Contemporary Thinkers

Alright comrades, who are some of the contemporary thinkers (ie journalists, economists, professors, activists) you admire and like?

Mine are:
Noam Chomsky
Michael Parenti
Edward Said
Norman Finkelstein
Chris Hedges
Cornel West
Tariq Ali
Mark Blyth
Richard Wolff
Michael Hudson


Bump x 2

shit does anyone really not have any thinkers they admire or have been influenced by?


Chomsky is by far the most influential

>not having Dr. Jordan B Peterson
>fucking Postmodernist Marxist

JK Rowling

>Sup Forums

Top KEK.
Oh wait you're serious?
Chomsky said the Republican party is literally the Mos Evil Political party in history, when asked if this included Soviets and Nazis, he said yes.

Chomsky unironically defended the Khmer Rogue long after the world found out they killed 3.2 million people in death camps and enslaved all of Cambodia.

IF you think Chomsky is a great thinker to admire, you have low standards.

He is, but his views aren't as radical compared to that of others (take that what you will).



Call me biased, but you can't seriously convince me that a man who dogwhistles an anti-semitic conspiracy theory to paint anyone who disagrees with him in a bad light is a "thinker". A reactionary maybe, but not a thinker in my opinion

Chomsky, along with Herman who he worked with at that time, never defended the Khmer Rouge nor Pol Pot, but rather reported the actual facts regarding the death count.

I ask you then, if Chomsky is not a great thinker, who are some of your great thinkers

>Chomsky unironically defended the Khmer Rogue long after the world found out they killed 3.2 million people in death camps and enslaved all of Cambodia.
Nice meme.

He'll probably say something like David Horowitz, Lew Rockwell, or Ben Shapiro.

Nazis dindu nuffin. So republicans are worse. I'd argue communists are worse than republicans tho

That wasn't real communism.

What the hell has he got on his head?! ROFLMAO

Neocons are Trotskyists so it's a tie, but Chomsky uses the term "republican" to pin their evils on goys

>Chomsky said the Republican party is literally the Mos Evil Political party in history, when asked if this included Soviets and Nazis, he said yes.
For context, he said this in an interview about threats to world peace. He said the Republicans are a threat to humanity because of their consistent rejection of scientific evidence for things like climate change and mass extinctions.

anyone who says this should be gassed

best contemporary thinkers:

Probably. I recently saw David Horowitz go head on with Slavoj Zizek and my fucking god is Horowitz a dumbfuck or what. Again, call me biased, but I still have to double take whenever I hear the words "conservative" and "intellectual" in my head.

If you're going to troll us can you at least make it funny please?

Adolf hitler
Joseph Goebbles
Dr Mengele
The head of unit 371

I think he's right. Liberals are the worst of all time, and republicans are just slow liberals.

Nothing trolling about this. Post some intellectuals you like

You're a faggot Op.
That said:
>Hans Hoppe
>Jared Taylor
>Walter Block
>kevin macdonald
>lew rockwell
>tom woods
>bob murphy
>christopher cantwell
>mike enoch

Your List includes internet white nationalists and an ancap who supports government force against dissidents. Your list is a meme and you should be ashamed of yourself :(



Richard Spencer of course probably the most complete philosopher of our time. second would be mike enoch one the rights top rhetorician

great list i would add professor Dr david duke phd in history

>Mine are:
>Noam Chomsky
>Michael Parenti
>Edward Said
>Norman Finkelstein
>Chris Hedges
>Cornel West
>Tariq Ali
>Mark Blyth
>Richard Wolff
>Michael Hudson
Wait, I'm thinking of one, almost got it

I would actually pay to see everyone on your list be thrown from a helicopter!

so chomsky isnt an intellectual
and you asked for activists you massive faggot
anyway cantwell and enoch are more insightful and intelligent than most of the marxist trash you revere

Liberal and left wing (((intellectuals))) wont bother reading works by academics like pic related without kvetching about anti-semitism.

So long as their pay masters and allies aren't questioned, they'll happily label anyone who agrees with them a 'real thinker.'

Adolf Hitler

>no based Sam Harris
Sup Forums is too afraid to even mention this goy slayer

This is why people can't take AnCaps seriously; either they are delusional faggots are pathetic manchildren LARPing as "redpilled" neonazis.
And I would love to see you get tortured in the gulag, except the difference being is that I wouldn't have to pay for it. Free entertainment = best entertainment

Thomas Sowell
Bobby Fischer


Hahahahahahabaha Wtf are u thinking?

don't forget george lincoln rockwell lads


Slavoj Žižek is arguably one of the most prominent thinkers on the scene right now

Oh so the zeks are just gonna torture themselves? I unintentionally omitted Solzhenitsyn from my original list.
you don't even understand that there's no such thing as a free lunch and you think ancaps are delusional
And I don't larp, jew hate comes naturally when you're against the (((fed))) and (((us foreign policy)))
I'm an ancap who wants to live in white only covenant communities