Why do you fags circle jerk over Nazi Germany if they lost the war and have a bunch of modern larp fags?
Genuinely curious
Why do you fags circle jerk over Nazi Germany if they lost the war and have a bunch of modern larp fags?
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Read its ideology 'consumerist ''you're on the wrong side of history'' fatass'
We are the third Reich nigger
Aside from losing the war, Nazi Germany was a glorious reversal of the conditions of poverty and spiritual decay of the period before the Nazis took power.National socialism succeeded - German imperialism failed.
Why do you Jews always bring up homosexuality?
Being a Nazi gives me purpose.
what have "heteros" done to harm jews? diddly dick fuck all. they are vid related in relation to kikes:
You must be really new here. Let me spell it out for you Poltards are the counter culture. We do and say shit to fuck with normies, to red pill as many people as possible to the real enemy. We take pride in pissing off over sensitive people. Becuase facts don’t care about your feelings! If that means larping as a Nazi or whatever... as long as it gets our point across. Meme magic is just that a magic trick we play on your simple mind to blow your ass out and make you aware your living in the matrix. No go back to reddistan commie shill.
I don't get it either. Hitler chimped out and got millions of Europeans and some Americans killed.
It's what they stood for that mattered.
because the bad guys won
>Why do you fags circle jerk over Nazi Germany if they lost the war
I simply admire a sharp uniform
because Hitler was brave enough to stand up to kikery when no one else would
you're really just barbara streissanding this shit. Are you really that stupid? The more you complain the worse it will get.
That being said heil hitler.
Not shilling.
Why do you people hold him in such high regards like he's the second coming of Christ?
Alexander the Great was a better leader, same with Augustus Caesar, but you don't see threads about them everyday.
They accomplished in killing six gorillian sub-humans and attempted to create a better future. Also why is Shareblue here today? I've seen ten threads like this in one day.
that's because they didn't question the JQ
They are ludicrous and have never read a book beyond "My Struggle" It's also an easy meme to get into as the NAZI socialists were all caught-up in a death cult that loved Islam
Hitler is fabulous.
Blow it out your ass faggot I just woke up
Because sadly people don't find the German Empire as aesthetically pleasing as Nazi Germany.
Their ideology actually worked and was only defeated in a war with the entire world
The Nazis were really a race of space camels that came down to earth to try and steal all of our parmesan cheese so they can sell it to paul bunyan who lives under rush limbaugh's bed because he lactates toothpaste whenever his wife says "Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet".
You're not redpilled until you've accepted this.
“Winning the war” doesn’t equal “being the good one”.
Why does it even matter to begin with!?
Jews and nazis worship the black sun in the end, the whole issue itself including WW2 is a giant circle jerk!
I feel bad but I think he deserved it at the same time
a conflicting feeling
he was probably a reasonable and conservative man, and yet his generation literally killed the west
There is no bigger rejection of the modern order than Nazism. Maybe someday New Era will come out with a swastika baseball cap but I'm not holding my breath.
Axis lost the war. Allies lost their morals.
>reduce the hammer and sickle down to pure consumerist garbage
oh the sweet ironings
Shills are working extra tonight