Post your political compass results.
Post your political compass results
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Kill yourselves.
oval theory best theory
Test kept giving me blatantly wrong results until I figured out I'm a Corporate Nationalist.
I guess it just cannot handle someone who is both extremes at once without believing in the middle.
ancoms irl
Retake the test I think you got an error in your results
Easily the best one.
That section totally exists. Left vs right is publicly owned institutions vs privately owned institutions. Authoritarian vs Libertarian is government telling you how you should live your life vs not. You can be an advocate of more privately owned institutions, while believing that the government has no/little business in telling you how to live your life.
I don't exist on that compass.
I am a nationalist but I believe the most important priority should be conserving the natural resources such as clean air, water and forests.
I don't believe in welfare. But I believe in free Healthcare, forced military conscription and free housing for all. As well as free education.
As far as economic regulation goes. You are not allowed to damage the natural resources of land air and water In any way. That is all.
For taxes it should be flat 20% income taxed with a maximum wage and a minimum wage meaning if you made a minimum that year the government will not take a tax to reduce your income below the minimum. And if you made a maximum that year then the government will tax all the money you made above the yearly maximum. (Say 1.5 million dollars maximum wage per year, and 15 dollars minimum wage)
But I also believe I free speech and self determination.
Also I do not believe everyone is equal or deserves to be treated equally but I do believe that there is a reasonable minimum treatment and oppertunity people should receive as well as a maximum reasonable treatment and oppertunity.
Also I am against drugs and alcohol these should beaded illigal. And dressing promiscuous should result in jail time and we should bring back corporal punishments such as cutting someone's hand of for stealing. Or cutting their younger out for fraud.
I know I am authoritarian. But I do not think I fit on left or right.
Cutting out their .*tounge
According to your definition I am authoritarian right but I don't think so. Because although I believe In private enterprise. I also believe In a maximum wage and strict environmental policy.
There will never be a political party I can vote for in good confidence...
Where can you take this test?
Says I'm Based as Fuck! I already knew that.
Jesus Christ, you're autistic as fuck.
I'm glad you're not in charge of anything. You sound like you're 15 years old.
fuuuucking hivemind
It's the green square that doesn't actually exist.
Why am I autistic?
What exactly is autistic about my political beliefs?
Absolute lower right. #AnCapLife
I guess I'm making progress?
What does this mean
On the contrary, it is the one closest to reality.
Law and order are born from the imaginations of man and scarcity is dealt with using death.
I got -4.25 left and 3.08 authoritarian.
But I can assure you I am 100% against the authoritarian left now days like"hate speech" and "racism" ect. Which I believe (albeit as a white male) dare problems that have no impact on the greater purposes of progress for the human race.
Yeah, that's a lot more accurate. The one we're mostly using is really just designed to try to convince people they should vote for Sanders-eqsue candidates.
But, it's not a pretty picture, so . . . .
Neither bottom squares exist green has no plan and purple has no way of enforcing its """"""plan"""""".
Fucking commie
huh, never heard of "capitalist fascism"
hah, can't complain about that
sounds gay desu.
My values do not align with any of my countries pollies
the "I have no idea what politics or real life is, but lets smoke weed man."
Political Compass is beyond inaccurate.
8 Values is the only test that is close to being accurate.
That, and Isidewith although that just tells you what neocon elite you would vote for last year
>Authoritarian centrist
You will have no opinions OR ELSE
None of you are fucking geniuses like me
Serious one
still figuring things out i guess
But friend, do you not see you have already ascended?
Your a nationalist, so that's fine. Unlike some people
little bit more equality than I thought there would be, but maybe my ideas on prostitution and abortion were too progressive.
>most people who abort are niggers and other low IQ minorities/racemixed children
>prostitution being illegal doesn't stop it (as history can attest to), it just spreads stds because it's unregulated. plus if it's legal you can tax it.
Get out of my head
I'm stunned at how perfect this is.
I feel like I have work to do.
The "In touch with reality and all walks of life. Lets a drug/narcotic into medicine to heal"
I also scored left libertarian. I dont seem to find the file atm.
"Lets make a drug/narcotic into medicine to heal"
Fucking plebs, get on my level.
mines practically the same but i got some gay ideology
>all that equality
no m8 you're gay
Children are property
>Children are property
I dont think any parent has disagreed with that statement
If you're not in the red zone literally kys
heil me
>why am I autistic
Some things you just have to figure out for yourself
t. menace to trash-cans everywhere
Fuck the americans and the jews
The solution
i'll just post political meme simulator instead
Forgot about military funding and conscription
I guess