Convince me that trickle down economics works

Convince me that trickle down economics works.

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What, does money flow up stream, like salmon? You either create wealth and pay helpers or you steel wealth and pay supporters. Tell me, which one is sustainable.

>rich man gets tax cut
>rich man buys yacht from yacht maker
>yacht maker buys wood from lumberjack
This is how trickle down works

no, go read an economics 101 textbook keynes

Jews did 9/11. Gas the kikes race war now.

>rich man lobbies to import foreign workers
>surpress wages
>gets richer

Trickle Down is a Democrat strawman. Not a conservative argument.


Or, you beg, like a leech.

"Trickle down" is a saying that was created by leftist Jews who wanted to slander Capitalism without saying Capitalism, which is the transfer of goods from one person to another via trade. The only other option is rationing, which is done by force of government. That image posted would not be possible without "trickle down Economics" because the camera, pizza box and the internet as you posted it would not exist today without it,

>roastie buys pizza
>she eats enough to be full and sleepy
>the pizza trickles down and out of the box
>there is pizza for those willing to take it
>there is a hole for those willing to take it

All economics short of "full communism" is "trickle-down economics," you illiterate moron. How do you have any money at all, you anus-licking catamite? Because it was spent upstream by somebody wealthier -- and surely smarter -- than you.
"Prove to me" is spam, the same thing as "checkmate" or "pol btfo."

This is what modern feminism has done to women.

This poor bitch probably has three children at home to feed, has worked a 12 hour day at some shitty desk-job that gives her zero pride, and has to commute 2 and a half hours just to get home every evening, 5 or 6 days a week. She's picked up a family pizza as the fleeting light of what it means to be a mother dies, and she passes out, exhausted from a life that means nothing to her.

2017. What a fucking time to be alive.

It really only works if the rich spend atleast some of their fortune. If they save and spend very little and still receive the tax cuts, it'll be in vein. If billionaires for example buy several mansions, then yes Trickle Down Economics would work.

it doesnt work. its a scam just like communism

That depends, are you dumb enough to believe you will get mega wealthy from trickle down?
If so I can't help you. But if you are realistic about it, I can explain how it works in one post.

I know, funny shit right?

Good job underlining American shortsightedness when it comes to economics.

What, do you think rich people just save their money? Live in a straw hut accumulating billions while fishing for food and giving nothing in return? Do you not see apples new mega HQ, or bill gates acquiring miles of land to build a city? That's employing people and services, while materials help industries that sell it for a cheaper price, thus profit.

wait so how did modern feminism do that?

Reinforced the notion that going to work and eating shit for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, is more fulfilling than staying at home and actually being a mother.

>implying it's limited to America
What do you think is happening in Europe?


>the left can't meme

le epic le meme XDDD!!!


buy a bitcoin.


>left wing uk

>proves the left can't meme by copying and editing a meme made by someone else

Good job turbonerd

He needs to eat less or stop eating for about a month

The conservative idea wasn't trickle down economics, it was supply side capitalism for
which there is some evidence that it may
work. Though, there is some evidence that it
doesn't work under all conditions.

lol, because luxury shit really makes an impact on the working man. Get real retard.

It doesn't; The sheer fact that conservatives and libertarians believe that tax cuts are what enables those entrepreneurs to invest in their company and ultimately their economy rather than gambling with the stock market makes me wonder if they are seriously this dense or seriously this cruel

found the newfag

It doesn't. It was bullshit. Just like communism.

>billionaires for example buy several mansions
... in tax-havens overseas

imagine if instead of that being a still shot that it was a video. those people wouldn't have all died at once, cyanide poisoning isn't pretty. would have made one hell of a fucking video.

I've made peace with trickle down economics because I'm okay with dying in the gutter. It's really quite liberating.


close, but you're a bit off

Trickle down economics was a term invented by leftists and does not encapsulate what right wing economics/free market capitalism is about at all. It is a trick question. No one can justify "trickle down economics" because it doesn't exist.

Here's how actual "tax cuts for businesses" economics work:
1. Tax cuts are given
2. A given company does not need to pay higher taxes, and therefore will save money by not exploiting loopholes to avoid paying taxes.
3. They save a lot of money, which they can now use to expand their business.
4. That money is now in your own economy instead of a in foreign one, or holed up in a tax-evasion fund of some sort.

>"but that means nothing, the rich will just keep all the money!"
No, that would be foolish for them. A wise businessman will use that money to expand his business. One of the reasons they are likely rich in the first place is that they know how to use money (inb4 born rich. Rich kids learn from their parents). Therefore:
Now that they are making higher profits, have more freedom/incentive to expand, and can now start hiring more workers, to produce more goods, to make THEMSELVES more money. In turn, more people are hired, more branches are created, more work is being given to the related factories who produce the materials needed, etc. etc. etc.

more money = more expansion = more work for everyone = everyone is better off

>"but they'll just hire immigrants!"
Not the fault of the economic system. It is the responsibility of the government to keep immigrants out and ensure jobs go to locals.

