The absolute state of France.
9th night of riots near Paris
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>Those fireworks at the start
Allahu Partybar
What's actually going on?
Tanned French mad at the police disturbing their business.
Is there a media blackout?
What's actually going on?
Cultural enrichment.
The MSM would never show this. They are chanting anti-french stuff like "fuck the police" or "France to Algerians".
Reporting in from the XVI°
Peaceful night
Any news articles on this? Can you give us a quick rundown op?
9th night?
The mainstream news hasn't reported this at all here. I wonder why...
literally the first i've heard of this. legit?
Euronews keeps silence on this, I wonder why.
Anyways, the reason of rioting?
It happens every other week here, generally after the police arrests a tanned French and when he complains of police brutality all the neighborhood starts rioting in his support.
>no link, no archive, no proof
>"9th night"
Why are they rioting? Do they even have a reason or is it just because they're animals?
>police arrests a mudslime
>muh brutality
>hey Abdul wake up the blocks they arrested one of us
>"allah wakbaaaaaaaar"
>*throws molotov*
t. Tanned frenchman
Is it really that bad in Paris now? What about France as a whole? Are native French going to wake up or is it a lost cause like Sweden appears to be?
How many more months until it finally pops off in Europe
starting to seem like you guys in the western half are dead set on going down without a fight
>dindu nuffin get arrested
>muh brutality
>chimping outs since 12 nov
Why are they rioting?
Lost cause, the provincial French will always have their "bread and circus", they'll never act besides get a little angry every 5 years when the elections are coming.
Paris itself is a shithole, but this is worse. Those are the suburbs where all the appartment blocks are located, where all the tanned Frenchmen live. I guess we can call them "no-go zones".
Well, at least by completely destroying your country we would have a live example to show millennials.
"Cheese eating surrender monkeys" have already surrended their country to the shitskins?
Color me not surprised.
Macron should let the foreign legion occupy the bad parts of paris
You're wrong in the fact that most native French don't see it as surrendering. They simply think it's the best that can happen to achieve peace: let them riot and attack the fascist police back for the brutality. Most Europeans are more anti-police than anti-islam, Sup Forums needs to understand that.
They need them reparations for colonialism, man.
the only way to get the US media to pay attention, is to make them complicit
Is there anything in particular that the rioters are asking for? More brown police officers?
Being anti-police is a redpill. They are a tool of the establishment, and the establishment hates us.
"Leave us alone, let us sell our weed in peace"
They are no-go zones for a reason.
One of them was "brutalized" by the police.
Wow, I feel for you western eurobros. The niggers here are a stagnant ~10% and the spics mostly behave at least where I live. I really hope you guys find the will to save yourselves
How far away is france from say, legalizing weed, and cutting the money supply to the underground market?
Friendly reminder if France would enforce Sharia on its (often so-called) muslim immigration, dealers, rapists and murderers would be put to death on the spot, thieves would have their hands cut, they would not benefit from social gibs since Islam heavily scorns it. You'd basically get rid of the problem by giving them what they want.
Not really. It's kinda less and more than that. It's just a little rustling, nothing too severe, but then you can consider it occupied territory.
Could you be any more patronising?
Very far, France is still fairly traditional and conservative regarding drugs, for now.
But what for? They already sell harder drugs and other illegal goods that they import from their african shithole, they'll just switch to a different market.
Before I played the webm and just looked at the thumbnail I thought it was going to be a vid of le 0% American tourist walking around Paris during an electricity strike.
>what "they" want
t. tanned French
Also Sharia allows the murder/rape/violence on non-believers so we'll die anyway.
things must get worse to get better. Hang in there frenchbros
Do the migrants have to wait to get citizenship and the right to vote? How does it work in France?
well they're objectively better than the states at rioting.
US Police BTFO'S everybody else cops
>We kill niggers and get a slap on the wrist
Kind of a grey area, they can get naturalized and obtain citizenship via the help of NGOs I suppose.
Migrants don't vote though, do you really think they care? The white soyboys and feminists vote against us already, they don't need non-whites.
Nah they will just say they didn't do enough to integrate them. Nationalists caused it.
False, rape was never allowed, as fornication and promiscuity is regarded as sinful in any context. Murder and violence not being a sin when applied to non-believers originates from the wahhabi Saudi school of thought, which is more modern than the day your mom decided to choke on migrant dick, mind you.
The appeal of enforcing Sharia to a country's muslim immigration only is to ultimately give the native as well as the authentic muslims a strictly regulated tool against recruitment and brainwashing programs from jews/saudis, as well as a rule of exception that'd prove to be drastically efficient against further chimpouts, by reinstating the death penalty and in general way harsher punishments for them.
The reason why there's such a civic difference between sunnis ans shia in general is because the latter has this enforcing structure as a core part of their belief, while the former lacks either economical and/or political maturity to enforce such a structure.
Is this like a tenth anniversary of those kids who fried at a power plant running from police?
Shut up Ahmed.
New Year's Day French media has a blackout on all the cars set on fire. I think last year it was celebrated by the government the numbers torched cars fell below 1,000.
>using emotional triggers to refute rational arguments
Well played soyboy, guess you're also part of the disgruntled faggots who can only bitch about things on the internet instead of thinking of a solution to your problems.
Don't worry, the solution to this problem is already thought-out: right-wing death squads
True, the MSM are now reporting it with some pride and accomplishment.
I remember, the claim is they don't report on the fires as not to inspire copycats. A few English speaking sites were claiming setting cars on fire is some French tradition as far backs as the 80s.
>the solution to the chimpout problem is chimping out ourselves
You're as much a chimpanzee as any other criminal sandnigger or shitskin out there. And obviously since you like sympomatic treatment so much, rather than overthrowing the people who'd directly benefit from such a generalized state of chaos, why don't you start by thanking your jewish overlords and off yourself first?
"""traditional"""" for sure.
Local newspapers report it, just no the big MSM.
>muh jews
Ali Sourate get out.
>the UK?
(((What))) the fuck happened?
>The niggers here are a stagnant ~10% and the spics mostly behave at least where I live. I really hope you guys find the will to save yourselves
t. shitskin
you asked for this france
>"muh jews"
>heh sure taught this antisemitic holocaust denier goyim a lesson
Sure thing, schlomo. The only death squad everyone would agree to be a part of will come for you.
this nigger should be tortured under medical surveillance
the French like to get in early with the civil war, i like it
I can't wait until whites wake the fuck up and actually show you brutality. Leave Europe.
If you didn't have the attention span of a goldfish, you'd realize i'm advocating the strictest and harshest set of laws to be applied on immigrants only. The kind that'd put any of them who'd chimp out, or go so far as be a liability to the nation, to death, the exact same day, with complete legitimacy, since it's part of what they profess as justice.
Which is far better than potentially starting a civil war and destroying what remains of France as a nation.
Now instead of throwing out empty threats and the like, why not use your brain for once and come with a solution that doesn't imply an automatic win for jews?