Holocaust deniers got debunked


Did you hate-filled virgins even realize your retarded beliefs had been BTFO this hard?
You can't argue against this.

Other urls found in this thread:


JIDF, you are the reason anti-Semitism will not die.

It's because there'll always be people who refuse to accept reality.

The holocaust happened. All your "evidence" to the contrary has been debunked, see the link.

sure it did but more people died under communism

if the holocaust happened, you wouldn't be posting right now.
Sage this shit thread

I want to be that pillowfu.

See? You can't even defend your retarded beliefs.

Plus that doesn't even make sense. 6,000,000 Jews died in the holocaust but there were some who survived.

And I'm not even Jewish, just someone who doesn't appreciate you people's hateful idiocy. It's dangerous.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

We learned just fine, we learned that last time it was not enough. we need to remove them ALL this time.

*teleports behind you*
Heh nothing personal, nig

4 Billion Jews were killed in Bethar dont you care!?

6 billion

Good, you admit the holocaust happened.

The whole world loves Jews and the whole we would unite to defend them again, if by some amazing chance people like you became anything more than virgin internet trolls.

I never said it happened i just said jews died, and not enough at that metric.

More holohoax denier threads. When you guys make 5 threads at the same time it's pretty obvious it's coordinated. See the other 4 for the regurgitated arguments. Also kikedigitalbiblioteca.il is not a source I'll ever click.

does anyone on this board actually think the holocaust didn't happen? If definitely fucking happened you idiots it just doesn't matter. It's not a reason to capitulate to jews or to consider them "oppressed" or some special class. They still need to be dealt with, that a lot of them were cooked 80 years ago doesn't matter at all.

I can see your nose from here, Mr. Goldberg

You admitted you learned, but 6,000,000 people dying isn't enough for you.

I'm telling you to learn the rest as well. Civilization doesn't tolerate people like you.

The jews are unironically and legitimately the most hated group of people on the planet among EVERY race and ethnicity. The whole world does not love them nor would they unite to defend them, the vast majority of the world hates them and wouldn't care if they got wiped out.

Shit well since I'm not a virgin I can no longer question the validity of public knowledge regarding Holocaust facts, figures and stories.

It's not a source you'll click because you know your retarded beliefs are completely refuted in it and you will have no comeback.

Look at how much /pol backpedals on its beliefs now, like Trying to rationalize the holocaust but forgetting that not everybody is a psychopathic hatemongering troll like them

Whatever hellhole of a psychologically disconjointed version of civilization where right is wrong and wrong is right, Corruption is fine, Ignorance is ok and culture is just a passing fad, where you are your material and not just your conscious, i dont give not one fuck what YOUR Fucked up civilization thinks because i dont Have too nor should i.

>le Sup Forums is one person meme
fuck off
also its Sup Forums not /pol newfag.


Yeah that's why the entire world teamed up to gangbang your conman Hitler into the dirt

Soon everyone will know it was hoax

Look at all this deflection from the fact that holocaust deniers are completely debunked.

It's not. All your "evidence" for it being a hoax is refuted here, and so far nobody ITT has a response to any of it.

Just admit it, you're all delusional trolls.

>posts kike propaganda
>"lol see u guys got owned lol muh 6 trillion!!!!"

You kikes are so obvious. Whats the matter you guys got word the goyim are beginning to know? Theres been many (((concerned citizens))) today on here trying to prove the holohoax happened.

>calling it propaganda as an excuse not to respond to it since he knows there is no response

And I bet in all those other threads nobody could respond to "holohoax" being debunked either

Mostly because we dont want to bother with shit we've already debunked, lurk moar. also its a kike link and none of us want our IP's tracked.


go ahead and try to debunk 4 hours of your holohoax being exposed for the massive sham it is. go ahead and try you kike shill. you can't, bitch. you're a coward that cant do shit but post the same link and sentences over and over. get fucked kike shill, you can't do a thing.


It wasn't 6 million. It was probably less than a million.

protip stop using the furnace math excuse
it's stupid and proven false
the only reason current cremation ovens take forever is because of health and safety standards
even if the muh six million number was true it would absolutely be feasible to burn most of them

lmao is this the height of your counterop. To simply lie louder then before? Go look at the comment demographic on any video on youtube relating to the holocaust you retarded fuck. Its already too late, faith has been destroyed.

prove it with math

Burden of proof lies on your back, what furnace math and can you provide a source,

Hi friend, it seems like you're not using your real flag! That's okay, it's easy to not be a shill. I'll tell you how. Step 1) Take off your false flag. Tada! You're done! Good job, champ!

