Why are there so many attempts to hate on this guy?

Why are there so many attempts to hate on this guy?

The Internet should NOT be regulated like a utility. Period.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Ajiit Pai, gee...
>not Pajiit
where's the pee?
running down the street

I have not seen this picture before. I am interested. Please elaborate or provide context.

Met him in person a few months ago. He's an insanely nice and genuine guy. His haters are a bunch of cunts.

The only rule of the internet should be there are no rules.

stop fucking calling me about microsoft tech support you street shitter

>Why does "everyone" hate Trump
>Why does "everyone" hate Ajit
It's the same reason - when you go against anything the New World Order wants, you will receive the full brunt of their wrath via their main attack dog, the MSM.

On a related note: isn't it amazing that no one ever defines "net neutrality"? They just assume it's something good and whatever is in the bill is for their benefit.

what's stopping him from releasing that to the public?

Obama's plan (currently being implemented) is that the Internet should be regulated like a utility. This plan was sold to the public as "net neutrality" by the tech giants and other liberal organizations. It is NOT net neutrality. It's literally governmental control of the internet.

Unfortunately, the John Oliver/Reddit hivemind totally ate up the false labeling of Obama's plan as net neutrality.

Of course the billion dollar tech firms are all for this since they can use their lobbyists to get exactly what they want and keep smaller, freer, more competitive firms from ever changing things.


That's a great question, actually. I'm guessing he fears "repercussions".

>The Internet should NOT be regulated like a utility
It needs to remain as it is and ISPs as well as politicians backed by lobbyists need to fuck off before they ruin the greatest source of entertainment on the planet.

jews hate him because he's a threat to (((facebook))) and (((google))) and the greater zionist agenda

So what's the sauce to all of this, and when is that image dated?


>american education

Redditers are just absolute fucking morons. Any rational person would be against net neutrality.

>Of course the billion dollar tech firms are all for this since they can use their lobbyists to get exactly what they want and keep smaller, freer, more competitive firms from ever changing things.

It seriously baffles me how quick people are to forget this shit. I mean, every FUCKING day, people on this retarded site bitch about muh corporate lobbying and muh unfair playing field, and yet when they are told by those VERY FUCKING CORPORATIONS that all of us good goyim should blindly support a massive government power grab like this, those same people lower their pants and promptly bend over.

Jesus Christ, we know that Xfinity is shit. That fact doesn't change the reality that giving the government the power to actually make it HARDER for competition to happen is fucking bonkers.

>greatest source of entertainment

I'm going to go ahead and just assume he meant "information".

its interesting how bannon was proposing that google and facebook were regulated by utilities, but somehow isps shouldnt

you will regret your opinion once you see the full scope of NN removed consequences

I for one, welcome it
pol needs to die

when i was younger i shilled for anonymous for a free internet, now that i am older i see what the ugly part of mankind is and realize that the globalist are right

Do you honestly think all of Reddit is just moronic assholes? How can you not see at this point that place is heavily controlled and manipulated? It's propaganda - they literally call themselves "the front page of the internet" for fucks sake...

'the greatest source of entertainment'
does not imply
'the greatest source of entertainment and nothing besides'

you're both retarded, in exactly the same way

It's because half the people here are literal brainless who hate SJWs so much anything to spite the left seems like a good thing. They don't remember 9/11. They don't remember when a republican pissed our futures down the drain for Jewish interests. They don't know shit about shit just dank memes and making libs mad

>I for one, welcome it
>pol needs to die
Then fuck off - why are you even posting here?

Calm your tits - internet as an information source is vastly more important and more in danger of being censored than your fucking entertainment.

when isps block/slow all competition to netflix, facebook, youtube and google I hope you remember your words

Shill detected

but it does imply entertainment above all else

>The Internet should NOT be regulated like a utility. Period.

which is why the Pajeet in Chief is deregulating the FCC right so we can all create our own radio ISPs right? Fuck off you tech illiterate tard


Netflix, Facebook, YouTube, and Google all support net neutrality, because they know that they'll be able to survive, but their competition won't.

