Blackpill thread

what are the hardest pills to swallow? I want to feel depressed and hopeless

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You mom sucked black cock and didnt swallow

user, do you know where you are?

All these creepy "kid" videos we see on Youtube
They were generated by YouTube's neural network and inserted on to youtube by the AI and google doesn't know how to stop it or what to do
That's why they remain silent and the videos stay up

Youtube search runs on google's new tensor processing units, designed specifically for neural networking.
It is also used in RankBrain which Google uses to provide search results.

RankBrain is Google’s name for a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that’s used to help process its search results, as was reported by Bloomberg and also confirmed to us by Google.

They claim the tech they created boosted AI/neural networking 3 generations ahead of where we were before that tech.

The current AlphaGo Zero that beat all the previous ones in 40 days of training, starting completely from scratch, runs on 1 machine using 4 Tensor Processing Units. It has now surpassed any human that ever played Go and continues to get better.
AlphaGo Zero's neural network was trained using TensorFlow, with 64 GPU workers and 19 CPU parameter servers. Only four TPUs were used for inference.>

RankBrain running on Google's far advanced neural networking/AI tech has begun generating it's own content to serve search results because it's only task is to get you a video it thinks you want to watch and it's begun generating content to fill the gap.
It started with these creepy kids videos because the small 3-4 year old children only type major keywords into the results and the neural network was struggling to complete it's task using human created content so it begun generating videos and inserting them onto youtube.


The AI is chasing peak engagement so when a new keyword or current event pops up it's first in line to recognize the trends and generate a video related and then begins serving the video.

To sum it up, It's essentially the search neural network, running on 3+ generations advanced hardware that no one at google understands, generating content to fill a missing content gap created by toddlers typing major keywords into the search and humans not having videos to satisfy the results (because the searches are random) to the desired outcome for the neural net so it "learned" how to satisfy that problem by generating content it thinks is the right stuff.

>Google has also used TPUs for Google Street View text processing, and was able to find all the text in the Street View database in less than five days. In Google Photos
>an individual TPU can process over 100 million photos a day.

The neural net has analyzed all of the content on YouTube and analyzes all new content. It's like when DeepMind was able to generate those trippy faces (pic related) by using it's learned "knowledge" and running in reverse.
The new tech brings this phenomenon to the next level and allows the neural net to generate the clear (from an AI point of view) content.

No matter what happens in the world, War will always be a permanent necessity for humanity to keep progressing.

I think about killing myself every single day. But I’m a glutton for punishment. Life isn’t worth living if there is no pain how,will you appreciate pleasure and happiness. The hardest pill for me to swallow was knowing that life is meaningless. We can be the best person or the worst life and death treats us all the same in the end. We are born into this helping pile of flaming garbage called life, spit out the other side and then turned into fertilizer. What happens after I don’t know.

If you were to look only at the policies he passed, and not his speeches, you would be completely unable to tell Donald Trump apart from any other Establishment Republican.

Everything is run by people.

Everyone is 'faking it to make it' and no one really knows enough about anything for any real certainty.

On the one hand this is liberating, as it allows you to essentially not give any fucks and do whatever you want.

Until you realize that people are there, running things.

No matter what you do, no matter what job or hobby you have and no matter what city or country you live in, you will have to deal with other people fucking up and generally getting in your way. Forever.

If you got a PS3 or 360, play the first NieR through to ending B. That game teaches you one of the hardest lessons ever: You can sacrifice literally everything in the hopes of making things better, only to make shit infinitely worse. Not going to spoil it any more than I already have.

Middling combat, fun sidequests, Amazing voice acting and story (and one that couldn't be told effectively in any other medium).

Automata was better

There are no more Heroes, and there never again will be.

Automata had better combat. Some of the music was better, some was worse (but still by no means bad). And the story wasn't nearly as good (although it was still great). Voice acting was equal (which is really surprising, considering the VA was relatively unknown in Automata).

God is an illusion
Soul never existed
You live in a mechanic and materialistic Universe
All (healthy) girls are whores

The wrong side won world war 2. Hitler was the good guy trying to save the world from a cancer known as jews.

I haven't played the original Nier, but I can tell you that the story of a father and daughter was much more effective than faggot bitch 9S pining over how much he wants to hate fuck 2B.
Side stories involving the machines were 10/10 though.

Genes are 65% of your personality

There will never again be a hundred eighty-five to stand at the Alamo.

