Sup Forums humor

schadenfreude edition



Excellent stuff.






A Chinese man walks into a bar, and a jew punches him in the face.
"What was that for?" asks the Chinaman.
"That's for Pearl Harbor," replies the jew.
"That was the Japanese, I'm Chinese," says the Chinaman.
"Japanese, Chinese, Koreanese, it's all the same to me," says the jew who takes a sip of his beer.
The Chinaman orders a beer and thinks. Then he gets up and punches the jew and thinks.
"What the hell was that for?" asks the jew.
"That's for sinking the Titanic," says the Chinaman.
"That was an iceberg," says the jew.
"Iceberg, Goldberg, Bloomberg, it's all the same to me," says the Chinaman.


Praise Allah.







There's a thin line between humour thread and YRYL



I'm an electrician and I don't have to work with shitskins with any company within 100 miles. Shitskins can't into circuit logic n sheeit


Not funny. What happened to pool humor? Shit was better in 2013

Can I get trained to do electrician stuff without going to a real trade school?

Nigger please, post some funny shit then


A classic.


If you don't know somebody in the industry who will take you in, walk into your local electrician Union and ask to apply for the apprenticeship program. It's a whole process but it's a pretty sweet deal. If you don't wanna go Union better make friends with the people at your local merit shops and convince them that you are worth something.

School sucks.



Original joke had a Jewish pilot and Asian copilot

what do American beer and having sex in a canoe have in common?
>both are fucking close to water

>know somebody in the industry who will take you in
When some relatives of mine were building a house, I put in Cat6 wiring, and I went to talk to the electricians beforehand while they were putting their stuff in. He gave me some number. Is this "knowing" somebody well enough? Can I go down to that company and ask about that?

Alternatively, once I'm graduated from the program can I leave the union?

> that pic
Oh dear Lord almighty how could i have ever doubted you?




>Eh, my friend, I still remember the last words of my wdear wife.
>What did she say?
>"Don't turn the gun to my face, you idiot!"




Did they really have to label the moon and the Earth ffs

>t. Ben Garrison






jesus fucking christ *crosses self, takes 3 long pulls of bourbon, contemplates suicide*

thats a sexy gun, can someone tell me what this is?

>reese's cups

I think the black kids get the better deal

>thats a sexy gun, can someone tell me what this is?


> mfw someone goes onto a different thread to post the same normie ass image

>I think the black kids get the better deal

They do. Czechnology is superior to junk chocolate.

Looking for bulls doesn't count as research.

Beretta M9 I think

>using "normie"
fuck off outta here normalfag

You still can't meme though



lol jesus christ. I live in a 95 percent white area and we dont have any of this. Every fucking time i go to a ghetto area i see this shit in every gas station.


>95 percent white area

Alaska. I hear it snows there pretty frequently.

You *still* can't meme.
The "education" you are attaining is a laughing stock in most professional realms, and you will be in debt for most of your life to pay for it.

But keep acting on those facts you find.


West of Cleveland ohio, actually 98%

You cunt, I'm already in Alaska. This is the homeland of the 56% face

What's the deal with coyotes? Are they just wolves that live in the desert?

So I take it it's a ritzy area where a poorfag like me can't get a cheap apartment and a job delivering pizzas.

kek subtly funny

See I've heard that said before but I really have trouble wrapping my head around it. Why would there be any non-whites in Alaska? I know there's a whole bunch of snow monkeys or polar gooks or whatever the natives are called but I didn't think there was enough of them to make a difference.

White Male Studies


That was the gayest unfunny fucking thing in the world. Are you a nigger?

Because Anchorage has 2/3 of the population and it's literally 56% white. Lots of flips, samoans, niggers, and snow abos. A lot of WMAF marriages here too - I almost ended up in one a few years ago.


idk, exactly. I think a biologist would call them different species. But there are practical differences in their temperaments and sizes.

Where I live in AZ, there are no limits to how many coyotes you can kill. They are considered varmints. But killing wolves might land you in prison.

I think there has been some recent science that suggests killing coyotes as we have been is actually causing them to reproduce _faster_. So some of the legal issues might change.

God damn, the memes are true. You faggots just cant do it.

basically yeah, they are slightly different but they are mostly just wolves that evolved to be better at grassland and desert hunting

Well that sucks. I would have thought it being far enough away from things it could have avoided a lot of that stuff. But there's still the question of WHY they're there in the first place...

I understand your mistake, but no.
It's clearly a CZ-75. Probably a CZ-75B to be precise.

t. /k/

holy shit go back to plebbit
this is a Sup Forums humor thread.
is humorous.

faggot, shitting up this board

bump for cocaine

they be like dingos, but they dont steal babys

i wonder if sufficiently advanced AI would equate this to gore




Tundra abos are in the city because that's where the white people with money are. A lot of southeast asians moved in after the Vietnam War (though, the older generations assimilated extremely well). Samoans and niggers...God knows why, but not only are they operating as an Alaskan outpost of the LA gangs but I recently learned there are enough blacks for a black church.

Unlike you though, I've never met a chinaman - only thailanders, flips and koreans.

Martyn? More like Martyr!


Coyotes yip and bark to each other. They are active in the evening to early AM, and when you live around them long enough, you can start to tell what the barks mean. Sometimes to drive prey (like wolves, they are pack hunters), sometimes to locate and coordinate movement of the pack. Sometimes they even sound sad.

They are harmless to humans, AFAIK. They are too small to take adults (even as a pack), and too shy to take even children.

The Left is supposed to wield mockery as the Right wields physical violence. That they've surrendered their proficiency to us and made a laughable attempt to pick up weapons as a conservative would understand the word, shows their impotence and intellectual bankruptcy. They have to tell successful college drop-outs how smart they are, and why we should listen to them when they can't run so much as a washing machine.

They won't improve until they take some self-responsibility.

Where is _your_ contribution, dickhead? Your _would_ agree with prior poster. Are you guys really Trumpers larping as dims to make the rest of us laugh? In which case, you got me. :-)

>being /k/ in NZ


better with sound


Proper memes requires honesty

The only reason people wear long pants to the gym is because they never work their legs.

I'm a /nogunz/ pleb. getting permits is a hassle.
have a select fire Zastava for SHTF

There's one story where an old hag opens her relationship with her husband but then he stopped having sex with her and only fucks traps

Rip little babby ;_;7