Ronald Bernard is alive and back with an important message!

>Ex-Forex trader for the elite
>Didn't want to kill to get promoted
Please take 5 minutes to watch this video, he will explain how to escape the kike matrix and why.
Hint: Demons feed off our negative energy, that's why Sup Forums is being dumped with negative threads to depress and enrage people.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping this cuz he's based af.

what video you leaf


He is dumb just google Bernard Illuminati interview.
2 parts.
He was a dutch banker/trader.

>literally a leaf

Kept forgetting to put the picture and chrome doesn't retain the text after the error message. After the third attempt I missed putting in the video link

He has sodomy eyes.
Did he have sodomy eyes before?

just give the daemons what they want. ask for something in return and let the wheel keep spinning. You can't stop this.

Oh but we can, Bertrand told you how and I'm thankful for reaching that point before seeing this video. Hopefully more people will learn not to feed demons with negative energy and starve them till they cannot possess people anymore

Wasnt this the plot of the movie "Ghostbusters"?


The audio is cut. GIVE ME SWEET AUDIO NAO!

lol wtf go on


You've never heard of it?
And yes, Mattis has them HARD.
So does Soros.

show proof this is what your implying

Once you noticed sodomy bags there is no turning back, desu.

Show proof of what?
In the video OP posted Bernard has 1 puffy eye lid bag, on the left eye IIRC.
Im just asking if anyone noticed if he had the same puffy eye lid in his previous videos.

show that that is a symptom of what you're saying

>sho da baggie eeys proof
you are too retarded to be here user


Where is the evidence that this guy really was an insider almost at the highest level of power and is speaking the truth about what's going on? The fact that he's using these interviews to shill his own bank means that we should have a high threshold of evidence. Also, it's not enough to think that his emotions are authentic in the interview. He could be mental. He could be extremely self-deceptive. It's a big planet and you can't take people on the internet for their word. He hasn't revealed anything verifiable that only an insider would know.

Fucking "love not hate" liberal cuckdom. Hate is more useful than love, always.

What made you look at old people with bags under their eyes and think "sodomy"?

You can go ahead and research into sodomy symptoms if you want.
Go do some science and get sodomized and take a look at your eyes after multiple anal penetrations.
Post pics after for us to examine.


>he has all these pics but 0 infographs on the subject and knows nothing off the top of his head
>now he wants us to "do our own research"- presumably for him

come on dude

from what I've learned from pedos its usually a lazy eye.

leaf might be a shill spreading disinfo.

Lol you are a complete faggot.
I bet you have puffy eye lids.

The lazy eye is probably from spinal trauma.

ahhh. so you are just a shill. You cant even describe how this proves your point. typical retarded shill behavior. your lies are transparent.


it's like they're getting lazier man

the end is near.

the end is near.

>yes goy always be neurotically positive never get angry

>the late night bugs have arrived

time to go to bed I guess

It’s not about the bags though they’re probably involved it’s more to do with people who have pupils like these

Signs you're in a boomer thread:
- Someone takes kike gerematria seriously,
- Unquestioning believes someone because the thread gets reposted all day,
- Someone reposts the 'three branches becoming one's Nostradamus gibberish,
- Anything involving a child is childporn,
>>> Someone blames lucifer,

I'm so glad people can see this now.
I worked with an undercover child protection agency for years and this is amongst the telltale signs we look for in children.
It's not entirely because of anal penetrations, it's because of the body's reaction to it, people "push" and it draws blood to the head which collects in certain places like there and stretches the blood vessels etc.
also crying very hard does this.

basically it's a tell tale sign that a child is having a bad time.

i trust he speaks truth for thats the type of crime that goes on daily but no trace is left. paper money, imf, world bank, bis and shit...
good message.

New age garbage. Be a child? What the fuck does that mean? Sage thread...


>Lady Gaga
>Literal sound a baby makes
I think we've found the Kingpin.

4 parts, dumb leaf!


Thank you for your work and I'm sorry you had such a hard job.
God bless you.
I hope you are still working that job to the best of your ability.

Only l. o. v. e is repellant of the dark feeder. Flood this board with sincere friendliness, and see what happens.

Love without hate is meaningless.