>I found a propaganda site! Checkmate, vegans!

that's real cute, fyi

The holocaust happened but not 6 million lmao

They are burning bodies in a closed system that vents outside. There is no such standard. It takes a specified amount of time to burn a body and you cannot do it any faster.

Yeah my favorite part is how they got burned on open air grills and how their blood and fat became fuel for the fire.

Pol is satire. Silly nigger.

He's right. You know.

>The whole world loves Jews

Is that why they have been forcefully removed from every country in the world minus america at least twice in history, even israel the jews were displaced from and forbidden to return to. Lmao the jews dont even obey their own god's word.

It's already been done

>we already debunked that, hahah...
>that's why we can't do it again!


hey I can post a link too


I R so smert

So you admit the Jews actually need a guide to debate the holocaust.
Wew. Really cooks my soy beans.

that nigga once slapped my gf's ass at the club. btw, he's 6'7" and 115lbs.

How is someone supposed to respond to an argument you do not make? Posting a link does not directly refute any arguments, it only shows you know how to repeat yourself on the same cognitive level as a parrot. Are you able to research and counter arguments as they are presented, or are you only able to copy and paste a link to someone else's work?

The link I gave you completely debunks your retarded beliefs, that's why you won't click it.

Newsflash, troll, www.google.com doesn't defend your hateful delusions. You have to do that yourself.


It's called learning history. It's useful to have resources dedicated specifically to a topic that's being denied.

So you admit you have no response to holocaust denial being debunked.

He is really young, and naive. Be nice user

lies and embellishments don't mean that something is physically impossible
the only thing that takes more than an hour and a half to cremate are bones
if you were cremating a body to put in an urn in a mausoleum for your family it would take 8-10 hours but if you had an assembly line of bodies to get through you could just sweep the bone fragments away and toss the next one in, or just keep tossing bodies in until the ash buildup was too massive then clean it all at once
by "furnace math" i just mean the common argument that I find in these threads where they say "you can't burn x amount of bodies in y crematory ovens, it takes z hours for a body to burn, checkmate zog"
when people post this they think about individual civilian crematory ovens where the body is completely turned to ash which can take a long time
in nazi camps they had furnaces that burned literally nonstop with a revolving door of bodies and minimal maintenance downtime
Gutman et al., Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, 1994, pp. 185-187,185-186, 189-190
furthermore, many people died of typhus and were thrown in a mass grave, or were just shot and thrown in a mass grave
not everybody was cremated

i'm trying to strengthen your fucking arguments by taking away ones that are demonstrably false
there is still plenty of ammunition
>inb4 jewish sources

The link directly refutes arguments claiming the Holocaust is fake.

You presented no counter arguments, all you have done is plug your ears and deny the refutation.

So these are the famous /pol "intellectuals"?


In case anyone was curious as to why the jdif are spamming holocaust threads, another holocaust survivor has been proven to be an outright liar and fraud.

my favorite part is when an amerifat basement dweller who has never done anything of the sort concludes "it wasn't real - in my mind" based on how difficult it is to grill a leg of lamb on a windy day at the beach.

Prove it.
Use your words. Speak, puppy, speak!

Either the holocaust never happened or the jews are lying about the amount of people that where killed. It wasn't physically possible to kill the amount of people they said where killed in time frame they said it happened in.


Actually, your link doesn't address a single claim in 's video. In fact it barely addresses any real notable claim from deniers.

You wish you were a nigger. kek

furthermore, just because people were incinerated doesn't prove in the slightest that they were all gassed to death for being jewish

Nigger. I have a phd in Jewish history. It was faked, if you're really Jew you know this.


Another holocaust survivor turns out to be a complete liar and fraud. Ignore the jdif threads. Sage and ignore.

>see deflection from the fact that holocaust deniers are BTFO'd



*blocks your path*

who here /that1in10,000goyim/?

had a look at that site and its nothing but rhetorical trash as usual. never any positive evidence, always just trying to tear down, never build a case. people who think theyre smarter than everyone else often slip up by just throwing out rhetoric, shaming, isolating and trying to persecute their opposition but they dont account for the 1 in 10000 goyim.

I am using my words. The problem is probably that you don't even know the first thing about the holocaust and you're just going along with the delusional trolls denying it because you think it's edgy.