I'm going to laugh so hard when all you absolute retards have to pay a fee to go to Sup Forums, if you can even go there at all,when net neutrality gets repealed. Do you goys really understand that law is the only thing between (((Comcast))) raping you for every single fine they could come up with? soon you goys will have to buy "subscriptions" to go anywhere

without net neutrality this is what you will get...

no it literally does not. you're both retarded in the same exact way.

>everyone getting blue-pilled by pajeets hiding behind American flag.

This is a great object lesson in how stupid people are punked constantly via BRANDING. Net Neutrality is a brand - the phrase is a synonym for "free and open internet like we've always had" in the minds of all you cucks and cocksuckers. That means nothing at all if the people using the description "net neutrality" to describe a policy are not describing that, but rather something else entirely.

This is where your media is completely useless - it is their role in society to prevent this kind of blatant corruption to take place by shining light on it - instead, they are partners in it. Go figure, a bunch of media conglomerates conspiring together with the government can't be trusted???

The giant tech companies like NETFLIX and GOOGLE (Youtube) and Amazon are major, major data users because they run video streaming sites. They dominate traffic and telco's and whatnot wish to charge them for this. Trump Admin seems to think it's ok to let ISP's charge major carriers for QOS. That's all this is about. Netflix et al want ISP's to charge more and take the heat to recover this cost - ISP's want to charge the companies and make them charge their customers more to cover the cost. Presented with those two options, it's all much clearer now isn't it?

you are in favor of turning the internet into a cable TV model.. right wingers are fucking dumb

if net neutrality gets cut i am seriously country jumping to get away, I work remotely anyway. Fuck That Shit.

>Keep net neutrality in place
>Liberals get to keep policing the internet by having all the big tech firms either shut down, block out, or ban anything that doesn't conform their bullshit
>Kill net neutrality
>Silicon valley cunts go to hell with the rest of us

We don't have it now. Why hasn't this happened already?

The Gruber

because they needed to consolidate

just look the juicy deals netflix did with comecast for example

>I'm going to laugh so hard when all you absolute retards have to pay a fee to go to Sup Forums,
Then I'll find a different ISP. This will create competition. If they try to charge too much money, people won't pay for it. This is how the market works.

>pointless fearmongering
will never happen

Wrong, we're actually aware of the details of how businesses operate, the internet works, and how faggot corporate propaganda like yours works.

Just take the loss before you embarrass yourself further. This is a thread about net neutrality and its potential effects on the internet. No one gives a shit about its effects on entertainment expect braindead tweens such as yourself. Go watch some more Youtube.

It implies that there are no greater sources of entertainment.

It does not imply that entertainment is the sole function of the internet.

>country jumping
you wont fag, you are too lazy to get out of the us and you know it
even more, to where?

we have net neutrality you retard.. also it was creeping before net neutrality.

The dude is a fucking industry shill who only wants to bleed every dime he can from consumers. He is not working for citizens, he is working for companies. Fuck off.

Have fun being blocked from Sup Forums.

we SHOULD have actual net neutrality. Obama took the a term that most people are in favor of but don't really understand "Net Neutrality" and single-handedly redefined it as government regulation of the internet as a utility.

no. you're wrong.
net neutrality is good.


You're all acting like niggers.

I hope net neutrality gets trashed desu
Means all the teenage Amerisharts who infest this board would be priced out of Sup Forums when mom refuses to pay $15 extra a month for the adult sites package.

But Trump is president?

maybe he can afford the far right masturbation package that is only 50 dollars a month extra on his bill for the first three months

Because Pajeet is a corrupt shitbag and the FCC under him will basically give ISPs, some of which also own mainstream media companies, free reign to rape your people. The argument that the FTC has the power to enforce net neutrality (which doesn't even make sense since the people supporting this argument are against net neutrality) is faulty. They have done nothing to enforce net neutrality, and the only time they go after ISPs is for fraud or making false claims. If you support Pajeet, you're basically supporting telcoms and their mass media conglomerates, who are the only ones benefiting from this. Independent media, like the ones Sup Forums supports, are going to be even more fucked than Google or Facebook.

You're cutting your nose to spite your face.

