Hey /poo/ im looking for great ideas to overthrow India to make way for the glorious communist revolution, any ideas?

Hey /poo/ im looking for great ideas to overthrow India to make way for the glorious communist revolution, any ideas?

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Destroy the pooletriat

Learning how to use a toilet is a good start

>stop drinking cow piss

Build a couple loos while you're at it

indians arent susceptible to hygiene and you think communism could work there?

There are a whole, whole bunch of aspiring communists in the US who would be a TREMENDOUS ASSET to your project, Pajeet. They are all primed up, organized and ready to go.
And India would be right up their alley- Retro Hindu mysticism, incense out the kazoo, and all that good shit. You should post over at Daily Beast, WaPo, and and and…where else? (Somebody, help me out here) Huffington Post would be a good one.
Say something about a Lonely Planet kind of adventure. And Sherpa guides. That will get their attention. And all the Indian food they can eat. Vegetarian!
You're very welcome.
ps This is a GREAT idea!

Gather all the Dalits and lead them against the bourgeoise Brahmins and warriors who will be liquidated as a caste. All men in India will become Dalits. Next dismantle western oppressive technologies such as bathrooms and force everyone to poo on the streets.


u can blow me and give me a rimjob
that's all you are worth

f u
don't u try to ship off your fag commies here
we have too many problems as it is

hey fit babes u want uggs and ipad?


>giving an indian an rimjob

near aneurysm inducing thought

I poo on pajeets



Migrate to Gulf countries


Fuck off just seriously fuck off NOW you are making me so angry by how stupid you are being to me and no respect for India you talk about poor people only okay then your country is full of degenerate cunts who piss on the street and drink alcohol to excess and vomit in taxis and throw food on the floor because it is so bad because your British food is so bad and your idiot fucks let people steal money from you and then apologise because you don't want to get arrested for offending them your women are all disgusting inbreds and the few who look half decent get treated like gods even though they are stupid because your government only protects rich foreign business owners and you guys love them because they sometimes wave a flag and point at the queen and you are so retarded and the one nuclear missle base you have is about to sink because it is so old you are so high with depression and suicide because you are trapped in debt from birth but when you want to be happy all you have to look at is blackpool fucking tower and endless grey skies if I was British I would have killed myself by now but thank god I live in beautiful India and get to laugh at your cunt life you pathetic faggot enjoy brexit

You would be lying next to them in near future, kaamred

My family was part of the militia that massacred your 200+ kaamrades.
Come again. This time it will be 2000+


Here's the plan:
> organise a pootch
> retake the means of pooduction
> show vagene
> profit

Swadeshi Socialism is the future for India.Here I prepared a flag for this meme country.
>Round up all the sc,st,obcs,muslims and christians and turn them against the UC and gulag them
>destroy western hangover like English(Replace it with Hindustani) and Cricket(Or better yet dismantle the whole union of India as it itself is a colonial baggage.Go back to being 500 tiny states at throats with each other.It will be easier to subjugate if they are all divided)
>supress regional and ideological counter revolutionaries who try to dismantle the state

Also organise terror attacks in prominent cities with high population like Banglore,Delhi,etc...
Nobody will care for some random tribal village or when some random faggot gets killed.But hit them where it pains them the hard in the heart and they will start to negotiate.

Disguise yourselves as toilets, and then move around using the power of invisibility to assassinate your way to the top.

I recommend that you start at the top, and use scarves and propaganda to portray your efforts as a revival of the Thugees.

Then your group swoops in, cleans up ancillary people who would be the main counter-revolutionary roadblocks, and kill them while framing them as members of the Thugee cult that you've created.

And then do whatever you want with your new power, but whatever you do, please do pic related.


shit on their flag.

Potty training gulags for everyone

>shit on their flag

There is a secret government project:
5,7 million Aryans who analysis everything about your country. They even speak your language fluently without ever visiting your country.