500 Samurai will never die defending tradition.

40 men will not give all to last 18 days against Rommel.

A nation will never again tear itself apart to free its fellow man.

The age of Heroes has come to an end, and now Begins the age of man.

Check the channel

The good times are never coming back. It will only get worse, and there is nothing you can do about it. Social media's actions are irreversible, even if an EMP destroyed all technology, it has tarnished most humans on the planet already.

>this pill being blackpill
You are liek unto babby

There will never be a new Jet Set Radio game.

God is real.
God loves you.
Time is short.
Repent now.

And the hardest of all:
In some fucked up way, the Jews were the "good guys" all along. Pity them.

Honestly, I prefer most of Automata's music. The theme that plays in the park is fucking great. I guess Weight of the World isn't as good as Ashes of Dreams though.

god isn't a loving god
god hates the majority of us
we are all destined for hell, even if we live a completely sin free life
the moment you were born you were destined to suffer for eternity

not religious?

A second will come when it will be the last time you see those closest to you. forever.
death waits at every turn, that loved one you said goodbye to this morning may cease to exist before you can tell them everything you want to. that's it. full stop. the end
In the timeline of earth and the universe you, everyone you know, everything you know will be an insignificant nothing relative to everything.

you mean nothing


If you thought about Niles for more than a second to realize it's the most liberating philosophy out there and entirely detrimental to a society

God is love

>generate those trippy faces (pic related)
That was generated from scratch by a I?

Ultimate Weapon, Snow in Summer, Cold Steel Coffin, and HIlls of Radient Wind have no remake, and are amazing in their own right. Obviously shit like the Dark Colossus Destroys All is going to be better in the Automata, as they are taking a 10/10 soundtrack and cranking it up to 11, and there ARE good soundtracks (such as the Circus OST and Weight of the World, which you mentioned), but none of them really stick around enough to be enjoyed for hours at a time (such as Copied City, which is amazing, but you get to hear for all of like 3 minutes unless you go down there just to listen to it).

No woman on earth is actually capable of loving you or caring about you. Women are not capable of empathy. There is no such thing as being vulnerable with a woman and having her care. Any sign of weakness you show to a woman makes her lose respect for you. Any weak spot you have will be used against you emotionally to gain leverage in a relationship.

Example: I once told a former girlfriend about how I almost shot myself on the suicide hotline a few years back because I didn't want to die alone, and she was the only person I ever told. She expressed how sorry she was I went through that and how much closer she felt to me after I confided in her with this. When we broke up later on, she told me how she never respected me after that, and that I'm a pussy for almost killing myself.

All women are like this. No woman will ever actually care about you. They will only care about what you can provide for them. You will never have a loving and reciprocated emotional bond with a woman, because they are incapable of it.

Don't be such an ungrateful little cunt. Your parents sacrificed themselves for you, and you will inflict immeasurable pain on all those who love and care for you.

Just take care of yourself and ride out the storm. Humans don't live very long anyway, so make the most of it while you can and stop playing the role of a victim.

There is no black pill. Black pill thinking is just an overdose on redpills and realizing that you care too much about the world while everyone else does not. There's too many of them and you are helpless. You just see your precious world getting more and more degenerate.

Nihilism is degenerative to society. If humans were fundementally good it'd be fine, but in the absence of meaning humans will freely choose to actively harm themselves and society as a whole in a hedonistic orgy.
Besides, Nihilism breaks down once you bring pain into equation.

>implying god doesn't love average looking Russians.

>Your parents sacrificed themselves for you
not him, but tell me when was it that i REQUESTED them to give birth to me?

did i fucking ask to be born?

they sacrificed because they couldn't keep it in their pants.
you have to lose something to earn something.

fuck them.

The goypill is real.
People have no agency, and will take what they are fed and will ask for more.
Once I understood that, the words:
> we are what we eat
Never made more sence.

Of course one can become enlightened but it is a long path that requires maturity and patience.
> knowledge is power

Another horrible pill,
Arable land has 60 years left.
Fishes and birds are dying and it's our fault only.
We need a world governement to secure our existance at least for the next hundred years.
Automatiob and AI will save the day, but something must be done.


Just because you didn't ask to be born doesn't meant you are relieved of the responsabilities they have cast on you.
You are what is wrong with this world.


nice try AI

It was generated using a trained AI in reverse.
Feed it an image and it spits out what it thinks it saw. It generates by using the neural net in reverse.


