What has your culture contributed to the greatest nation on earth?
America is a melting pot
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>melting pot
No it is a white nation, as described in our Declaration of Independence, not some kike poem.
>No it is a white nation
56% white to be exact
Why do they make this so easy?
Founded it.
t. family been here since the 1630s
melting pot indeed
>melting pot
give me the rundown on this? any charges filed?
Fucking disgusting.
delete this
asian man is so lucky that gun didnt accidentally go off and hit him
mamma mia
He didn't have bullets, he was fronting
disgusting.......who eats at yoshinoya?
fucking degerates
thats pretty much every day south africa from what i understand.
any vids where the nogs get what they deserve?
We took a wasteland populated by 'people' who in 40,000 years had invented a stick, and in 200 years turned it into one of the most advanced, educated, prosperous, livable, and white countries on the planet. Not sure why you mentioned America in the title, seems a bit misleading.
What a beautiful culture
>give me the rundown on this? any charges filed?
Bunch of straight-edge white kids walk onto a beach and a bunch of niggers and beaners just start attacking them.
To their credit, the white kids toughed it out and one guy even goes back into the mob to get his friend off the ground to safety.
Tbh tho why do weak white bois think they stand a chance
All good reasons to remove niggers from the US.
A legitimate issue muddled by autistic children with their joo conspiracies.
I fucking hate Sup Forums sometimes.
THIS one always makes me question what happened right after she hit the dirt.
I'm assuming the white boy got his ass beat by the monkey faced negresses
That felt so good
Fuck niggers
>go to community school ever
wew lads
>find video on liveleak
>make sure it's done in america
>tweet to BLM why they don't fight the misogynist sexual assaults done in clubs
nah, probably just got in trouble with administrative
same ancestors came over on the Mayflower.
wtf do they have in the house
was a good palate cleanser from the pure unmitigated rage of
How is that spreadeagled tackle or that head-bucket drum move misogynist?
This is why if the KKK ever decided to drive around executing every nigger that crosses their path i wouldnt give a shit.
noob here, why the fuck are the niggers in these pictures always either naked, fighting, or both?
I have the exact same gorilla, but it is a rubber mold
Mine came over 13 years later
>Channel 2
That's a local channel.
What surprises me is there are still people in this world who don't hate niggers.
If these white kids weren't all lanklet, sheltered pussies they could have stood their ground.
Niggers rely on numbers and sudden aggressiveness to overwhelm; literally an urban redux of Zulu spear chucker tactics. You post up, protect your chin and counter their pathetic jab and counter jab hard and they'll typically back off.
All the nigger, macho shit evaporates at the first sign of determined resistance; they have extremely low pain thresholds: like in life, they look for the easy option. Once its denied they quit and run.
Is that Tatooine?
This is so depressing.
Lots of C.C. and toilet paper.
White kid's tend to grow up and mature older for some reason, I remember we always had the one white American kid, they were all consistently small and weak looking, they looked more like "kid''s" I guess, hard time's make strong people, you need to teach these little fuckers how to fight, you don't have to be hood to be good at martial arts, we've all seen the videos, all you need is a little bit of training.
As someone who grew up in a majority black city (Memphis) and in one of the blackest areas (Hickory Hill) I can personally attest to everything you said lol.
the jews and the niggers want to stop you from having a gun so the niggers can just rob and kill you and your family in your own home
I don't know, it must be in our DNA
it's a female who pushed the negress down
They underestimate how violent niggers are.
These ones are satisfying.
>why are malls dying.webm
don't compare a sweet dessert with niggery
Women in headscarves never struck me as the happy-go-lucky day at MoA type of people, but there they are, every time I go when my family visit.
lol nig evens holds his gun sideways when he robs.
Rename to Sweden.Jpeg
Kill that bitch
Can we get some scooby doo music on that?
>white nation
Not for many years now.
Also the prevalence of balding nu-males in that country is staggering. All of my Americuck friends became anti-Trump faggots who do nothing but bitch about him on social media, balding, have admitted to doing gay shit with other guys and the ones that got married didn't care that their wives didn't take their names. Dunno what they're doing to you guys over there but get it together, fuck.
>What has your culture contributed to the greatest nation on earth?
The shoe removal is the best part
Sounds like you are just a faggot that hangs out with other faggots then
longer version please if there is?
Did they actually build much?
I thought they just worked on farms and did extremely menial tasks like laying down wood for rail roads. Im genuinely curious what slave labour actually did, as far as I was aware it was actually bad overall for economies
He had his perfect chance to grab it at 0:23
God damn it, niggers are disgusting.
Fucking Somalians need to go.
The niggers don't even like them, I heard from a black kid at one point there was a racewar in Minneapolis Highschool between the niggers and Somalis..
t. Minnesotan
How do we know it's murrica?
Are you fucking retarded?
I'm from Minnesota. We have the highest Somali population in the United States, this is the small amusement park located at the center of the Mall of America.. It's always like this.
Is that a tribute to uma delicia?
quinten tarantino says in his brilliant movie django unchained that evil white australians sailed over to america in 1859 to partake in the slave trade there so you're welcome i guess
I will never forgive Democrats for what they've done to the state that I grew up in. When I was growing up in the '80s, telling someone you were from Southern California was like telling them you were from the Garden of Eden. Everyone knew it was objectively the best place on Earth.
Now it's full of shitskins, filth, and rampant poverty.