Fortunately, this will only affect Americans, but I hate seeing non-Amerimutt Americans getting fucked over by their own three-letter agencies.

>when i was younger i shilled for anonymous for a free internet, now that i am older i see what the ugly part of mankind is and realize that the globalist are right
No dude, you just got to keep the normalfags off and away from web and Internet access. You see the ugly reared head of normies because the Internet simply allowed an amplified mirror for their inanity and insanity.

All this can be traced back to Eternal September. Normieweb was a mistake.

Are you honestly retarded? the law prevents (((comcast)) and (((other))) ISPS from being able to give any data preference, meaning your connection to Sup Forums won't get cut cause (((they))) can't treat it differently than any other website.
Google and Netflix already pay massively more for the bandwith they use than we do , to the point some of these have their own dedicated ISPS just for their data, this idea that google is hogging your internet speed is retarded at best and (((their))) lies at worst

Net neutrality is actually well-defined.
Do some fucking research.

absolutely this

>net neutrality is good.
You don't even know what that term means. It has no definition and the only thing that actually matters is IN THE FUCKING BILL WHICH YOU HAVEN'T READ which also just happens to be called "net neutrality" (it actually isn't but you think it is).

utilities are regulated because they form into natural monopolies.
Search, Social, and other telecommunications services that ride on top of the internet have all formed into natural monopolies.

except for butt fuck Indiana, nearly all municipalities have 2-3 ISP offerings, any decent sized city has dozens of metro, regional, national ISP providers available.

>Government regulates the internet
>That means I finally, by law, get decent speeds out in bumfuck nowhere, instead of 1600 baud DSL jewishness

THAT is why it needs regulated: if I can get the gov't to get me electricity and water, then they can get me internet at a reasonable speed.

Guess what you absolute monumental retards, if your internet company tries to charge you too much, you can just not pay them. You can get your internet somewhere else, or just go without it.

just admit it was badly worded instead of defending it. it's embarrassing

Post the definition then, faggot.

Low quality b8, m8.

>Obama took the a term that most people are in favor of but don't really understand "Net Neutrality" and single-handedly redefined it as government regulation of the internet as a utility.

Actually, this happened not simply because Obama made it so, but because an appeals court decided that the FCC had no authority to enforce net neutrality unless ISPs were categorized as utilities.

Not an option for huge chunks of the nation. Many places have only 1 or 2 providers, and a lot of the time they're owned by the same parent company.

>You can get your internet somewhere else

ass long as the radio airwaves and the underground pipes are regulated, those companies are a government oligopoly you tard

Why does Sup Forums protect an oligopoly so vociferously?. Sure, google and Facebook benefit from NN, but the 'utility' argument is so trite. There is no 'free market' that is juxtaposed with a post net neutrality environment - the market is split up between just a few large telecoms.

>shilling this hard

Good goy.

tweet is from 2015


Then get rid of those regulations, don't add more.

332 pages, it's probably la divina comedia of ebonics

Garbage attempt at censorship.

Net Neutrality for life.

"Net Neutrality" prevents ISP's from recovering costs specific to large users. The issue has nothing to do with the consumer end, it has to do with the provider end. If you run a network that is carrying enormous volumes of streaming media your network is impacted by that and has enormous costs associated with that. If that media is fed by a couple of companies making billions of dollars off of it, it is reasonable to want to charge them their share to provide their service. That's what the ISP's are after. Netflix et all are happy to pay some but they like the stronger negotating position they have now. Comcast etc have to raise their prices by a few dollars and Netflix gets to look like good guys charging "only" whatever they charge per month. Under a new rule the ISP could charge Netflix for bandwidth and QOS and then Netflix might have to increase their prices.

This does not create huge risk with shit like imgboards because there is no money to be made in creating a separate tier for it. Sure, people will say that they'll use censorship and certain ISP's will block content but all that does is open up more competition. As long as you require open-leasing and are enforcing anti-monopoly practices that is ok. If everyone big bans Sup Forums and other free sites you can open an ISP that allows them and collect all of those customers. As serving their content is actually cheap you can end up making a lot of profit on the deal and running a successful ISP.

NPR regularly explains net neutrality.