What makes you think that MacLeod?

>they have cast on you
if they have the right to cast responsibilities on me, i have the right to cast them aside and do as i wish, even if it means killing myself.

>You are what is wrong with this world.
says who?
and by what measure?
and how is the rest of the world right?
Why am i not allowed to take the reigns of my own lie in my own hands and do as i wish?

I can tell you exactly what will happen: AI and modern technology reach the rich first. They use it to slaughter the worthless masses by the billions, as they have no reason to exist anymore - to them, we are a needless strain on resources and are extremely uncultured and unintelligent. Some proles might be spared, like some particularly skilled artists or other creative types like mathematicians who cannot be so easily replaced by computers, but for the most part the world 60 years from now will be massively and intentionally depopulated.

You will die. Your mother will die. Everyone you know will die. All you can do is hope they do something humane and have everyone shot in the head, but with infinite power over the world, they could just make a horrific plague that causes you and your children to slowly become zombies that process time at a speed where 1 second feels like a thousand years. All because it entertains them. And there's nothing you can do about it but shoot yourself now.

must suck to be that weak
literally nothing can bring me down

this one did the trick, thanks user. feeling hopeless and comfy

This hits so hard user, but I'm starting to believe it.

You can cast your parents aside noone will have to deal with that but yourself.
But as a human the future of our race and our existence in this world relies on each and everyone of us. From the moment we are born, until the moment we die.

I just said it.
Noone is right, some try but the road to hell is paved with good attentions.
Noone wants to have the openess of mind to comprehend that our curent ways are our doom and all it takes it to change them.
Liberalism of economic practices is a good exemple. We rely on one another, we cannot continue to seek personnal gain.

vaginas are deadly. more than are men's bodies. and are completely replaced by pieces of plastic or hiv meds that dont work on them and also they give you all cancers except for skin cancer. they also harm your soul. yes. you can marry them. but after you do that you tend to forget Christ. marry Him and also a dude. It's better. She pees on you and has no g spots

I have talked about it ITT:
We have still time to save the day.

what keeps you going?

Yeah, I've been with a girl for over a year and I'm still not sure if women can love.
They sure as hell can be obsessed with you though. Just find a girl who cares about you a lot more than you care about her. Fuck her, make her cum harder than she ever has before. She'll stay in what seems as close to love as you can get with you.

sounds pretty lame desu

only reason why I'd want gf is to ease the pain of loneliness. besides that, I'm happy enough on my own

i've been in such a "relationship" for more than a couple of years.
you are absolutely right.

hope, user. hope


Humanity and your mind aren't real
We are just the culmination of micro processes, your consciousness is just a feedback loop.

The system generates its own content to fill the gap? Like those videos are literally invented by the machine and uploaded by it?

Life is shit
Life is hard
You are ALONE in it

The ONLY way to make life bearable is by finding a GOOD woman & having children

It gives life PURPOSE

STOP being a victim


Not just physically but EMOTIONALLY

No One likes a victim. It's depressing & embarrassing. Embrace glory or gtfo this planet.

This. Without information (books, words etc) we are just mechanic bio-robots with a breath-sleep-cycle

Nah brah, my mom loves me for realz.

Even live action vids? How about the comments with the coded gibberish?
The live action ones I wish i could set them all on fire. Even if it isn't evil that content is just disgusting cringe

Jesus Christ, can you fags please sum that shit up, i don't want to read a book tonight.

I realized this two weeks ago. I sat on the shitter for an hour trying to get my mind around what my life would be like without language.

>tfw the social constructionists were right

the first one isn't worth the read and the second is about how money is used to control people

The neural network ***IS*** youtube. People need to realize this. It doesn't "upload them", it just creates the content in the gaps it needs to satisfy its programming.

The gibberish comments are toddlers and the AI interprets the comments to create new videos and titles.

Are women incapable of love?

Besides that you're not technically wrong.
What's wrong with being pre-determined? It's impossible to predict the future even if we are pre-determined due to quantum shit I don't fully understand (something about being unable to predict electrons moving precisely or something). If we can't know the future a pre-determined life is ultimately functionally equivalent to one which isn't.

Thank you

Now you see? That's fucking obvious shit.
I would be pissed if I had read all that for such a shitty conclusion.

