When will the general relativity and quantum mechanics jew meme die Sup Forums?

when will the general relativity and quantum mechanics jew meme die Sup Forums?

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Bump, I wanna know too

The only solution is the final solution

> A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.

Special relativity was developed by Lorentz and Fitzgerald based on Maxwell's work. The Lorentz transformation hold's Maxwell's equations invariant.

Einstein's contribution was... what, exactly? Writing a paper that says "This"?

Tesla... nice that Tesla doesn't like it, but his hypothesis was what, again? Tesla, like Einstein, is just a lot of hype

what was in his unpublished theorem?

Why can't we read his papers like we can read Einstein's papers?


I'd kill to read those papers. The only person that might have them now is Trump

Why can't we read Tesla's papers?

I have no idea. But people who make up fantastic stories and pretend that they know are annoying.

ether theory, light, magnetism and electricity are effects on the ether, there are no electrons or photons

The Government seized his files once he died. Trump's uncle was assigned the responsibility of those files

Then you need to explain quanitzation of charge (Millikan Oil Drop experiment), the photo electric effect and why quantum theory predicts.

Maybe. For all I know they were covering up for corporate patent fraud, or maybe he had nudes of his girlfriend.. the pigeon.

not sure never studied reddit science, can you explain why a laser is contained by a magnet, or define a field?

>can you explain why a laser is contained by a magnet,


>define a field?

Look it up on the web. There's plenty of info in E&M texts. Asking a question is not a statement. Spit it out if you have something to say.

I am talking about a laser beam being stuck within a magnet


What's your fucking point?

the point is to kill the cult of atomism and bring about a scientific revolution with the return of ether theory

its all been proven honey buns


care to substantiate some counter to all the endless empirical proof of that which you deny?

The truth is that current physics is not elegant and I hate it but that's probably all I can do. Some simple, elegant "theory of everything" is the holy grail.

>trips of truth
There's probably no chance in hell in getting those unless many years have passed, and this is assuming they exist. Can't we just turbo autism to these papers with what we know right now and can learn in the future?

any one who talks like this is a cultist not a scientist

>believing the senile Tesla's words
Man was a genius, but the man was insane near the end of his life. He did anything he could to to get back the attention he got in his earlier days, but in the end, none of his claims had any substance.

typical jew lore

The speed of light is constant in all reference frames, and all inertial reference frames have the same laws of physics
These two things are fact, and general relativity is the logical outcome of these facts
Einstein wasn't even especially genius for coming up with the theory, he was just the first one to admit to these facts, and to follow them to their logical conclusions

Quit larping. The ether theory has been debunked. Go through the shit yourself. No one wants to waste time on dead ideas.

>The speed of light is constant in all reference frames, and all inertial reference frames have the same laws of physics

A team of Scottish scientists has made light travel slower than the speed of light.
They sent photons - individual particles of light - through a special mask. It changed the photons' shape - and slowed them to less than light speed.
The photons remained travelling at the lower speed even when they returned to free space.


since when was trying to have a discussion larping? banking, media, psychology etc. have all been infiltrated by Jewish deception but science is free of this?

Were stolen rounded up and collected as soon as he died. By who? Follow the money back then and the fraud continues and we are taught psuedo science. Dont confuse Tesla with Govt subsidized cars psuedo space electric faggot.
He stole the name to try to be relavent.
Down here in Ft Myers, Edison is another huge Fraud that stole plenty of technology and provided psuedo science to taint Tesla and others. Read up kids
And not in your school textbooks.
I pray soon this will be revealed in the near future. How the sun works is not what you have been told. Its getting harder and harder to hide the truth!

Any mathfags here who can tell us if this looks legit?

this is the best book I found so far.


got any moar?

meant for

IIRC, Lorentz wrote it as a joke. Einstein said, joke’s on you.

Science is not free of anything. Mostly it is not free of idiots who may do some baseline experiments but will never see the whole picture. I know it i work in science. Geneticist btw (yeah the guy who sometimes drunkenly posts his opinion about race theory and genetics on this shithole of a board).

However, and I am NOT a physicist, as far as I know ether theory really is a bunch of doo-doo. Atomic theory btw is also heavily flawed as soon as you go beyond the limit of individual particles ... it is an oversimplification. However (and I am no expert) IF you use aether theory as a proxy for quantum vacuum ... well then you may afterall be onto something.

So please, if otherwise good people like you keep spewing thoroughly disproven theories it will only damage our cause and make us look stupid. How in the name of the Kaiser will we ever break the kike's influence if we discredit ourselves with pseudoscience. Hard facts ... same with racial theories. Do not stick to the Nazi's flawed theory of race, we have better and SOLID evidence for the superiority of the white race. Just have to interpret the data right and understand what scientists are afraid to spell out plainly.

t. a sober geneticist (you guys ALWAYS make me wanna get drunk again!)

its fine for someone to suppose that QM and relativity aren't true, in the sense that the truth is still something more hidden than what Qm and relativity discuss, and QM & Relativity don't describe its real nature.

But there are so many experiments that indicate that QM and Relativity let us predict outcomes usefully that confirm their utility as working understandings of reality.

