Trump is in trouble...most conservatives won't vote for him again now that they see the train wreck.
Conservative voters turning on Trump
I regret I didn't buy a MAGA hat.
and why are you bringing this up now? reelection is not for another 3 years...
Yes, sharblue operates on twitter. We knew this since the primaries started over a year ago.
It's on the front page of the front page of the internet which gets somewhere in the area of 50 million clicks per day....
It's because we were expecting a hanging by now, Hillary.
Why conservatives always have to be gradiloquent when they mostly are rural and suburban retards?
Not gonna lie, former Drumpf supporter here. It’s fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously guys we can’t let him get the nuclear codes.
>As a ____________
It's been a while I haven't seen this one
Good tempo
>another hillshill pretending to be a former trump supporter
Who are you trying to fool? It's so painfully obvious that you're a shill that it hurts to even type this because it's so damn obvious
Trump said himself he missed his life before president so im sure he doesn't really care for re-election some would think. It's not a "train wreck" either the mainstream media who lies commonly do their best to promote negativity and ignore the positive.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
don't reply to the troll
Just another Twitter bot. Move along.
Trump getting his ass kicked. Most people just ignor his requests. Fucking laughing stock. MAGA LULZ
sage this fucking thread you niggers
I used to be a Democrat, but seeing all this anti-white hate made me doubt whether this party really follows my interest.
I didn't like it at first, but I think I'm gonna vote for Trump in 2020.
>(((fellow conservatives)))
Good, more and more people need to make these decisions.
When I was younger I was easily duped by peer-pressure and populism. I was a college Republican in the Bush years and I thought conservatism is the way to go.
I made lots of money and it bought me lots of toys. But my stuff didn't make me happy. I'm not nearly as content as my friends who volunteer at the soup kitchen, schedule park clean-ups and contribute back to society.
I started tutoring at the community college. The kids are bright and idealistic and mostly left leaning, but they are nothing like the false narrative and manufactured memes on Sup Forums that demonize liberals.
Got my Masters degree. Now I have critical ways to measure and evaluate the cause and effect, efficiency of systems and processes. I used to wonder what was behind the curtain. Now there is no curtain.
So I restructured my life. I have my own consulting business, but I also repair bicycles for college students and tutor in math and I feel real accomplishment. I would have voted for Bernie, but I couldn't (closed primary).
So I left the Republican party. The conservative principles of rapacious greed and consummate selfishness are a hollow prize. I don't want to end up like you, screaming at kids to get off my lawn. I'm not better, I’m just a lot smarter than I used to be.
>trump voters turning on administration
>dc fans turning on wb
>my wife just let me prep the bull
What a time to be alive
If this year is what you call a train wreck, then I hope the pile up lasts 7 more years. Economy is roaring back. Tax reform on the way. ISIS is WASWAS. Unemployment is down. DNC is in shambles. Record # of pedophiles arrested. MAGA MOTHER FUCKERS!
I click more than that in a week it really isn't very many clicks
Shill thread but I'm bumping it just to make T_D assmad
Why does that fag type like a lefty?
>as a progressive pretending to be a conservative for upboats and plebbit gold we can't let Drumpf get the Nuklear codes
Obvious troll is obvious.