All of the people in the world who are abused stop emotionally developing and don't start again until they go back to where they were abused and start growing from there.

If they were abused as a baby, they literally will act like babies until someone mothers them, hence feminism and bugmen acting so bizarrely and cuckoldry developing.

I have only watched 1, didn't finish the second cuz it wasn't really news to me.
Lady GaGa is most certainly a spirit cooking type.
Probably engages in some form of degeneracy, be it cannibalism and or pedophilia.
I am also getting captcha locked here hard/connection error while posting.

what is it that you fear so much

So sodomy causes puffy eye?




I just can't stand new age mumb jumbo snake merchants. I fear God.
Anybody who tells you that love is the answer or that you need to 'be a child' to deal with lifes hurdels is a fucking retard preying on other retards.

It likely causes some inflammation in the ocular membrane through some means. Not sure if its the semen, the spinal trauma, the crying, perhaps all the above.
IIRC semen can cross the BBB so it potentially could be literal human male sperm depositing into the ocular cavity tissue.


I'm with you man. Whatever rapes your hate.
Love is cool too but I am saving that for my wife and boat, and our eventual kids, desu.

You got it bro, what this fucked up world needs are grown up men, with a fiery righteous rage in their belly. That is how you deal with the elite satanist pedo filth.

Before I present the photo to you, here is the brief background: someone suggested that very wealthy political figures are into the blood of children, because they believe it allows them to live longer. Some kind of new science that they're exploring.

So some of the children are taken, according to this hypothesis, and kept alive for blood harvesting. I have not been able to substantiate this, so I can't say whether I am ready to accept it yet.

But with that context in mind, it was pointed out that Madeiline McCann has an extremely rare genetic anomaly that maybe only 1% or 2% of children have (correction: it's actually much rarer; a researcher pointed out its incidence is .005% to .022%). It is indicated by the deformity in her eye, something unique about her blood composition or DNA.

She was also, apparently, born in vitro and there are questions surrounding her paternity.

Remarkably, we discovered last night that Soros has the same condition.

Addendum 5. A researcher has just discovered that many of the political elite appear to have this same extraordinary condition, some in the right eye, some in the left, some very distinct and some on the smaller, thinner side. Can someone with access to adequate software zoom in and create conditions to detect these more clearly, and document the steps so that viewers can replicate? Need to make sure this is verifiable - I am posting it here but I have not been able to substantiate yet due to time constraints:

Andrew Sorkin (his left eye, long, 6:00)
Jeb Bush (his right eye, short, 8:00)
Bush Sr. (his left eye, point-shaped, 3:00; looks like he is wearing contacts too, could be covering something.)
Henry Kissinger (?) (his right eye, short, 6:00.)
Jacob Rothschild
Diane Feinstein and

A pro is among us. Checked.

I plan on moving to your country.
Dead serious.
I fear God too but I wish to be on his side.
Youtube & twitter.
Plan on buying a yacht and making friends in high places. Your choice whether you want to be my friend but you seem like one of the best lads I've seen in this place.
DOXXing myself cuz I don't fear anything but God.


>love is the answer
literally Jesus message

desu i dont see you as one with lot of life experience in various stratas of society and amongst various deranged cunts. i also think that his business plan will earn him 100 shekels if your claim is true.

>I plan on moving to your country.
Good luck man, but this country is just as pozzed as yours and has its share of problems too...

Stay in your own country and try to improve it you snivelling worm

You may be right, but I want to move somewhere where I can help.
Australia is still anglo, unlike my country. Together we can form city states and allegiances world wide prepared for rescue operations and unconventional cooperation on a massive scale.
Forming the network of benevolent, Christian brothers is the first step.
Once we have communication and resources set proper we can do anything.
100 men alone in any environment are fearsome. 100's of thousands world wide united is almost unstoppable, governments be damned.
500,000 men or less can form a city state and enforce borders.
From there we are autonomous.
It's time to man up and earn our future.
Anyone reading this is welcome to contact me.
No degenerate jewish sand niggers please.

My country is England and my name is all over the island. England conquered practically the whole world including Australia.
Every colony is my country.
Australia has a stronger dollar, better real estate, better weather, less jews, less niggers, less sand niggers...
Canada could be a great country, but it isn't, and unless you want to hand me a rifle, leaf, then just shut the fuck up and let the real men talk.