There is a lot of stuff in the real world that works because reality works like QM and Relativity says it should.

IOW, our progression of kinematic understanding has gone

Newtonian phyiscs -> relativistic physics -> quantum physics

we aren't at the end of the journey, but if we were barking up the wrong tree, it's difficult to imagine we'd be getting so many useful results.

I once imagined that every interaction of particles in the universe is somehow reflected at the supposed wave front of the universe's expansion. Like a hologram and the expansion rate of said plane would then correlate with certain limitations such as speed of light. Maybe this is just some crazy bullshit but the picture formed suddenly in my mind somehow. I do not know if this idea is going anywhere...

Every possible everything ever already exists (even the word "already" is a distortion, since time itself is simply an artifact of partitioned consciousness). The idea of "expansion" is a projection of the increasing *consciousness* of humanity - a humanity which in its anthropocentric view believes Infinity to be of the same character and bound by the same limits as human consciousness.

You're clearly a smart and thoughtful, if not always drunk enough, guy. I think you'd like Rupert Sheldrake.

"The Science Delusion"

the issue is thinking deeply but not clearly. the ether theory explains this ferrocell very clearly, i cant imagine the mental gymnastics a quantum physicist would take to explain this.

I am sure that pigeon was a plant from day one

Pigeon was probably working for Edison.

quantum mechanics predicts a photon even though though there is no proof of one. it is not observational based, 100% jew math gymnastics meme to hide the nature of reality


Ether theory, what about the Michelson and Morley experiment?

check this out

all that disproves is ether wind or ether flow. there were thousands of theories about the ether, disproving the idea of ether wind doesn't disprove ether

When news speak of speed of light they usually mean "propagation of information" which has the upper limit. Light's speed has an upper limit, and lower limit of 0.

Ya'll niggers know that relativity has been experimentally verified right

Wallace Thornhill

Lightspeed is limited by the medium it travels in.

nice, glad I kept this thread alive. (((quantum mechanics))) is materialism - everything is an atom, like the inverted pentagram puts the material above the spirit

have you ever heard of bruce cathie?
he has a very interesting set of theories.

yes this is how you get the blue light from reactors the speed of light in water is slower

It has been empirically validated.
Relativity and quantum mechanics have proven themselves to be the most accurate predictors of reality.
They will go away after something more accurate has been found.

I also do not get why anyone cares about the opinions of an engineer like Tesla when it comes to science.

looks like bs new age alien shit at first glance

he is not new age and bases his ideas on mathematics. personally i have an interest in different mathematical methods to the mainstream as in vedic maths and vortex maths, but i fucking hate new age shit.

Never if they choose to do so. Although data i piling up against them they keep doubling down. Anyways:
youtube.com/user/ThunderboltsProject/search?query=top 10
There needs to be some kind of device, a process attacking the idiotic concept of spacetime directly and decisively. It's hard to do here on Earth because "fabric of the universe" Higgs-boson" is emulating aether in mathematical manner. So that superficially and in limited reach it checks out. But confronted with recent findings in cosmology it completely doesn't. So they pile up more imaginary internally contradicting itself math usually with "dark" or "black" prefix. But this doesn't work also as data pile up. Because it's simply wrong.

>vedic maths and vortex maths
Which branch of math is that from?

Tesla Grrls youtube.com/watch?v=PaAr60zmyik

ok I will read more, u should look into theoria apophasis theory on magnetism. the center of the magnet is a centripetal vortex


so this guy literally turned off the lights and wiggled a laser around to 'prove his point'? hhahahaha

Some Indian, dude who can neither do math nor speak English telling you a few "tricks" is not math dude.

Just clicking at random points in the video:
>73/9 = 1 because 7+3 mod 9=1.
This dude is trolling right?
This has absolutely nothing to do with mathematics, he is displaying some rather boring coincidences, but not even trying to explain when his ""rules"" work or proving them.

Still rather boring, but it is obvious why this works, this is not even a new math trick, it is just how multiplying by 11 works in base 10.
Nothing even interesting here.

There is nothing "new" here which isn't known for at least a thousand years.
Why do you need "vedic math" when it is just highschool algebra.

My guess is they will shut it down as those folks get more notoriety. Or suicide poor old Wallace. People die in this age, nobody would bat an eye. I am 99% certain their experiment replicating Birkeland's findings is compromised by US military spooks simply by their open presence in it.

Dude tried passing a box full of scrap off as a death ray at the patent office once. I'd love to rewrite everything that's been done since WWII including everything (((Einstein))) took credit for as much as the next guy, but I'm pretty sure the stories about the mythbusters crew recreating an earthquake machine were bullshit. Who knows, maybe Trump really is responsible for Berenstain, or something. Don't be a typical skinhead, you queer.

what is the difference between a trick and a calculation. in this video the guy you see is using vedic maths and memory techniques.

Thats quite impressive, but still just highschool algebra and memory.
If "vedic maths" is highschool algebra then fine, but that is not especially interesting and not especially relevant to study, it is also unfit to be used in physics.

maths has many uses and physics is not the be all and end all of science.
by the way, i am very impressed that memory techniques are taught in german highschools.

this is the (((science minded))) outlook, all about personalities and stories.

