
Greeks are the laziest, selfish, greedy and stingy group of people you will come across, they're a lower IQ resemblance of Jews. Go back home and pay your fucking debts

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Just massacre their community center and they will flee. It took Albanians to make Hellenistic uprising against the Turks there and some Germans to establish monarchy and government in Greece. Useless race


Have mercy.

Ever look at the Athens port on Google Earth?
Those niggers are RICH.
"Poor Greece" has to be a LARP.

I'd take chinks and greeks over niggers and spics anyday of the fucking week

Good morning to all the butthurted diaspora around the world and a big shoutout to the albanian rus.
How are you today my friends?

Kalimera to all the Toniblerims out there

Like Tony Blair?

It's a traditional albanian name. Together with Elvispresley they are the most popular names in albania

Here’s some baklava, an baby back ribs I made for you guys. American and Greek culture are a match made in heaven. Can’t we just all get along and share our mutual hate for the roach.


Gotta admit. That's one sexy port.

greeks get a bad rap. They get fucked on the regular by the 4 big families that own like 95% of their country. Their women and their islands >>>>>

>greek culture
It's a Turkish dessert m8

Jews are intensely jealous of the Greeks because the Greeks created civilization and Jews had to learn it from them. Jews never created anything.

Let me get the raid... you fucking roach.

Jokes on you, I'm a spic


Greece is fucked, but Greek's and their decedents in the USA from before 1965 are white and are not anywhere near what jews are today. Be weary of threads like this, especially if you live in America. Whites need to stick together and Greeks in America who have a family lineage that can be traced back to the old Greece have always had similar values of the white nationalist of today. Also Jews vs Whites IQ are like men Vs women, higher average, but larger standard deviations

There are no Byzantines left in the world
they are all shitskins now

Unlike you roaches many Albanians are, in fact, 100% Illyrian. Mongrels “of Europe” literally deserve exile or a violent death


Silly tonibleri, you don't even have an army. How are you supose to "exterminate us", with special modified goat tanks?

The greeks ARE jews. Read Bulgaria's history - we did everything we could to save OUR jews, but we gladly shipped the Greek Jews to the concentration camps.

Leave it to Russian imperialists and their dream of cleansed Europe to do the job - their retaken Constantinople is not going to be retaken for Greekoniggers. (yes, they don’t care about your subhuman religion - for them you are just a bunch of wewuz shitskins).
>Albanian is now known to have been the first language of Europe, before Latin
>known for big swords back in the Roman Empire, friendly and attractive people get the job done (30% of British people have Albanian DNA)
>even christcucks have something for their liking - Skenderbeg knighted by Pope, awarded Christianias Ameritus or some shit for single handedly stopping Europe bell getting & creating the modern Albania
>the fiercest fighters when it comes to pride
>if you are friends with them they will kill for you
>ask any woman in Europe which men have the most respect for women and they will all say Albanian
>can blend in almost any white country due to ability to learn foreign European languages 2x faster than any other race because Albanian was the first language of Europe (also explains why there are so many Worldwide Albanian pop stars comparative to the tiny amount of population vs other countries)
>anytime you are this strong all other males will hate (see OP post and comments above)
>bigger balls than every other race combined (see pic related Shkreli

please check your history before any newfags try to tell me Albanians didnt single handedly stop Europe from getting GREECED from Ottomans

They took the hardest blow and we owe these people a debt of gratitude you ungrateful fucks. Greeks on the other hand deserve death for marrying armenians, turks and gypsies under orthodox blessing

OMG fucking SAVED!

>t turk

wewuznot subversive nonwhite subhumans

go and marry ethiopian mulatto- it’s okay as long you both are orthodox lmao

Not paying your DEBNTS is anti-semitic, thus as the poorest country in Europe Greece is the most anti-semitic.

