CBTS 428

NEW Q → →
More Eyes on the Heart of Q
→ →
→ →
Connect +++ The ++ Countdown + Signals → →
→ →
Everything you need to know is on the Qmap.
Read it. Read it again. Questions are Statements? Let it sink in.

1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump?
3. Stick to your choice.
4. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums
5. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
6. Do just that.
7. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

QMAP → → → →(The only thing (You) really need)
Legend → →
Signature → →
Text of Q: pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX
Advise for your first step into this → →

Sealed Indictments are a huge thing. Really.
MSM curiously silent..
1,400+ NOW
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →

Q confirmed → →
Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →

WIKI cbts.wikispaces.com/Home

The drops by Q are all we need, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.
Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way.
Godspeed to us all.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=trent richardson missed hole
lmgtfy.com/?q=incase goblin

Q's letting the world know that ratlines and wealth strings are drying up and being cut. They [Wizards and Warlocks] have already carried out one of the largest silent sweeps in history (The massive amount of pedo-related arrests after Trump was sworn in). Got the lackies on the bottom, flipped 'em, and worked up the chain as much they could. Now the sources of wealth that fueled these entire operations got cut off. (The +++ ++ + is a countdown associated with bleeding the three groups: SA Rothchild and Soros) The ones in the middle of all this are on their own, and freaking out. With the full weight of the Military, Navy, and everyone Loyal to the American People/Trump in what you might call a position of STRATEGIC PATIENCE against the bad actors left. Pray for those who are saving the Republic of America.


>"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.."

Keen RD (for NORMIES) → →
SUMMARY → → → →

1. PRODUCE Infographs/CIRCLEMAPS/Memes detailing SA, CF, NK etc
2. → →
3. REDPILL families, friends
4. Dig into $$$ → →


QRD → → → → → → → →
M-Intel user → →
Saudi theory → →
Big picture → →
Social Media ThoughtCrime → → → → → →
SA timeline → → → →
Search analytics theory
→ → → → → → → →

Older breadcrumbs have been linked to OP Posts to reduce information overload
Concise Event Log → → → →
Nov 10-12 → →
Nov 13-14 → →
Nov 14 → →
Nov 15 → →
Holy Get → →

Nov 16
MS-13 Bust archive.is/nrHcv
Franken Grope archive.is/mKfyN

Nov 17
Redschild manor crash archive.is/HfGhg
Theory → → → →
New JFK archives.gov/research/jfk/2017-release
U1 and Africa → →
Roseanne Shoahd → → archive.is/MK1jn
HRC officially questions 2016 archive.is/L0NiP

Nov 18
EU Q → →

Osama Bin Laden History → → CIA Asset → →
Follow The Money → →
Killary's History → →
Killary's Body Count → → → →
Deep State Ratlines → →
Epstein, Weinstein & The Mossad → →
Epstein Temple → →
Podesta-Madeleine → →
Comet [not] pingpong → →
Trafficking Arrests → →
BlackRock → →
DJTjr posts creepybiden → →
U1 Arrests beginning → →
Redshield → →
*Decoding CNC → →
$$$ → →

Feinstein → →
Move on goy → →
Mccain → →
RS → →
HRC → →
PG → →
Obummed → →

Lots of MEMES → →
White Rabbit MEMES V2 → →


The only way to cast doubt on the message of Q is to poison the bread before Q posts. Stay strong lads.

All hail our new question overlord



White Rabbit memes V2 → →


The only way to cast doubt on the message of Q is to poison the bread before Q posts. Stay strong lads.


000-099 → → pastebin.com/9hSzyjBk
100-199 → → pastebin.com/7abWXgWQ
200-299 → → pastebin.com/daaKW228
300-399 → → pastebin.com/TWHQeCgR

#400 → → #401 → → #402 → → #403 → → #404 → →
#405 → → #406 → → #407 → → #408 → → #409 → →
#410 → → #411 → → #412 → → #413 → → #414 → →
#415 → → #416 → → #417 → → #418 → → #419 → →
#420 → → #421 #421 → → #422 → → #423 → → #424 → →
#425 → → #426 >>

Don't slide comments to the baker here, user. Do that on Rizon #CBTS

Reminder to filter bot IDs manually in each thread.

They spam incoherent bullshit with third world or meme flags.