The whole point of net neutrality is so that companies cannot force you to pay them extra to have them favor your packets.

This seems benign on the surface but what it means is when you are playing a video game or visiting Sup Forums and that video game company or Sup Forums or YOU haven't paid extra for favorable service you, as the browser, can get throttled access to the content you're after.

It can really go either or both ways. Either costing YOU more to visit content not on the 'preferred' list (or you just get it super fucking slow) while forcing companies to pay to be on the preferred list.

Imagine paying 5.99$ a month extra so that you can browse Sup Forums at a reasonable speed. And facebook paying $20000 a year so that normies can browse facebook without having to pay 5.99$ a month.

Imagine the damage to independent media.

People don't necessarily want it to be regulated like a utility but they also don't want ISPs to control and charge for different types of information and content. Imagine if ISPs only allowed pro-Democratic-Party websites at all price tiers and everything else was relegated to the $100 extra-a-month Free Speech (tm) package

with no regulations, ATT owned a monopoly in US telecoms. They got owned by gov't regulations

now think comcast and time warner. if you take away regulations, are they going to allow more competition and new internet company startups?

do you understand how radio waves work? the FCC will /never/ drop that regulation, and it will /never/ be legal to just dig under your neighborhood's ground to install your own pipes you idiot

lol i actually have before so i'm not scared at all. I'll probably be heading to Chile amigo ;).

most traffic goes through the bell companies
they can censor anything and smaller isps cant do anything about it

>an amplified mirror for their inanity and insanity.
yeah, i agree
the first mass generation of weebs aged with me, so i have seen the bittering of internet in first plane
that doesnt undermine what i told you

just admit to samefagging, it's embarrassingly obvious

And clearly you missed the point that the only thing that actually matters is the LAW ITSELF AS DEFINED IN THE BILL THAT NO ONE READ BEFORE IT WAS PASSED IN CONGRESS.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

we need regulation to protect us from the crony capitalists

carlos you need to go back and pay for the fucking wall

for how integrated the internet is in our everyday life just like electricity and water it is a utility

Ah, the land of the free.

its the russians and ignorant mouth breathing glenn beck listeners.

Don't try and anti-shill shill me you faggot. The leaf clearly saw the same retarded nonsense I saw.

>The Internet should NOT be regulated like a utility.



>already pay
Oh, but look into the details of that. Those are deals they make with the ISP's to maintain good order (or is to maintain high QOS for their networks, hmmm?). It's almost as if they're using the Ticketmaster model - where Ticketmaster charges fees that everyone hates and takes all of the PR hit, but then sends a percentage of those fees to artists and promoters who get to pretend that it's only Ticketmaster being greedy and not them too.

The argument that they'd cut my access to a certain site is poor because there is no incentive for them to do so in terms of technical operations or monetary profit. Nothing niche will ever have a real impact on the large ISP networks. This leaves only content control/censorship, which opens up a market opportunity for their competitors.

The law that really matters is open access to pipelines and anti-monopoly. If I can start an MVNO and allow shit blocked on Comcast, even though I'm using Comcast's network there is no problem.

The average American has access to 2 broadband ISPS , and you better believe they will both do this since It's a very (((profitable))) way of separating goyim from their shekels.
>If they try to charge too much money, people won't pay for it. This is how the market works.
Have you ever read any economics paper since high school? almost any non walmart job today requires internet usage ,and even more so for intertainment,so most people won't have much of a choice.Thats there reason we need these kinds of regulations, otherwise (((they))) will more than gladly abuse you and me

of course not

you are enlightened my friend, but Sup Forums is for the most part an echochamber, you are a minority
just read this thread
swallow the black pill already

Well yeah I agree with you that Sup Forums in its current state should undoubtedly be purged. I can say without hesitation right now that I would not miss it. It's become a simple habitual time waster for me, with an only added "benefit" of being a handy news headline source as well.

It's painful to watch something you grew up with become so corrupted by normalfaggotry.

>owned by the same parent company.
Then maybe you shouldn't let faggot shit like ATT/Time Warner mergers happen.

you are an idiot and you should be gassed to death.

>added "benefit" of being a handy news headline source as well.