I've been called Uncle Ruckus, for not trusting my own race

I've been called Uncle Ruckus, for not trusting my own race.

I'm just trying to watch my own back. Nothing wrong with that.

Plus the amount of crimes committed by Black people. Also BLM is full of shit.

Am I wrong thinking like this?

You have no righteousness to stand on. You'll die before hitting the ground, whichever direction you fall.

Obviously you aren't wrong.


Oh thank god.


I don't even know what to say to this.

You are good.

>He unironically believed pol

Autistic and black

Well you're going to probably breed and make more of those things, so yeah fuck off we don't want you. Some Mexicans are ok tho

blacks are just as subverted as whites. That's exactly why you guys are obsessed with rap culture and materialism.
A nog would rather buy brand new nikes than monthly groceries, regardless whether or not they could afford it.

wake them up. ditch the flag too

if it's an american flag, he can even say he's white

piss off, they're being brainwashed and weaponized against us while the kikes laugh and pocket off it

red pilled af drop the gay meme flag doe

Jews and liberal cucks enable the criminal element within your community which is why a guy like you gets passed over for thugs. I advise you to turn all your rage on them.

There was a post of his floating around where he laid out his beliefs - basically, he believes that black America is fucked (broken families, welfare dependence, gang culture, etc) and the only way to fix it is with black nationalism.
Honestly I think he might be onto something. Blacks don't handle freedom well, maybe with an authoritarian government to keep them in line they'll do a little better.

I do. Nigger.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Hate to say it, but /ournigger/

Not to mention destroying their own cities when whitey left em.

Question: In your opinion, do other blacks trust blacks, or do they merely refuse to admit to distrusting them?

Name one thing that Uncle Ruckus was wrong about.

You could sing and dance for our entertainment if you don't know what to say.

Not mathematically

Stop being racist.
You shouldn't trust anyone really


It's called common sense.

I love Uncle Ruckus, he was my favorite character from the Boondocks. My second was the Booty Warrior.

No. Not at all

damn it really seems that he might be unto something