I would ask you all to please fuck off with these retarded fucking threads, but instead I thank you for staying in one thread rather than shitting up the board more than you currently do. Sup Forums has legitimately never been in a worse state. Thank you for attracting a ton of newfags onto the board who proceed to water down any and all content in the name of a LARPfag.

"we are the calm, before the storm
we are the anons to make a brighter day
so lets start meming
theres a prayer were taking
thread baking our whole lives
its true, well make a brigher day
just Q and me"

The SNOW WHITE story reflects ancient knowledge of seven forces of nature, represented as seven dwarfs, that would preserve the Christian world for many centuries and then be part of a GREAT AWAKENING when discovered. This now-recent discovery also revealed long-hidden messages in the Bible unlocked only with (keyed to) the knowledge of these same natural forces. This is referred to in Revelation as SEVEN SEALS of a book.

The earliest version of the Snow White fairy tale was written in low German, no doubt because it was authored by a Kabbalah sage who understood every living thing is made up of seven distinct but interactive systems. We can also bet the seven supercomputers named after the seven dwarfs are similarly interactive. But just as the story has it, these same forces of nature would only revive and sustain the Christian world (Snow White) twice. After that, the knowledge of how they work must be revealed to prevent evil men from using it against others. (Picture related)
The study and the whole disclosure is here : cog49.com/ft.pdf
Here are some key points within it : pastebin.com/gHDKKBjW
See also :

The IRON EAGLE metaphor could well be about anons GETTING PAID to promote truth with the ideal economic engine for the next level of user culture. The film is about a junior pilot with military equipping who goes behind enemy lines to retrieve his father who had been taken captive. Even Jordan Peterson recently said Sup Forums needs to find its father. IRON EAGLE is the perfect metaphoric story of Sup Forums venturing into adversarial, religious "territory" (ideology) and recovering the most influential anonymous work of our time, which includes this now-useful means of truth promotion. Film Wiki : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Eagle
This is that work>> The last 10 pages describe this prospect of collective advancement with truth movements of the last 20 years : cog49.com/ft.pdf

>third world
Haha sorry I was ignoring your posts user

They don't name the Jews ITT.
This is a LARP.

The great minds of 100 years ago knew who they were. Now that knowledge is hard to find. Amazingly, the authors of sacred texts expected this and hid the whole truth very cryptically in their works. Now we need more great minds to understand this : cog49.com/ft.pdf
This is THE GREAT AWAKENING of all time. A brief synopsis is here pastebin.com/gHDKKBjW

This is now a nigger hate thread.

the saudis are jews. the two go hand in hand, and by not mentioning them the op avoids being labeled anti-semitic.


>hey goyum no more who is q he's just an idea ok
That's because Q doesn't exist. We're all waiting for the words in the very first thread to come from DJT's gob: "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us." When that happens, you're not a disingenuous ARG; until then, you're all fucking kike disinfo artists.



He wants us to fly high and play the tape...


That would be The Great Awakening

bot admin why you make you bots so racist?

Remember, Q has been on target of calling the shots, just not the timing or dates. But everything has come to happen.

toasting in an epic bread



checked senpai!
did we ever figure out what the korean text was underneath AF1 when that phone looked out the window?????

Q Q Q Q ^^^^^^


Ever post above and below this one is a bot. This is some kind of fucked up psyop. No one actually cares about this sub par cryptic larping horseshit. Mods don't delete it because you can pay for threads here now. Hence e-celeb threads.

>No he did not. Disney is evil

Disney may still be evil. But Q says it's a distraction at this time.

I still think this is a useful bit of information for making sense of the map.

Q-group’s “Pray” dropped some breadcrumbs about how to make sense of the questions. Then almost immediately deleted the post and replaced it with an unsigned one. The original is in the attached pic.

Pic related. I posted an idea last night and got an almost immediate reply from someone with Q's voice and signed as "Pray."

I'm pretty sure it was an affirmation that my general approach is the way to read the graphic. Remember that Q said the signatures matter. “Pray” is a person watching this thread. He said my approach is on the right track. See Pic Related. Pray then quickly deleted his signed post and replaced it with a more generic one.

Q has been telling us to re-read the questions after each event. Now “Pray” tells us to follow individuals. To put together my post RE: Barack Obama working with Trump, I just went through the pastebin text of the Q questions and searched for “BO” and “Obama.”

Remember that many are paid by the (You)


So it’s time to bust this story wide open.
Q: What does a Diamond look like when it comes out of the earth
A: #Rough #Diamonds grow in #cubic crystal system.

