A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

> ITT: Sum up your country in a single picture or video


Other urls found in this thread:


Vaporwave makes everything better, even The Columbine Massacure!

> TFW you will never be this cute

Even American psychopaths are more attractive than normal non-Americans.



pussies shoulda gone out inna blaze of glory; takin their own lives, pussy's way out

he wasnt the crazy one fgt


is this medals from the fake olympics?

I don't speak white-nigger. What is that

>France's prime minister

Swat was moving in on the building.

Also Eric Blew his brains out before Dylan wanted to die and Dylan was left in a position to either die by a cops hand, or by his own hand. He clearly chose the wiser choice.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in cross country skiing

> psychopath means you're crazy

Off yourself.

Same thread every few days. Nothing to do with politics shill fuck you

Dear fucking Vey




Is that like the only thing they win?

I'm just one man, but even I could think like, at least 5 better places to shoot up

Kill yourself you Chinese faggot.



Why do you keep posting/glorifying these kike edgelords?

Id devote all my time to building a time machine and inventing the wheel and taking over mankind.

Spider face, pistol hands, buns on top and bottom.

What is this bad Photoshop nightmare you bring before us?

>national sport
>is the only thing we're good at
>only thing countries know us for apart from LOTR movies
>part of school curriculum
>compulsory participation at school
>All Blacks have the biggest celebrity status in New Zealand


> why are posting pictures glorifying kikedgelords on my board were we glorify Adolf Hitler

Killyouself faggot. Or better yet, get shot with a shotgun, you fucking crybaby Jew.

Here's one for the yuros.

I wouldn't say that sums up NZ there are so many other things about that country worth noting.


Are New Zelanders even white?

Holy fucking shit... Is this real?

> and to yours

They really are, there's admixture with the Maori but only a small amount as they mostly live in their own communities in large numbers and keep their subculture separate.
All the Asians moving to NZ are thy same they keep to their own groups, even have their own bars and cafes you can see there are many pure whites there as well as second gen immigrants from Europe wanting to escape the madness of it all as NZ is so secluded.
If you go to a city like Wellington it's all white people with just a few non whites.

Since when is rugby compulsory at school lmao

It used to be this.


White American women.

Why didnt Australia just take over the island for revenue and resources?

> those juvenile arms

Maybe in 3rd world nations.

> non Americans will never have this

American women

Does that white cuck have fangs in his mouth??

does his shirt say "wwjd" ?!?

Since when was it not? It was when I went


His name is Lil Xan, faggot. And they're grills or whatever they're called.

It says " Wrath".

>Can't tell, maybe just a grill, but wouldn't surprise me
>Nig goes by the name Xan Frank
>Free carfentanyl for all wiggers and niggers: self-cleaning oven

he a real 1 too

is that shopped? who gets a face tattoo of anne frank?

What is that circled in red by his hand


Are you guys basically cucks of AUSTRALIA?


I love a good haka

Not really, we can own guns and we have less SJW shit. We're basically Australia's little brother though.

heil hitler

>on my board were we glorify Adolf Hitler
Hitler didn't do anything wrong you literal kike. The columbine kikes shot up a school because they were faggot losers.

These cunts annoy me


did they died?

>All too real.



hey, mongo, winter sports are for white men, you stinky equator nigger. but i guess you ain never seen no sno' befo' shieeeeet. we happen to be the best in very many winter sports thank you very much.

>Sup Forums ( Sup Forums ) is always right

He's a nigger

If not, both need gassing.

Erics eyeball.

So who were they?


Jesus fucking Christ my sidesn

Show the full picture.


Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold


It never does

Do you even lift bro?

Dumb nigger.

No. also this shit is lagging like fuck.wat's wrong with the comment shit?

who are they

what am I looking at?

Lol how am I supposed to know. We win the majority of the medals every Olympics. I was just confused by ur picture

secret army


No, but I should

The Trump one is magnificent.


Go on a steak and eggs diet and life atleast 3 times a week and you will be swole.

About 75% I think.


Different schools.
It was compulsory at the small rural primary school I went to but not at the inner city Auckland high school I went to.
There were Islanders there in the teams who were the size of full grown men.

Soup huggin motha fuckas who realy like corrupt politicians


how autistic and edgy do you have to be to make this