Ur a pussy I’ll jump on ur head what’re you gonna buy a yacht with your schizophrenic delusions of grandeur?

My god what total horse shit.


">p-p-please sir, stay in Canada"

blow me you immigrant nerd

So this larping faggot thinks he's going to use the internet to organise hundreds of thousands of people.

Ur a joke mate

>immediately goes totally middle school
years in undercover operations huh?
were you trained in gorilla warfare?

ITT: Bastards, hebes, and a few good men.
Accurate ratios I'd say.

>My country is England and my name is all over the island
i like this - coming from someone who plans to get out of anglosphere since you turned to shits with your multicult globalist crap. rare for me to run into someone here who says they are english.
>Australia is still anglo
not in my experience, its a multicult nanny state. but good luck, come and see for yourself.

quality vid. belongs in cbts, potentially. info on bis, imf, world bank. whether or not you believe in Q, people's thirst for information is legitimate.

Well where do you plan on heading to if Australia doesn't feel like home?
I can't see much else where the white man can live nowadays unbothered.

i got east and central europe to return too. you guys are stuck in your places. dont forget england still exists, except londonistan.

Lucky. I considered Bavaria and even Hungary, Austria but I fear I might not fight in as an Englishman.
England is on my list, but it just doesn't fit with my political point of view.
I'd rather not have poz'd/coke'd up whores and female cops wearing burkhas dealing with them on my front yard.

Thanks for posting the video.
Yes, Ronald is legit. Don't listen to (((shills))) who want to claim he's not.

>fight in
fit in* kek.

wtf is stolas doing in this picture




Jesus Christ why won't this Tory posting leaf just leave already?

For some reason God doesn't want me to tell you niggers about why the sodomy eye bags/puffy eye lids happens at a scientific level so I will assume one of you fuckers is a child rapist ITT.
Just know I will find you, and if God wills it, I will kill you.
The rest of you here today are welcome to interpret my information I was permitted to share and do more research. But know that I wasn't lying. The signs are everywhere, once you noticed sodomy eyes there is no turning back.
Sorry I couldn't share this information.
Contact me on twitter if you need any advice or have some real plans to help the world.
Filter your water for all your loved ones and buy bitcoin.

Stay mad.

forget about political views, it is a matter of trust i founf out. when there is no trust between two people or a group/society that relationship breaks down and none is happy about being in such environment. no comfort, no peace of mind, and that is something money will not buy. good luck in whatever you do.
i think he is legit due to first video and everything he said there - ties in paper money, greed, self-interest, zero empathy and he tops it with story about that child crap.
i got hope in people, all those cunts will get caught one day.

gtg now.

Do these bags appear shortly after beeing sodomized or develope over time? Do they recide again after some time?

Good luck to you. I totally agree. Had a conversation with my mum about racism. I had to explain to her that racism is just the mathematical or statistical odds of a fight or flight scenario. It sucks having to live in a world where you can't be sure if you can make it from the shopping mall to the parking garage.
I remember when Canada was white.

In one of my pictures it seems George Clooney had them in his teen years, then had them as an adult way later(not sure if he was sodomized often or ever as an adult)- then he got surgery to remove them apparently.
It's likely they don't ever go away without cosmetic surgery.
I only recently learned about this "sodomy eye" phenomenon so I don't know very much.

Hearing it for the first time but sounds intressting. Iam gonna look out for it and see if there is a pattern.

His advice only works if you are white. Go tell that same message of "just love each other" to the Cannibal Warlords of Liberia, or the Jihadists of Afghanistan. they have no empathy or love

The most famous cases/patterns I see are high ranking government agents/diplomats/politicians and obvious homosexual celebrities.
George Soros has some of the nastiest eyes I have ever seen, as do most of the rothschilds.

What about the radical islamophile cannibal warlords of the local tel aviv scat bar?

hate is good as long as you hate that which is evil. hate drives you to mercilessly destroy that which you hate. so hate the right things. "not having hate" is a jewish trick. if you are fat, hate being fat, it will help you get fit. etc.

you think he tried to sneak pics of the people who were sacrificing children?

Pretty sure anatomically it isn't possible for sperm to travel past the digestive system.