Q: Are there Diamonds in #Germany?
Over 15 #million years ago an #asteroid struck the southern region of Germany, today we know this area to be the Federal State of Bavaria and the town to be Nördlingen. When the #asteroid hit the Earth, the result was the creation of Suevite. Suevite is rock comprised of fragments that include #glass, #crystal and #diamonds. The #asteroid was so large, the force so strong and the pressure so high that the high graphite-bearing gneiss rock in the region formed diamond. Mind blowing right! The crater was 1 kilometer wide yet the impact devastation was more then nine miles across the region.
During the town’s construction the walls and Church of St. George were all built from the suevite rock. Both of these structures are embedded with millions of microscopic bits of rough diamonds. It is believed that the Church of St. George contains 5,000 cts of Diamonds. Unfortunately the ‘rough’ is so tiny that the only way to see the stones is with a microscope. For centuries it was originally believed that the massive depression was a volcanic crater. Yet it wasn’t until the 1960s that Geologist Eugene Shoemaker confirmed it was the result of an asteroid. It would be another decade before Geologists analyzed the rock and discovered diamonds. In 1995, a team of British researchers from Open University, led by Iain Gilmour and Colin Pillinger discovered the truth about the deposits. A sample of suevite was taken from a small quarry near Nördlingen. What Gilmour’s team found was that the suevite was a mix of diamond and silicon. Since then people have gone to this town in search of German Diamonds and to study the impact of the crater. Locals and researchers know that the largest rough in the region is 0.30mm.

You guys are pretenders and thats not funny anymore.

Most (not all) of you are missing the Point.

Lets say Mega is a LARP. Than everything is fine and dandy. Have fun running around following some Breadcrumps and help this ARG to come to fruition.

But if Mega is legit and Q was legit. You're all trying to be part of something you are not.

Sure. user is supposed to meme the shit out of stuff. As well as collect Evidence and understand what is given.

But as Mega said : No one can stop it.

Instead pretending to be helping be playing conspiracy and memeing a lot of disinfo (you guys seem to be pretty blind to it) you should start to prepare yourself and your close ones. Get them in the know with what they NEED to know.

Stuff is going to hit the fan soon enough. The Storm is already ongoing, we're just not in the center yet.

Once again :

Instead to focus on this Shit do the World a favor and do not play into the hands of disinfo, and by god stop pretending to be saving the world.

You are NOT needed.

Fuck I can't even follow anymore from my phone. Omnichan needs to add filters. Anything big today? What are we doing now?? Are we still talking about A.I. and aye lmaos? Runnning down the dream.
>Wat do?

Why? Because only we alone as individuals have the power to defeat evil.
HOW? “The divine prayer of choices”
While we know little about the Indo-European origins of Zoroastrians because nearly all of their history and culture was destroyed and/or rebranded by the Muslim conquest, a great teaching was preserved known as the Ahuna vairya or the “divine prayer of choices,” which is very potent in defeating evil.
In the ancient Gathas, Zarathushtra describes evil as a primordial force that we create when we choose to believe in falsehood with our thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, a key to the destruction of evil and the suffering it causes is making the right choices, which brings us back to the divine prayer of choices, which specifies three things that are to be chosen in accordance with Truth: the lord, the judgment, and the rule.
The First choice requires that we choose the object of our worship (the lord) in accordance with truth. Although the pantheon of local gods whom Zarathushtra had to contend with are not around today, we too worship many gods, just different ones - money, power, prestige, appearances, position, and corporate icons. By Zarathushtra's standards, such gods are not worthy of worship. Instead, we need to choose what we worship "in accord with truth.”
The Second Choice is "the judgment in accord with truth" which is good thinking, that we think for ourselves as opposed to blindly accepting what others may tell us.
The Third Choice is choosing to establish, or bring to life, the rule of "willful actions stemming from an existence of good thinking" - to be a saoshyant -- a savior, a redeemer, a truth seeker. We might further say that this third choice involves becoming an example for others to learn from or choose to become the change that we would like to see in the world.


Wow, it is filthy in here.

WTF B.o.t overl0ad

bitch i ain't no bot.

I dropped an article about a MS-13 round up in the last post, but I'm just a normal guy, not part of the Q group.




ya true but sigint is tracking their bank statements hence the need for bot admin

There WILL be a day of reckoning for all wrong do-ers. Take comfort in that fact.

