucks because I think they made some pretty cool products back in the day. Like peanut butter, and Motown music.

I wonder how far the lies will go, lets find out.

If a nig goes to africa

That nig can teach other nig self discipline.

During the visit. he will realize his hometown is bad and himself. Then he won 500,000 dollars

I like Africa though but from the literally insane dictators and paratroopers perspective. Other than that it's a low IQ shithole with nothing to contribute except raw resources, I hate being a black man and I wish I was a Japanese girl.


Welfare of da whiteman n shieet.

> be born in the USA
> family living there for x generations
> "when will you go back home to Africa?"


They already tried with Liberia, the average nig literally needs white people to survive.

I dont see the issue, be slaves and gated by whites and racists robbed from.your homeland, argue to live with whites and not undo what racists did by bringing them to the us

Niggers are parasitic. There is no viable host that will provide gibs in Africa.

Then why the fuck are niggers asking for reparations
>be born in the usa
>family living there for x generations
>"gibmedat whitey"

Fair point and I applaud every nog who returns to the land of his ancestors with the intention to rebuild Africa and not just for a short spiritual trip then return to the cozy 2nd world country where he was born and raised.

But there's a double standard. Have you ever seen somebody unironically demanding that white americans need to go back to Europe? Your ancestors weren't dragged there as slaves but came as refugees from war or religious persecution or famines or simply for economic reasons. Same shit as the migration waves we see happening today, or not?

Ey yo CJ you actin like a buster lately! Straight BUSTER!!!

why? crying victim and getting your ass wiped for you is too good a thing to give up.

>Reasoning with children.

Africa actually does have all of those things.

> thinking ad hominems have any value in debate

>Jew wants niggers to flood Israel?
Is he our guy?

> be born in the USA
> family living there for x generations
> Choose to identify as Black instead of American


Because Niggers in america are not from africa you dumb faggot. most slaves that eventually had offspring in the states were from the caribean.

Niggers are lazy

>I wish I was a Japanese girl

That's like everyone here.

I wish I was a nigger with a 45cm dick, maybe that way I could get a gf.

its called liberia


I think one of the problems with African genetics is literally a WE WUZ KANGS issue: widespread polygamy.
Tribal leaders have disproportionately high chances of reproducing leading to a progressively top-heavy infrastructure which devolves into slavery and cuckoldry eventually. This explains their utter preoccupation with their appearance while being perfectly content to live in a literal pile of trash.

This is the first time Ive put this theory into words. I will try again another time.

Israel is already flooded with niggers. You can't even walk in south Tel-Aviv after 23:00 without being robbed or attacked. It's a shithole and in couple of years they gonna take over.

Reap what you sow Shlomo

can you explain? i only know about liberia from wikipedia. i never paid attention to it.

Blacks going back was already tried with the nation of Liberia. Check to see how that turned out. It's painful.



>You once loved their taste for music and arts
I really never did. I'm being 100% honest here.

>Who knows what they could achieve once they go back...
Surely it will be the same amount of achievement as all the niggas who didn’t get put in chains


You couldn't make this shit up in your wildest dreams.

they like to be with their "opressors" (those who pay taxes)

I'm half black but I would gladly go back only on these conditions

1. The U.S. Government allows me to sell my land and properties or buys me out at a fair market price. No seizures.

2. A sizable military force and advanced missile defense system is put into place to deal with extremism and locals.

3. Give us your political backing to establish our own state while giving us trade incentives in addition to having a formal alliance with one another, due to re-negotiation every 50 years or until we become autonomous.

4. Encourage the educated blacks that stayed behind to relocate to our new country.

5. We must always come before Israel should a conflict ever arise

That's it. What say you Sup Forums, do you agree to these terms?

how is that our fault? niggers need to get out. sorry theyre too monkeyish to be able to maintain a decent society

Niggers don't know shit about Africa and they've complete lost their roots and ancestry. The only thing niggers in America have is muh slavery and muh reparations

1. The U.S. Government allows me to sell my land and properties or buys me out at a fair market price. No seizures.

sure. Id even offer you "get out nigger" money on top of that

2. A sizable military force and advanced missile defense system is put into place to deal with extremism and locals.

Oh yeah give niggers a bunch of advanced weapons and missile launchers. No deal. Actually fuck it idc what yall do to each other fine deal.

