Seasons Greetings anons, ready to bring the US federal government to its knees? Join us this winter for Operation No Taxes /ont/
The rundown: This information campaign will convince every taxpaying american that refusing to pay taxes in 2018 is the solution to all their problems, no matter what their political philosophy or identity.
>But I love Trump Great, not paying taxes hurts his enemies: the deep state and corrupt career politicians >But I hate Trump Great, not paying taxes will end his ability to enforce his policies. Declare that you won’t pay taxes until Trump leaves office. >Or convince normies to do this >But I’m an __Insert meme identity__ Doesn’t matter, the federal government and lawmakers have power because they control immense wealth, that wealth is generated by taxes. End the taxes end their power. >But filing for taxes gets me a small return check That is because you are poor. Our targets are people that have to cut checks to the government before April 15th. >But I’m not an American, why do I care? Do you not want to destroy the corrupt bureaucratic US empire and end its global dominance? Join the fight user. If this works in the US then other nations will follow. Think of your future.
Blake Gray
What you can do to help:
>Spread the word Memes and articles should be normie friendly and avoid attacking citizens because of their political ideology. Attacks should be focused on figure heads and institutions. Headlines we want to see this winter “Liberal and Conservative Citizens Unite in No Taxes Protest, Here is Why it is Working” “The No Taxes Has Lawmakers Worried” “Not Taxes No Trump movement is Dangerous” >Post the stats Post relevant statistics showing how oppressive the tax system is, especially for hardworking middle class families >Dig for dirt Find politicians, businesses, businessmen, and celebrities who are evading taxes, expose the double standard. Citizens are forced to carry the tax burden while an elite few are allowed to avoid penalties and pay their share. We should all be avoiding taxes. >Plant the seed This holiday season spread this meme through word of mouth to all of your family members. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and gatherings should be used to sow seeds of doubt and anger with current tax policies. The only logical thing we can do to fight back is to stop giving the government money. dents are being attacked >Spin current events Trump tax plan and republican tax plans will be in the news, use these to show how all tax plans are used to extract wealth from the most productive Americans: middle class and students
We can shut down the federal government in 2018 anons. Trump was memed into the Whitehouse one year ago, now bring down the whole system. This form of protest is lazy, passive, and effective. You don’t even have to get off the couch.
Nathaniel Davis
>Be IRS employee >See this thread. Hmmmm
Camden Edwards
Alexander Price
Luke Fisher
I feel bad for you so I will bump your thread despite who employs me. You got the bible on your side with the book of ezra chapter 4. You also have a nostradamus prophecy supporting you.
Cameron Sullivan
thanks user, nothing personal. IRS wouldn't be so bad if the creatures in washington were replaced.
Asher Collins
last bump, see you in the morning
Logan Turner
>posts this right before major tax overhaul
You sure are useful OP
Tyler Hall
lol so much this only DRUMPF retards pay taxes
James Morgan
>not dismantling the federal reserve How's the payout on that kosher tax?
Caleb Gonzalez
>Sup Forums shitposters >earning taxable income
Pick one tbqh.
Easton Kelly
>Bitches about taxes >Doesn't make enough to be outside the EITC
Jackson Torres
I'm not risking jail when my federal tax rate is effectively 4%. I make 46.50/hr, and paid $4,455.04 in federal taxes last year - literally less than when I was an apprentice electrician, making 17 bucks per hour.
If you know how to exploit the tax loopholes (hint: it involves becoming a landlord/slumlord, offering steep monthly discounts on people who are willing to pay cash for rent every month), you can lower your taxes to the rate that government won't be able to operate, due to their own stupid loopholes.
Jackson Nelson
This is the best damn meme I've ever seen.
Austin Hill
...this...just...might... work
Cooper Brooks
>hello fellow goyim >wouldn't it be TOP KEK and pure MAGA if we publicly encourage people to commit a crime? >that'll show them for trying to smear Sup Forums, am I right fellow whites?
Gas yourself at your nearest convenience
Juan Collins
Plz explain.
Colton Stewart
What do you want me to explain that I haven't already? Buy property, rent it out for cash (as you can kick anyone out, due to them not having a paper trail, AND because you can avoid declaring it as income), and exploit the tax loopholes that the federal government gives for owning homes/paying the mortgage. Of course, your state property tax is gonna go up, due to you having multiple properties, but most property tax is dirt cheap, like 2% or less of the property's worth in every single state.
Joshua Bennett
>get rent in cash >don't claim it as income >write off expenses for rental property anyway
so then your rental property is operating at a loss and acts as a deduction on your total income
Gavin Ross
Sage this shit you faggots
Jack Smith
Christ almighty that's maximum kikery.
Austin Jones
Yes it is. I'm an advocate of a flat tax. But if the rules exist, and you don't exploit them, you're just letting yourself get taken advantage of.
Carter Gutierrez
y tho
Henry Thomas
Because left wing people generally can't avoid dodging personal taxes (and even if they could, they would be hypocrites to ask for bigger government and then try to get out of paying it), and right wing people can minimize their contributions without needing to risk jail time (and right wing people, being an advocate of smaller government, faces no hypocrisy for minimizing his impact or exploiting the system to his own personal benefit).