How’s the Q questions conversion to statements coming along? Do we have a graphic of fully converted statements?


I will also say that on the spreadsheet are the DIRECT LINKS in the archive to every single Q post that Q VERIFIED AS HIS. You can look at them directly, not in a screencap, yourself.

IT'S NOT AN ACTUAL Q POST. That's the point. I don't care what a fake Q post say, joke or not.

>Mods don't delete it because you can pay for threads here now. Hence e-celeb threads.

I'm asleep now. Holy shit

>No latest. No Q updates.
>Accusations of LARPing
>Accusations of shilling
>Whinging and moaning
Most significant development is the continuing (but didficult to conclusively quantify) rise of the sealed indictment count.

Thats actually great news, people are coming here and red pilling for fun
Q being real or not is 2ndry for me, the conversation has kept me here.

AI kinda. ayy lmaos never. that's the fastest way to get normies to never pay attention to what you're saying.


All inspiration comes from God. Prayer and meditation in a quiet place can help connect you. If confused about what and why all of this is happening now maybe YOU will get answers from a Divine Source just by asking.

Seriously, it's blatantly obvious that these threads are a cancer to everyone except you "bakers" who believe Q's larp.

Alternate reality games are for spaz kids. Q shamed out of existence by Sup Forums because at this point we’d rather have the fucking Jews. Please stop lest you end up with a pyramid hat, orgone crystals, and a cat colony.

Which Rothschild is still live right now Can they prove...


More Eyes on the Heart of Q

Connect +++ The ++ Countdown + Signals →

Everything you need to know is on the Qmap.
Read it. Read it again. Questions are Statements? Let it sink in.

1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump?
3. Stick to your choice.
4. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums
5. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
6. Do just that.
7. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

The only info you really need:
QMAP → →
Legend →
Text of Q: pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX
Advise for your first step into this →


When the 20th rolls around and nothing happens, no Trump confirmation, no Q, and no “storm” will you finally kys? Q is gone because the scam artists behind this thread have been identified and shamed. Please wake up. Come back.

Q will not leave Sup Forums hanging, there will be an official sign off.

Suicide should be consensual. Some people can see everything and can't say shit. Some people can only see what they are forced to focus on and never shut up.


Ya besides ayy lmao is just the replacement feature for the one world religion
Designed to replace the judeo christian model of control with technocratic authoritarian one world government.
Gets rid of Christfags and turns athiests into ayylmaofags
Another savior to humanity complex

Patrick Stewart as Bullock Q when?

>Mercer, as I was starting at the back of Alara's head...

So much amazing technology and advancements have been hidden from humanity. Once this evil is defeated it will be an amazing New World-maybe Heaven on Earth as promised???

This is so sad. She didn't deserve to die.. what a waste of human life. ;_;

Disregard this post, I'm a faggot who seeks only to fill his holes with more penises.

that may have changed mr. diesel edgylabs.com/way-of-the-future-religion-prepares-for-singularity-with-divine-ai/

Why do you do this

I thought the cash payment to Iran was actually funneled to Saud to pay back the massive bribe "donation" to the Clinton Foundation...

And I also thought the "seven dwarves" had something to do with the seven carrier groups or battle groups or whatever being stationed in/near Asia

Can anyone verify if a marine unit landed at Lagley this weekend?

For those on the fence, please read this before assuming it's a LARP. Regardless of whatever Q's motives are, there are still major happenings behind-the-scenes worth examining.

These ever changing tactics are something else. We've damn near seen it all at this point. If you cuckbots wanna scare people, post videos of Hillarys sex tape so we can really shit a brick

Absolutely, Q mentioned that awhile back...

That’s a highly specific thing, Q is legit.

No one could speculate such a saying.


look at all the Q posts
they look like they ve been written by a fucking woman
a schizoid attention whoring woman

FUCK THE CIA but if this is the other side than fuck this side too.

schizoid kikes, fuck off


We need better baker protocols, mods are against us as well.

They try and poison the bread an take over around 11pm every nights becuase Q posts in the middle of the night, if they control, they can slide it and we may not notice.

They may let us legit bake all day, and then try and capture at night.

RIP leafbro until atleast Saturday.

We need better protocols and someone needs to bake overnight and everyone needs to call out poison bread.

We need high alert around when Q posts.