Let me guess,you are either a dispora nigger,an Albanian goat fucker,a roach,a """"""Macedonian"""""" or a Bulgarian sub-human

lol kike banks that leach nations with debt deserve to have the debt forgiven in bankruptcy

gib greek gf

Funny you use “”””” with Macedonians since not only you are not a mongrel barely related to the Hellenic race like those in Greece - you are literally a racial Arab

It's funny what a few centuries of interbeeding with turks can do to a nation once most intellectually advanced. Sadly, balkans are mostly a lost case with a few exceptions.

>calling others arab
Oh boy

about what percentage of people in athens speak english?

>literally Arabic subhuman forced to speak Hellenic lanaguge
Guess which one is Albanian and which one is a Greek subhuman

99% lol

>they don’t care about your subhuman religion
>Called self Third Rome
>Holds Orthodoxy as a golden icon
Shouldn't you be raping gays in Chechnya?

How would le 56% face fair with the women?

there are so many diaspora roaches behind western flags

>Called self Third Rome
One LAROer online did it so it must be true. Guess what, Holy Germanic Roman Empire treated shitalians as second class citizens lmao
>Holds Orthodoxy as a golden icon
It doesn’t. Maybe 5% or less of ethnic Russians visit church or believe

that currywurst is pretty nice tho

albanian subhuman

its not
its shit

jews are pussies

Lmao this should be exterminated, and I don’t know why any White Man would ever debate that.

albanian subhuman

woah friend. no need to be mean.

Pic related is what no subhuman grekoroach will ever be able to produce

Sucks to have those ethiopian and armenian genes

>Hating jews
>A bad thing
Leave Shlomo

Not a Turk, Just hate Greek characteristics

albanian subhuman

only subhumans do you shitskin

Hitler knew that Greeks are untermenschen. We know it too

If you are at least fair looking just come for vacations to an island and go to a place with many drunk girls.
100% guaranteed success.

Greeks are the laziest cunts on the planet. Seriously nigger-tier lazy. Boggles the mind how they were ever a leading civilization

Name a better showcasing of Greeks than the Mike Tyson Mysteries episode "Greece Is The Word"

albanian subhuman

Greeks and Jews are both subhuman semi-negroids

this is the turkish shitskin in uk
was very active yesterday and got mad

Not the point I was making, Greeks are like Jews but perhaps even worse

albanian subhuman

they are not you sneaky shitskin

All those drunk girls would be British though

Nit-picking won't help you when your average albanian dog looks like this

I 100% knew an Albanian fuck like this this cartoon isn't even satire

HAHAHAHA butthurt GAYREEK diaspora

diaspora shitskin in america

Most of them yes but you will also find some Greek ones here and there.


So the Tzars were larpers eh? And I doubt your 5%. Your ethnic 'Russians' are probably russified turks or muslims. Go to St. Peters or Moscow and live a little Mustafa, or on second thoughts, just go back to Tajikistan.

dont be so rude they are your more closest group genetically

its a shitskin

Just banting lad. I love the way your people handle our trash when they're abroad

he doesnt care what you write
click on the links i post

albanians are subhumans


your whole country is trash

Not a shitskin you German cuck. I'm a 1/4 German but alot of Germanics have always been closeted faggots


emprace your brothres faggot

you are a shitskin

Embarrassing to see Christians hoodwinked so easily to MLK Jr and the "civil rights" movement, based on envy. An actual sin, unlike "racism".

I'm white. Greeks are good people but they are lazy, I don't know how you can dispute this. The whole country is ridiculously laid back. It's a beautiful country though and as I said, really friendly good people from my experience. Honestly I envy that way of life. Anglos and other northern Europeans take life way too seriously.

You don't need a link to prove that. Their national hero was a Catholic Serb, that's how disillusioned they are.

just another shitskin


you are a shitskin
you even write like one you subhuman


most non Greeks are useless subhumans after all

Im pretty sure Israrlis are the most anti Semitic people in the world considering that they are white and continuously kill, injure and torture palestinians in the west bank...a real semitic people.

Never trust a jew.

Yeah, everyone's a shitskin. Take your meds loser



well you obviously are you sneaky shitskin



