Are we living in the end times or are we just reading the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other? I'm really stressed and panicked. What is up with everything in Israel lately? I'm scared
Are we living in the end times or are we just reading the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other...
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The righteous needn't worry.
I have anxiety though.
You're a soul that happens to be in a body. Be a good person and follow God. In fact, all the instructions are available online for free and offline for free at any church.
Every generation thought they were living in the end times. End times is when jewish calendar approaches year 6000. That's around the year 2240.
Moshiach comes and whitey is kill, and jews rule the earth forever and ever.
It doesn't help that everyone on this site is so cryptic
The world isn't ending. It's as fucked as up as it's always been. It's just documented 24/7 on social media now. Nutjob doomsday preaching and the bible has failed to predict a single fucking thing right for thousands of years. Humans will be here fighting with each other until the sun goes out.
But what about everything going on in the middle east/Israel? And with everyone realizing how messed up Jews are?
This is just business as usual. Every generation thought it was the last. We'll die and the world will continue.
that really seems to be a cyclical thing, no?. jewish question was a common and popular topic of conversation and debate around 1900. people were generally woke as fuck about jews back then. after ww2 it calmed down a lot. but nowadays there's a ton going on for sure, it's an exciting time.
It would appear that people in the highest echelons of society who control the strings are attempting to bring about the end times prophecies.
They're going to pervert technology and artificial intelligence by using them to enslave us in a technological prison.
It's really sad, because technology is the ultimate gift of the universe and has the potential to free humanity forever.
you think all this will happen and end in our lifetime?
Have you been keeping up with the news?
Have you read The Singularity is Near?
We're 15 - 20 years away from BCI technology (think headbands like from Paprika) being available to the public ... that is a beautiful thing but not if it's going to be used against us.
If google and the nsa don't think twice about snooping on your emails and twitter will ban you for wrongthink what makes you think they won't do the same with your thoughts?
I love this technology with all my heart but if it's going to be used like this we have no choice but to avoid it.
We must take control over our institutions and technology before this all happens.
Don't you think it's a but strange that we all happen to be here at this very moment?
You could have been born during medieval times, or ancient China or the far off future but no just like in the Matrix you came to life right at the time this would all take place.
We are either living in a virtual prison right now or we time traveled to this moment to stop the NWO and "end times" from happening.
>I'm stressed and anxious
Stop being such a faggot, you're looking too much into shit that either doesn't matter or you can't do anything about.
The "mark of the beast" in the right hand, that is to say, those tagged like cattle.
The other interesting thing is some translations of Revelation 13:16 say "on the forehead" while others say "in the forehead". The word is ἐπὶ
Do you think this could be referencing the eye of horus? The occultic third eye?
Earth is just undergoing changes. The barrier between the third and fourth density is getting thinner. Those of us who are spiritually awake will evolve into the 5D while passing through the 4D. Those that are too involved with the material world (work, money, ego) will eventually have to find another planet.
If we all stop paying attention to it, it wont happen. Turn off your computer and go outside.
No, these are the greatest times ever to be alive.
Then you are reading the bible incorrectly.
Divine apocalypse always fascinates the ningen. They think it is inevitable.
But if it really is, why do you care about it?
I mean if it is inescapable why don't you disregard it and live your earthly life.
If you think apocalypse is caused by man then, raise awareness or better yet, do your best as fixing it.
Apocalypse followers are useless to this world.
>What is up with everything in Israel lately? I'm scared
Bit random considering Iran/Saudi shenanigans