He didn’t post last night... so it might be quiet for awhile.

hey bakers
maybe add below the regular map?

tw link because too noob to image




Heres where the ARG began:





Check the accounts I posted previously for a few of the Q's.


Just came across this browsing.

It's a larp.

Acho q esquizofrênico é o autor do texto, só pode, nas criticas de filme Marvel aponta as piadas fora de hora, CGI hora bom, hora ruim, vilão raso e mal trabalhado, mas lá tá tudo bem, o filme é ótimo; critica de filme da DC aponta exatamente as mesmas coisas, ai é um baita de um problema, sério, não da para entender.


Former Vice President of DynCorp, Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene


Q sent a link about DynCorp and thread was nuked

anyone who is interested in digging into real q shit should look at this article


I also fap to any rule34 material I can find my hands on due to having exhausted fetishes of every kind.
>pic related

More Eyes on the Heart of Q

Connect +++ The ++ Countdown + Signals Everything you need to know is on the Qmap.
Read it. Read it again. Questions are Statements? Let it sink in.

1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump?
3. Stick to your choice.
4. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums
5. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
6. Do just that.
7. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

QMAP (The only thing (You) really need)
Legend Text of Q: pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX
Advise for your first step into this
PREV CBTS Sealed Indictments are a huge thing. Really.
MSM curiously silent..
Q confirmed Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)


The drops by Q are all we need, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.

Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way.
Godspeed to us all.


These threads are a role playing game made up by a turboautist calling himself 'Kabamur Taygeta' and his equally fucked up loser friends at 'Victory of the Light.' They lined up some random shit to start off and in fact were fooling a lot of people. I noticed though that none of the actual leads were being followed up in favor of a kind of cult following of Q by random Twitterfags. Who brought those people in? The original fakers! They hang out on Twitter! Q doesn't exist.

I agree. Those are real. However, does it merit 350 threads of sealed indictments? We should go back, split off worthy leads from Q bullshit and make threads for all of those things. We came together at least, don't waste it even if it was ARG.

No more fake and gay Q shit.

Sealed Indictments are a huge thing. Really.
MSM curiously silent..
Q confirmed →
Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)


The drops by Q are all we need, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.

Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way.
Godspeed to us all.

lmgtfy.com/?q=trent richardson missed hole
There is extensive evidence.



[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #191 (Fri 9th Nov) [x3 Dx5TPc5d] :: CAP VALIDATED: #210 via
IMG: 1510280445405.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910) ie. Qnov7.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910) #131 IMG: _AF1_5A_2.png (988 KB, 720x1280)

> Calm before the Storm #192 (Fri 10th Nov) [x1 O4+aJ1mH)

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #210 (Fri 10th Nov) [x2 ln25Q56n]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #247 (Sun 12th Nov) [x9 gO/UntOB]
[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #260 (Sun 12th Nov) [x2 99LpGawB]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #264 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 /jAm9Qi+]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #266 v2 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 l/hYVcRn]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #266 (Sun 12th Nov) [x3 X/EWIOzz]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #267 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 TrJge011]
IMG: Freedom.png (3 KB, 310x163)

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #306 (Mon 13th Nov) [x1 /lc4nimE]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #329 (Tues 14th Nov) [x2 EV3pI+ol]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #339 (Tues 14th Nov) [x2 wmN+33xv]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #339 (Weds 15th Nov) [x1 snf602p9]

>haven't watched newer seasons
>decide to watch some scenes on youtube
>hear cartmans new voice

That's me too sometimes, user. Truly.

Oh the Harrisburg thing, yes, that was a fake Q.

See above. No it was a fake Q sending people on rabbit trails. It was kind of manic in there at that time.

Q asked for memes.
We have to Red-Pill Meme Normies & Grandma. Get to work !!


Can confirm.

lmgtfy.com/?q=incase goblin


You know its literally rape when you try to mimic my name?

Mars had developed way before Earth did. There was an ancient developed civilization at the base of Olympus Mons. The space jews intervened and promoted race mixing the beautiful surface Martians with the deformed underground dwelling Martians. Society collapsed and the volcano erupted, enshrouding everything with dust.

But the space jews were not content, so they waited billions of years until life on Earth formed, so they may start up the cycle once more.

You see, 'Judaism' that you know of on Earth is actually the 1,097th iteration of a complex planetary geocontrol protocol invented by an unknown culture millions of light years away.