>physics is not the be all and end all of science.
But that's actually literally what physics is, though.

>History is only real when I say!
Oh, you're this guy. Are you the indian or the nord? I can't remember, I stopped paying attention to you people before they gave you memeflags back.

>The speed of light is constant in all reference frames, and all inertial reference frames have the same laws of physics

>A team of Scottish scientists has made light travel slower than the speed of light.

Short video of a photon going through a Bose-Einstein Condensate along with discussion of a Quantum Computer.


>maths has many uses and physics is not the be all and end all of science.
Of course, I wasn't implying that, but highschool algebra has been outdated for at least a century.
Modern set theory and algebra provides a much broader framework encompassing not only "highschool algebra" but a wide variety of much more useful and general tools.

>by the way, i am very impressed that memory techniques are taught in german highschools.
We had some competitions in class called "Eckenrechnen" where the goal was to solve math problems as fast as possible.
Some more advanced things are necessary to do big calculations, but that really has nothing to do with math and has no actual real life application (apart from entertainment) since the first mechanical calculation machine was built.

relativistic physics has not been succeeded by quantum, both describe different things and fail in other areas. We will need a larger theory incorporating both.

why are you here shitting up this thread you believe light is a wave and a particle at the same time?

You can fire off photons you know. "Individual" photons

And now we get to play the fun language game wherein the speed of light is "The" speed of light, but not "that" light's speed, which was slower than light speed.

>science chad that debunked jew god was insane
>jew god is genius
>jenius jew
nice try, Is-Real

because light is a wave, travelling at a phase velocity, however a "packet" of waves is a photon travelling at group velocity, allowing it to function both like a particle and a wave

>directed energy weapons
>weather modification tech
>time travel

Speed of light through a medium is slower than in a vacuum, thats like with all things. c is the same in all reference frames, but not in all mediums

>Man was a genius
More importantly he was an engineer, he has taking about something in which he is by no means an expert in.

If your a Literature student would tell you about biology you wouldn't take him serious, for good reasons.

I feel like I've seen you before, I think we shat on a fag a couple weeks ago together. Or maybe it was flat earthers. What's up my nazbol dude.

Take this and be careful with it, it's pretty rare.

this is a perfect example of (((quantum))) physics fancy computer animation and nonsensical explanation. no one has ever presented any evidence for the existence of photons.

>And now we get to play the fun language game wherein the speed of light

We keep forgetting to add in the phrase "in a vacuum".

Check out that short video. It discusses how a photon is slowed down to the speed of a bicycle.

The Sagnac experiment proves the existence of ether as well as Airy's 'On a Supposed Alteration in the Amount of Astronomical Aberration of Light'.

Furthermore: THE SPEED OF LIGHT IS NOT CONSTANT. This conclusion is hidden in a single sentence of the Airy experiment. In the 1600s, Ole Romer observed a decrease in the speed of light as well.

What is the scientific definition of a meter?
What is the scientific def of the speed of light?

See the problem? Those two definitions reference each other. So using those two definitions, the speed of light will always be constant.

The standard model is the evidence, KEK

I don't need explaining on this, it's very clear that one of you was using the speed of light colloquially and the other was using it as a standard of measurement as defined by C usually.

Unless he's the smartest man alive.

so then light is just a wave and Einstein's wave particle duality is false

What is wrong with you Aether fags? That shit debunked in the M&M experiment

Technically everything is a wave, we all have a wavenumber
It is a wave, but it can ACT like a particle, (i.e you can fire individual packets of light) and therefore is also considered a particle. Hence the duality, it can act like both depending on the circumstance as observed in the double slit experiment, where photons acted like particles but were distributed in wave like patterns

>Unless he's the smartest man alive.
Even if the smartest person in this world was a Professor of Literature you wouldn't listen to him about algebraic topology.

Tesla was an engineer and he certainly was a very good engineer. But that does not give him any expertise about physics.
These are completely different fields with completely different goals.

You don't get it retard.
The gubbernmend doesn't want you to know that the aether is real.

I dont think ive met you before, Nazbols are pretty much all the same tho so its not surprising that you think so

Typical christcuck globalist

Y-you too

i mainly get involved in nationalism vs capitalism threads, thats where you'll find me

>you have to have a degree to know something
That doesn't matter anyways Tesla's lifeworks overlapped with these things a Literature Professor has nothing to do with Math or Biology. This is a false equivalence as it gets.

Hey, fuck you pal. Nothing in the bible says we're supposed to "tolerate" a horde of fucking savages, Tesla was famously a pussy, and he's absolutely right that there will be no lasting peace unless there is one race in our society.

You are making a grave mistake by responding to people with nazi flags on topic concerning science.
Some of these people actually think that math is irrelevant when it comes to physics and that the only way to "properly" do physics is vague meta physical bullshit.
For them wave-particle duality is something which can be debated without considering "unnecessary" things like mathematics or experiments.

>Godless Marxism =/= Unity in the creator
Every Atheist is a brainlet I swear