Racist Sup Forums eternally BTFO

You racist assholes and your abusive president have lost again.
>No tax cuts
>No wall
>Hillary not in jail
A hero black man is man of the year.

You right wing nutjobs are on the wrong side of history. Enjoy your short time in the sun.


Not an argument

This is literally how every conservative argues their point.
Dumb rednecks

It's gentle men's quarterly. On YouTube they are basicly the opposite of info wars.

>man of the year
what kind of faggot gives a shit who gq promotes in their "man of the year" "contest"? the man of the year is probably some fucking plumber in Minnesota.

Liberal = truth is relative.
Liberal = morals are unnecessary, (unless you offend ME)
Liberal = life has no intrinsic value
Liberal = hate is justified if it convinces stupid people to eliminate enemies.
Liberal = steal from boss to feed bosses spouse so lib can steal same spouse just to show spouse how stupid it was to follow a lib that can't earn.

Liberal = nothing more important than sex without complication

>A hero black man is man of the year.

He's only a hero to his NFL overloads whom told him to take a knee on purpose.

This fucker is a Jew shill.

Liberal = equality for all
Liberal = freedom of thought
Liberal = compassion on the poor
Liberal = protecting the working person

Yeah these all have to do with sex.

You conservashits are the ones who are always focused on sex, just like you president and Moore.

More like Colin KaeperNIGGER

Freedom of thought, unless you're Christian. Equality for all, unless you're Christian, or white. Compassion for the poor, but not from my wallet. Protect the working person, from the hand that feeds him (kinda like, steel your wallet and then help you look for it).
Liberal = fool, thief, or tyrant. Play the tape all the way forward and it's always the same. Oligarchy, oppression, and murder.

collin the nigger of the year

>freedom of thought



someone skin that nigger

>that enormous Ishmael hook nose

>Liberal = equality for all

But only if you're rich.

>Liberal = freedom of thought

American colleges and university say "nope".

>Liberal = compassion on the poor

Obama Care was a scheme to bankrupt people.

>Liberal = protecting the working person

By replacing them with robots in foreign labor.

>Yeah these all have to do with sex.

If you want to call rape "sex", then sure.

>You conservashits are the ones who are always focused on sex, just like you president and Moore.

I can;t speak for Moore, I don;t know anything about him, nor care.

Your post is weak. Project yourselves onto your enemies. This is the game the left has been playing for many decades. It is the only game that Hillary Clinton knows.



like to light that niggers hair on fire

Nobody thinks these magazines and the entire media has credibility anymore.


>american hero

Fug yer bayt


Leave our messageboard then
>fucking inbred cuck

Haha GQ so if I start a shitty .magazine that nobody reads and name Donald duck as person of the Year. Will you btfo

This asshole only had 1 season when he played somewhat decent. He is not a good QB. In fact he's nothing but some attention whore faggot.

fucking sandkike nobody

>black man

Isn't he unemployed because no team wants him?

A hero for becoming almost irrelevant up until Trump mentioned him. Heh.

>Tyler refers to the members of his first free company as 'slaves with white collars'
Well I guess most of the membership was for airship points for the gm.

so a men's "fashion" magazine names a black man that was adopted by an affluent white family its' "citizen of the year" because he is unemployed but rich enough to not miss the money and "protesting" because he feels he is better at his "job" than he really is?
well shit, guess my entire world outlook has collapsed and i will hide in shame

>man of the year
Citizen. Which is almost acceptable seeing how he's the top activist for freedom of speech right now.
Of the year though? I don't know who else I would elect. Mostly just scumbags scumbagging other scumbags this year.


That not a black. That's a half breed

Bingo - Jack is the serpent that eats his own tail too fast. Annihilate.

No he's an Octaroon.
Obama was a mulatto and much darker.

Owned by Jews of course it's pushing their agenda


Next generation of kids coming up is the most conservative in decades. The left as we know it is dunzo. Rational people can see how mentally ill you all are. Oh, and if it comes down to it, we have the 5 million NRA members and 90% of the 90 million gun owners in the country. It won't end well for you.

Classical Liberal = equality for all
Classical Liberal = freedom of thought
Most People = compassion on the poor
Classical Liberal = protecting the working person

JJ Watt, someone from the same exact sport that Kaepernick is from who spearheaded a relief effort that eventually raised over $30m



Wasn't a rapist their man of the year as well?

Keep telling yourself that Sunshine but remember, at the end of the day he’s still President and Hillarys not because she is going to jail.

Power the fight! Frita bet!

did they make him look more white on purpose

Colin Kaepernick is Black?
RIP my sides.

conservatism= truth is absolute.

conservatism= morals are necessary to convince oursleves that were not just sociopaths who would rape eachother if god didnt tell us not to.

conservatism= We are somehow special in a virtually infiinite universe and our existence has to be for some reason conceivable in this dimension or realm of existence...aka god

conservative= hate is justified if it convinces stupid people to eliminate enemies. Islam is evil, lets get rid of it so christianity can rule the lands

conservatism= lets horde all this money that I wouldnt even dream of using on someone else to pay for overpriced, priced gouged ferraris and front row seats...oh, and through some into that retardely extravagant church thats opening up near me. So long as the people we oppressed for several decades dont get any of it

conservative= im an asshole and i dont want to change because i have a small wiener and its the only way I can validate myself but I cant get any pussy, so please keep it legal for me to molest and abuse the lower gender thx

>black man
looks like some italian jew
captcha: camion BANUS

leftism cannot offer any of those things without lying and stealing. what a fucking waste of digits.

going down as the biggest idiot in sports history.

"man of the year"


>So long as the people we oppressed for several decades dont get any of it
If black lives matter, start with the niggers in the ghettos murdering each other by the thousands you cuck. "White guilt," just fuck off.

When will your post release in hardback?


Even Obama has a black nose all things aside this guy shouldn't call himself black. But then he'd lose all his value as a person

I like how they had to white out his skin

>No wall
The Great Wall Of China 2,000 years to build
What did you expect in year

That reminds me. I need to buy a new toilet brush.

Does he happen to be Jewish? He looks like a half breed Jew/Nigger, such a terrible combination both visually and intellectually

>le 56 percent face

goddamn that fucking nigger.

As an ausfag I genuinely have no idea who this man is.

Fuck Kevin Durant

Nasty mongrel.

You aren't missing out.

he started the 'take a knee' bullshit which killed nfl