No matter what you do or how hard you work, any female you have spent more than 60 seconds with at any time in your life can, at any point, claim you sexualy assaulted her without proof and your life is destroyed.

Of course.
But they misuse their knowledge.
As I said.
> the road to hell is paved with good attentions

this isn't true, user

Feminism ruined society and the economy, entry level stuff
The gold standard system ensures that the economy is an endless loop of rich people using usury to force people into modern slavery, as time = money and the usury based system forces people to waste all their time paying the system back (i.e. you are forced to go to trade school or college as a young American if you were born middle class or below as you have no connections, but these institutions are exorbitantly priced, so you need to get a loan, and then these loans gain interest and by the time you get a real job your loans are extremely difficult to pay and you spend several years of your life doing nothing but paying them back). Almost every alternative system just shifts the balance of power slightly but does nothing to end the slavery.

Everything is people related. Your job sucks because of the people in it. The world sucks because of the people. Always the people.

god fucking damn plebs are ruining my fucking life.


it's okay, user. You know it's true.

Studies have proven that when a person is stripped of their belief in their own autonomy and free will, they become more aggressive, violent, and help others less. Humanity is based on awarding our fellow humans free will. Whether the fuck up or not is on them.

Wow! I'm glad I started on it then (same lib TF), time to make myself one soon.

>40 men will not give all to last 18 days against Rommel.

40 """men""" fighting for kikes.

>A nation will never again tear itself apart to free its fellow man.

Niggers aren't human. The Civil War was about state's rights.

The live action ones are people creating content in the "genre" competing with the generated ones for youtube revenue. The AI created the "genre" first though.

The retard line is actually IQ 125.

95% of the population is mentally deficient and barely self aware. This is why so few people ever accomplish anything and major advances are singled down to a small handful of individuals.

The only way humanity can break from this is to genetically engineer ourselves out of it. Any and all attempts to improve human morality or behavior outside of this are a waste of time.

>They were generated by YouTube's neural network

200 years down the road The white race will be an example in chinese textbooks of how to not be wiped out by the third world hordes.

Mountainnig neutranons really live in a beautiful place.

have a pill even Sup Forums spits out

Probably that the human mind and body is just a machine designed and deployed by billions of years of evolution to carry genes from one generation to the next.
All your wants, desires, fears, symbols and stories, ambitions, goals, dreams and thoughts are just manifestations of how the genetic information piloting your existence from inside the nucleus of every cell in your being controls and directs you.

You are just the shell of something trying to grow and expand like a cancer on the universe, and each generation, each thinking feeling human life, is just an insignificant step in its goal to needlessly go on.

>t. took a buzzfeed-tier IQ test on the internet and scored 130

If they had information systems that advanced then you would actually see interesting shit on YouTube and not "vines: my favorites" even though vine shut down like 2 fucking years ago.


If you are white and had decent nutrition growing up your dick is probably too large to be comfortable for asians and latinas.

I don't know exactly what that means but Tim Pool just did a video on it and I think that's what it is. I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world though

Exactly why I argue against Nihilism here
I'm just saying if people thought about it more than not at all they'd quickly realize that an argument for determinism should not be an argument for nihilism.

my sub-IQ mind get's stuck on one part - women can get back cells from fetus.
if that is all there is to microchimera, then that means that for women to not adsorb male dna all they have to make sure is not get pregnant.
which means sperm can get inside their uteruses, as long as it doesn't fuse itsle with the ovum.

correct me if i am wrong here.

fuck off retard

>tfw indoctrinated by liberalism
>tfw get to college and get exposed to liberalisms core values
>graduate and get real coworkers
>start paying taxes heavily
>dislike government more and more
>lose track of liberal values

I'm amiss in a sea of hate. Take the blackpill user-kun.

Human Advancement is a Ticking Time Bomb of Self-Destruction. Once the AI becomes much more intelligent than a human and genetic engineering begins to pop up the world will go through a war to make all of mankind extinct.

The Super AI sees man as a danger and seeks to destroy us and the Genetically Engineered humans will have a culture so obsessed with perfection and self-improvement that they become Nietzschean Backstabbers and Genocidal Maniacs of anyone remotely below them.

Other technological advances such as affordable Metal 3D Printing makes it that anyone can print a high quality assault rifles and so forth in their offices.

This is the Great Filter that all species experience, this answers the Fermi Paradox. Any civilization that gets advance enough will eradicate itself from its own desire to advance to the point of no return.