>implying ANY conservative voter would vote for killary if she runs again
IF They voted for anyone else it would have cost them the election and Hillary would’ve won easy
You can feel bad about your cast but they forget many people back then we’re saying
I’d rather vote for trump than the alternative
And that’s what happened and now they forgot that’s the reason they did it
So vote jeb and Cruz and then your small percentage will lose to hillary
was it the making fun of spina bifida? was it the i could shoot somebody. was it the how stupid are the people of iowa and "wins" was it the i was a carpenter too was it the grab them they are rapists was it the i love my daughter's ass was it the epstein allegations was it the nambla tax return allegations was it the tory smith allegations was it the allegations putin is a pedo was it the pisstapes was it the fact his family called themselves "Christ" as a middle name was it the fact he was divorced many times and accused of rape for his comb over was it beautiful jewish babbies and the fact his present wife's family were commies as were his advisers and jews or was it the fact his family were immigrants or he might have been born in peshwara or some shit or was it bayrock or was it small 200 million Dollar loans and inheritances or was it panamanian laundering some kind of allegedly false monies or was it multiple bankruptcies or eminent domain or heel spurs or Jewmpf or his being orange or was it "come hack America and be fat" or was it the Satan frog or was it paper towels or was it a 60 mile wall or was it a huge deficit and lost jobs or was it a bitcoin and market rally/dead cat or was it paying tax on mortgage interest or was it being a lazy ass or was it going on vacations or was it refusing to live in the white house or was it that melania took off her clothes or was it that he said he's never once asked God for forgiveness. or was it the lawsuits. or was it the manic tweeting. or was it making out with giuliani in drag or with pence at convention or was it seven eleven was a part time job or was it two corinthians or muh 156 IQ or "muh best God gives to me, everythings" or was it giving Jewvanka five billion in tax cuts or was it Executive Ordercare or was it driving a Mack truck like a maniac or was it mentioning yourself in third person and with epstein's virgin island pedo house or was it staring at an eclipse bare eyed or hands or fijiwater
As a dedicated progressive liberal, Hillary Clinton and the DNC are corrupt pedophile pieces of shit and I'm never voting "Democrat" again in my life
Bitcoins going up. Hope Trump continues doing what he does. And I PRAY he shuts down the government like he promised. Furthermore I HOPE he drains that deep state swamp. Go Trump.
Everyday that bit better since Trump won. Only people regretting are kiddie fuckers and globalist shits. Or what is now known as GOP Dems HWood
Is too early to get MEGA hat?
TRUMP. Make earth great again.
Yes I'm a cuck.
I won't lie OP, former Trump voter here. Over the last few months, it has been hilarious watching DRUMPF crash and burn! But in all seriousness guys, we can't let this man get his hands on those nuclear cones!
>Something something some faggots tweet.
wow how will Trump ever recover.
Salty. It's all just so fucking salty.
>Got my Masters degree.
>In basket weaving.
Democrat here - and I regret voting for Hillary but no biggie, I am glad she lost.
Trump's presidency has been spectacular objectively speaking. I know you don't see that on the biased MSM, but it is true. Look at jobs, pedophiles arrested, illegals that committed felonies deported, the market, investments, no TPP (I did not even know what it was when I voted), the Paris Accord.
Trump has actually done more in 10 months then Obama did in 8 years. And he did it without any support around him. He truly is amazing and I will gladly vote for him in 2020.
Heres the cute thing about your shill post. A good republican would stand by all of this. A good republican would help out their community. A good republican would help out the less fortunate, white or black or brown, in service of making their community a better place. Besides your obvious shilling, you wanna know how i know youre not a real republican? Cuz a good republican would do all you said, but they wouldn't brag about it on a korean soap opera forum
Tweet that shit out, start mining the salt user!
Actually Im not a republican and anyone who is fucking not a necrospermia dumpster of liberal thought would know Trump is a democrat.
You would also know why he didn't run as a Democrat, because he had this "crazy idea" the DNC was rigged. I guess he was right you faggot
Let me guess you estrogen filled asshole - Trump is not your president?
Go back to watching CNN is fucking racists piece of shit.
build a wall. deport them all. including DACA. that's all that matters to me. it's the only thing that differentiates him from the uniparty. and he has 3 more years, so we'll see. need to get more people like Moore into DC though, and clearly that is going to be a tough battle.
If Hillary will stop coming to wear I shop, I promise to vote for her in 2020.
I threw in for trump because TPP needed to die, and so far I am pleased with the results, what impresses me, despite the medias attempts to slander him at every turn, is that instead of executive ordering himself up the ass like obama did, he's acting like a president. He's given the senate instruction on what he wants to see, and he's giving them time to do it.
He's making congress actually work, and the more they fail the more people get angry at congress, until there WILL be turnover.
Anything else he does at this point is just gravy.
ill even vote for this hot dog and cheese pizza loving muslim faggot.
i got two if you want one, once i found out they were campaign donations i bought another.