Consider the following: A lot of the problems ascribed to capitalism are actually caused by our own failing society, which is in the state it is in due to being on the dying end of the cycle of civilization.

>government cuts tax rates
>guy with a nice nest egg decides it's now worth his while to risk some of his capital to start a business
>takes out a loan from the bank as well to cover the costs of establishing the business
>hires a bunch of people to start working for him, jobs that wouldn't have existed otherwise
>he doesn't get shit for taking this risk unless the gamble pays off and he's able to turn a profit
>meanwhile his employees are getting paid as soon as they get their first paychecks, meaning that they are benefiting well before the business owner(s) are
>leftist cuckolds have the audacity to label this "trickle down" even though workers are the first people to benefit from it

>t. retard who doesn't understand how products are made

You're a retard who doesn't understand economics off yourself or read a book I'm only going to give you these two options

>I watched a news report mocking trickle-down economics, I've never heard that before so I must go to Sup Forums and make people think I both know what it is and think it's retarded
Define to me what trickle-down economics is.

Pizza is on the paper, is still edible

why take that picture? why save that picture? why share that picture?

>person falls asleep
>their pizza falls out

This and also when the rich get tax cuts the tax revenue increases and the government can spend that money how they like

If you're so high and might why don't you explain to me what I don't understand about economics?


>the rich pay earned income taxes
Stop. Please. Jobs was hailed as a hero of the people for accepting 1 dollar salary. You know what the taxes are on 1 dollar earned income? Its negative, meaning he gets money back (he prolly managed it somehow despite his unearned income).

>This and also when the rich get tax cuts the tax revenue increases
Sometimes, but not always. But reducing government revenue can be a good end in and of itself. Starve the beast and all that.

Single mother I bet her kids are black
Like parasites born from her womb they’re taking everything she has
And who the fuck puts paper underneath a pizza in the box? Smells like a false flag

>And who the fuck puts paper underneath a pizza in the box? Smells like a false flag
Lots of places do that, it's to keep the grease from soaking through the box.

prolly did back in the day but doesnt anymore. cant survive on one income anymore. boomers got greedy

>Stop. Please. Jobs was hailed as a hero of the people for accepting 1 dollar salary. You know what the taxes are on 1 dollar earned income? Its negative, meaning he gets money back (he prolly managed it somehow despite his unearned income).
that wasn't his only income source, you retard. He was paid in stock options and presumable had investment income, real estate income, etc.

It doesn't.

>despite his unearned income
All the incomes you listed are unearned. Retard.
>being ignorant about the tax code isnt a crime, its complicated and full of bullshit. Having a voracious opinion about it while remaining ignorant should be.

It doesn't work.

You don’t get rich by spending frivolously. More of the poor’s money ends up changing hands than vice‐versa.

that's only about 9 kilos

noice one
>Al likes his munchies comped.


Trickle down economics is a term used by the left and economic illiterates in order to disparage and insult free market economics.

There's no such thing, it's just that for some reason liberals think reducing taxes on corporations is somehow "giving them money"

So they think the idea of introducing reduced tax rates for certain groups or individual to encourage them to stay or move to an area and invest in it is somehow the same as "giving 1 million dollars to a person hoping that some of it will trickle down."

Retards don't understand that you can't tax a person or corporation that doesn't operate in your town/city/country

fuck you nigger

and that's why I'm here

you forgot all of the rich mans money that the bank now loans out. and since it's in your country instead of Switzerland it grows the economy.

Let me tackle this another way.

Long Term GDP are determined by a few factors.

Labour (quality and quantity).
Capital (ie. factories, machines)
Resources (oil, minerals).

Things like money supply and consumption spending only increase it temporarily.

As you can see from pic related, there are two different supply curves. The reason for the two is the underlying assumption of price.

In the short term, prices dont change (due to delays in reacting to market forces, store owners not wanting to reprint signs, etc.).

In the long term, prices do change (the delays are finally done, store owners eventually decide to change their price signs).

Long term GDP is where the yellow line and green line intersect (and short term GDP is where blue and yellow intersect). As you can see, the only real way to increase long term GDP is to move the green vertical line right. If you move the diagonal yellow line right, you only increase price. Not only that, prices actually also DECREASE while GDP increases when the green supply line move right.

How is this relevant to tax cuts? Because the things that corporations or rich people spend is VERY different than what poor people spend on. Poor people spend their stuff on consumption goods whereas rich people/corporations invest in factories, assembly lines, new workers, construction of homes, other businesses etc.

By taxing the rich and giving to the poor, you are shifting your country's spending habits from growth to consumption; from long term to short term.

You are literally crippling the longevity of the economy by transfering wealth from rich productive people to poor welfare queens