3. Give us your political backing to establish our own state while giving us trade incentives in addition to having a formal alliance with one another, due to re-negotiation every 50 years or until we become autonomous.

what kind of trade incentives? havent you had enough gibs from the white man?

4. Encourage the educated blacks that stayed behind to relocate to our new country.

No niggers can stay so sure.

5. We must always come before Israel should a conflict ever arise

I mean simply for the fact that I want Israel completely destroyed. Not out of respect for nig "countries"

>what kind of trade incentives?
It would involve working a deal out with construction companies to help build infrastructure and roads, so we don't have to rely on the chinks

Also by the way you speak it's almost like you don't want us to leave pedro. If you really wanted dindus to leave you would be upselling this whole Africa thing, not act like you're shipping us to our death. Have you learned nothing from Trump?

Its almost as if....
Their ((culture)) is not compatible with ours............

I speak like I don't give a shit about niggers and I don't. I'm sorry if that upsets you but I have 0 reason to care about nigger lives.

Id agree to some sort of deal as long as it worked for us as well. But after that we stay out of africa and you stay out of white societies


Blacks would be free to vacation/work in America and get citizenship, like any other foreign national m80. You'd have to be full retard to close off your country to investment and tourism bux.

>Blacks would be free to vacation/work in America and get citizenship
they certainly fucking wouldn't nigger

Then the negotiations are over. Enjoy your minority status by 2024. You could have prevented this.

>But there's a double standard.
America was founded by and for white people. Niggers are not and can never be Americans.

enjoy the violent genocide against your mokey kind that you could have prevented by just fucking leaving. but you have to leach off whites even to the point that you all die

>Why niggers don't want to return to Africa?
Cause it's a shit place with no gibs, no moe mooching on the white man and trying to make him feel guilty all day baby, knuckle ready for the nigger word.

>implying you're not going to sit on Sup Forums getting fatter and fatter by the year, content with larping about day of the rope that never comes
I almost feel pity for you

>I'll leave you alone if you gibsmedat
I'd really prefer to have every nigger dead, so we can compromise: you fuck off.

Some want, look up the Hotep Back to Africa movement.

The problem is blacks' thoughts, trends and ideologies in general are controlled by the media through identity politics and blacks leaving isn't seen as convenient by the Z0G elite. With no blacks the government wouldn't have that much of an excuse to tax and redistribute billions upon billions of dollars.

again, more larping about genocide. This is an equally agreeable outcome for me.

Sup Forums isnt fat we work out. whites are being radicalized in large numbers. as we become a minority violence will ensue and you'll wish you decided to stop being a parasite


That's why Liberia exists

GIBS & No one to blame for there failures so they will be forced to realize how dumb they actually are

what is that from lmao

I believe in it. I don't hold hatred against any race. Everyone's glorious in their own way. Humanity would thrive if every race had their own small communities and day of the rope for globalist elite.


Um yeah, but they went there looking for a better life and actually worked toward that purpose. Colonists didn't get gibs.


That was our initiative though, not theirs

>racewar, the webm

Too many niggers there. Even niggers don't like being around other niggers.

They have the potential to improve and built stable nations. Several African countries have achieved this in the distant past. More recently, countries like Somalia were moving in the right direction before Europe and the US fucked them over by turning their country into a chemical waste dumping ground.
The truth is, they can't advance because they were convinced that they are the eternal victims. Its a scary mentality to fall under because instead of looking towards the future, they are looking to justify their disposition with the past. In fact, they tend to believe that they are the perfect humans (in a way). No matter what problems their community is going through, whether it be crime, violence, people dropping out of schools, gangs, drugs, fathers abandoning kids, mothers having kids they can't support, etc. The list goes on and on. The point is, they think none of it is their fault and that they have no obligation to fix this or try to fix this. According to them, this isn't a result of their culture, but rather a result of oppression and also, the only way this can be fixed, whether they work on it or not, is by ending "oppression." The problem is they are trapped in a political landslide wherein liberals tell them they are oppressed and powerless without them. And because they offer them benefits, they accept them without ever truly moving forward. Notice how in the early 1900's, before this became a thing, blacks were actually more respectable than they are now. Because back then, despite being oppressed, they at least had a sense of identity. Not the bullshit "victim identity" they are being fed today.