Im kidding about all this, watching the libtards crying at the sky only fuels our POTUS.
You want real news - this cat has more integrity than any MSM outlet you get your fucktarded talking points from:
I support all of Trumo’s policy but I will vote against him because of his fan base.
great - because we are working to get Maxine Waters and Pelosi on the ticket (actually someone is already groomed to continue Trumps agenda who libtards will embrace as "one of their own", and since you are dumb as fuck, you wont even suspect it. MAGA
Sucks when we use the Saul Alinsky playbook doesn't it?
Will you teach me how to shill like you? I think I am too good and need to lower my skill level LMAO
P.S. The left can't meme
rural retard here - why don't you walk in my shoes bitch!
>they see the train wreck
great detail there, really fascinating post user
Supreme court pick was yuge as well.
- Destroyed the educational system and prevented students from getting protection from predatory fake colleges via Betsy DeVos (completely unqualified for her position)
- Attempted to and may succeed in destroying net neutrality (which will make Sup Forums load about 20 times as slow FYI)
- Failed to repeal or replace Obamacare
- Entire cabinet under investigation for accepting bribes from Russia
- """Tax cut""" only benefited the super wealthy who will do absolutely nothing but sit on the money, damaging the economy further
- Will never build the wall let alone get Mexico to pay for it
- Made America the laughingstock of the world by rejecting all environmental treaties and shilling for """clean coal"""
- Threatened a sovereign leader with nuclear hellfire and gave a speech with a murderous monster (Duterte)
- Has spent over $100 million on VACATIONS in one year since taking office
Hmm really activates those almonds. Would Hillary have honestly been the worse choice?
Need moar salt keep going pleeeez
no one care about your tweet get a life idiot
-Education system already destroyed by liberalism and common core over the last 2 decades (oh but thats Trumps fault lol)
-you don't knowwhat net neutrality is
-that was Congress dumbfuck and Shitstain Cancer Brain McCain who failed on Obama care repeal but it will still end
-the tax cut will actually supercharge the economy (let me guess - you are no economics professor LMAO again)
-wall will be built (but let me guess - you are not a psychic)
-Laughing stock for environment (Paris accord gave 1 billion dollars of our tax money to foriegn countries to de-industrialize our tax base with no net effect on carbon emissions - you are obviously dumber than the internet and Science prize winner Al Gore, and he is dumb as a rock.
-North Korea is controlled by someone, who if you knew the truth, wouldn't believe it anyway - but where is that Uranium Hillary sold?
-Hasn't taken a salary, and he is not spending more than the previous 43 successors combined that Obama did
Yes Hillary would have been horrible.
But keep trying, you will be able to influence those people dumber than you, unfortunately, you are stupid
On the environment, look what I found dipshit -
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
I must apologize as I failed to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post - 94 years ago.
>train wreck
The only thing crashing here is the Democratic Party—with no survivors!
should read predecessors not successors
I hope Trump comes out and identifies as a black woman so he can be the 1st black female president in US history - that would trigger the liberal logic (unless you think we already had a black female president - see pic)
>dear fellow conservatives
At least Drumpf cares about the US and knows there are 50 states, unlike the previous president who was sooooo smart that we couldnt even see his college records Muslim:
As a Jew....
Damaging the economy further - please explain - it is better than it has been in 2 decades. I know - Hillary would have never let that happen.
Do you even have a fucking clue why the economy is doing so well, or does your estrogen-clouded bias interfering with critical thinking?
Or is math racist?
Doubling down on the false recovery. I have an MBA an have studied econ since my freshman year of undergrad thank you very much. Millenials and under are all screwed and Trump is making it much worse for them.
Yes mongrellus, we are all over this board as well.
so its propaganda?
me too
if only i knew how tremendous this victory would be and the desperate scramble for legitimacy the left clings for
This nigger thinks she knows who conservatives will vote for.
I haven't seen this one in a while.
is this the new version of the "My fellow white people" tweets?
>posts one censored out fake account of some libcuck pretending to have voted for trump and now regrets it
>scribbling out the name
You have to go back.