Leave the discussion to the adults if that's the case!

You are using a link to someone else's words.

You are able to form your own original thoughts, arn't you?

>run on sentences
>syntax errors
>punctuation non existent
It's a nigger or a kid

Just get rid of your flag.

but where is the proofs?

The link is where your retarded beliefs are debunked, my words are me telling you about it and trying to get you to respond. You won't because you can't!

its a pretty pissweak link user. not saying its all fake but that link is pissweak rhetorical trash that offers no evidence of its own. they just attack peoples character and say that theyre rude and shit. thinking youre smarter than everyone else is really bad because you dont account for people who are as smart as you.

The holocaust didn't happen, but by god do I wish it had. There needs to be "another one".


I don't know how I can help you.



>implying this hard

The evidence for the holocaust is documented separately, that link is just a direct refutation of the people denying it.

>so much deflection

All the pseudo-documentaries are debunked too
Here is a good rundown

40. Many Jewish survivors of the "death camps" say they saw bodies being piled up in pits and burned. How much gasoline would have to be used to perform this?

IHR Says:

The stories range from dropping the gas canisters into a crowded room from a hole in the ceiling, to piping it through shower heads, to "steam chambers," to "electrocution machinery." "Millions" of Jews are alleged to have been killed in this manner.

Nizkor Replies:

The exact method depended on the camp. Different means of killing -- sometimes only slightly different -- were used in different camps, and even in different places in the same camp.

At Auschwitz, specifically at Krema I through III, the Zyklon-B was dropped through holes in the ceiling. The holes are visible in aerial photographs that happened to be taken by Allied reconnaissance planes. At the Action Reinhard camps, exhaust from powerful engines, often engines stripped from captured Russian tanks, was pumped into buildings.

There were indeed showerheads in several gas chambers; witnesses have testified to this and wartime Nazi documents like inventories confirm it. (See a photograph of the document, or Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation, 1989, pp. 231, 438.) It is believed, however, that in every case, the showerheads were only cosmetic, were not connected to anything, and that no poison gas was pumped through them. They were intended to reassure the victims that everything was normal, to help prevent panic as they crowded into the chamber, and Nazis testified to this after the war.

Approximately three million Jews were gassed to death, over about three years, at the six major death camps. The rest were killed by numerous mass executions, mainly in the occupied eastern territories, and in the numerous smaller camps and ghettoes by inhuman treatment like starvation and slave-labor.


So I'm a skeptic of the numbers, but that's a retarded way to measure, between the giant field in the center, and the fact people aren't packed on top of each other. I'm sure you could pile a million in one football field, though the idea of them diging it back up in such short time makes it absurd.

My favorite lie is the 6 million figure, since the jews meme it for fucking everything.



Regarding "steam chambers" and "electrocution machinery" -- these were testimonies given by confused eyewitnesses, in some cases Poles who were spying on the camps from the outside. For example, someone seeing the killing process at the Action Reinhard camps might see the suffocating engine exhaust smoke billowing out of the gas chambers, and mistake it for steam. Of the Nazis themselves, or anyone else who saw the entire killing process from a close vantage point, we know of no one who repeats these false stories.

Such stories had no evidence or corroborating testimony to back them up, and so were not even entered as charges at the war-crimes trials. In other words, those false stories are not evidence that the Nazis were falsely charged -- rather, they are evidence that the trials were fair, and that the system worked.

this is from that website. the answer doesnt even touch on the question in the heading. they honestly just think people look at screens, drool, don't read what they wrote and move on and accept the answer they gave.
>ask question
>dont address question at all
>claim victory
i think that this website might actually be run by a troll or something because nobody can be this badly retarded.


They should post the photos of the fingernail marks scratched into the concrete walls of the "gaschambers". A physical fucking impossibility due to the difference in hardness.

did you actually read the site? just curious because it doesnt seem like you have. if youd read it you sure as fuck wouldnt be posting it here as your big whopper. im starting to think its run by someone who is trying to garner donations from neurotic jews and prey on scared elderly jewish people. i feel sorry for the jews getting preyed on by these vultures.

>implying jew talons are softer than concrete
>implying jews have not evolved extremely hard fingernails over millenia for the purpose of coin-clipping


So how much are (((they))) paying you?

You can argue and link and argue all you want, but nobody here cares. At all. You won't change anyone's mind and are wasting your life on an anime image board.