>meme flag

Also fuck off we're full

It would be like Jamaica at best. A country with high crime and a low, but still somehow functioning, economy. Main reasons for that would be the improved education of first generation immigrants and 50% white mulattos like you, who enjoy increased intelligence and can pull the country ahead. As time will pass things will get more and more unbearable with Africans from other country flooding in like in South Africa. The few capable people will eventually leave or become outbred and mutted.

Sup Forums I have a question. Can pure african niggers grow beards? It seems like every tribal nig in africa is clean shaven, which doesn't make sense since shaving requires effort and utensils.

because any country they're the majority in turns into a crime filled shit hole

Can someone post the nigger who is standing on top of a naked white woman while being shirtless? I need it

Why go back when you could collect gibs.

To all the blacks, liberals, cia, and media who may be lurking. Think of a country that also had it rough. Like Vietnam.
They were occupied by whites for nearly 200 years (Africa was occupied for 80). They took advantage of Frances defeat in WW2 to claim independence. Soon after, the French attacked them. Only just free, and they are fighting one of the most industrialized powers in the world. They win. Then erupt in a Civil War. This gets engulfed in the Cold War. Americans are using chemical weapons and broken arrow tactics (literally burning down villages civilians and all) on the South. Soviets are giving massive amounts of weapons to the North. Over 2 million dead. Still manage to reunite the country. Just fresh of this war, they go to war with Cambodia, defeating the Khemer Rouge and conquering the country. At this point, China is concerned that Vietnam will replace them as the biggest Asian power and declare war on them. They fight to a standstill.
>Be Vietnam
>200 years French occupation
>Just declare independence
>Go to a back-to-back war with France, yourself, the US, Cambodia, and China.
>All powers that are far stronger than you (besides Cambodia)
>Millions dead, the country is in ruins
>Most of the world sanctions you
>But you win

No African country went through anything as devastating as this. Yet today, Vietnam is a stable country with a growing economy and Africa is a shithole. Why do you think this is?

I agree. You niggers are JAYNEEUSES. You should all leave and start the utopia we all know you're capable of.

I agree. All niggers should go to Israel.

thats racist

I mean, Jews of vaious nationalities did it back then to establish Israel... why can't niggers do the same?

If you speak about the ancient judiac religion then its one thing.

But the Khazarian Zionists who have hijacked Palestine. Aka "Occupied-Palestine", the originate from far-east in central asia, and have nothing to do with Palestine.

To any blacks on this site, PLEASE start a return to africa movement. Blacks should govern themselves, not be controlled by whitey

Nobody want to be in SA you fucking cunt. It's a nigger hellhole, fucking retard being proud of his puke flag.

God I hate niggers...

>make a meme that is purposely ubiquitous appealing to all races and demographics
>be a nigger
>have to nigger it up

Nigga this nigga that...
Calling people nigger is nigger tier behaviour
ayy lmao

can't forget sierra leone
the first thing they did is enslave the natives, not us

lmao this nigga is cj

voice in my head be like

>after 5 years on the east coast
>it was time to go home
>carl its sweet
>its mama shes dead bro
>Passenger show us your hands!

fuckin nova scotian nogs

thank you for your contribution

Because niggers that were here for generations don't know where they're from. Like I know my family is from North Somalia and I know my tribe.
But these porch monkeys all claim to be Egyptian kings and I guarantee you they're West African niggers, they have a certain look

I say we switch places
I will gib my citizenship and kangz status for us citizenship and I wouldn't mind being called a nigger

because Africa is a dump

Why do all these kinds of posts feel like there were written by subversive KKk skin worship fuckers...

Nogland exists. They have tried and failed miserably. It is called Liberia and is the shithole one would assume