>claiming to have ptsd from the Iraq war or some other baby shit modern conflict
Claiming to have ptsd from the Iraq war or some other baby shit modern conflict
did you go fag?
I have sympathy for drafted troops like Vietnam vets but couldn’t give less of a fuck about the problems of those dumb enough to willingly sign up
If only you knew the truth. You can draw a direct correlation with "PTSD" and the over prescription of different cocktails of phycotropic drugs. These people are created. Those smart enough to realize this don't have issues with it.
What did you do? Shit you see in China/nigger hate threads was a lot of our lives. Seeing a video is one thing. Smelling the burning flesh is another. Do not act for a second user that you know shit because muh web. Granted many take advantage bit do not discount others
You have no fucking idea what it’s like to serve do you you cuck.
>Not predatory targeting of high school students who don't have an intellectual future
>Too young to know they're fighting for jew shekels and proxy wars
>Blinded by a better paycheck than they'd get at the local Burger King
I sympathize for our current vets. They don't even have the decency to maintain VAs once military theater destroys their psyche
wow, maybe not everyone deserves to be free after all.....
>muh service for your freedom
Fuck you kike, ever since 9/11 I’ve lost quite a few rights and there’s always some faggot lil army man expecting me to thank him for fleeing to iraq to kill people that never did anything to me while leaving traitorous politicians in office. Get fucked and I hope your nightmares never stop as punishment for abandoning your people for a uniform and tuition. Bitch ass punk.
I have more sympathy for poor minorities born into broken families in Chicago than I do for middle class retards that could do better with their lives going fighting an oil war for 4 years and then leeching off the welfare teet for their whole lives.
PTSD is what libs who join the service get when someone actually shoots back and they figure out they can scam the govt for money when they ETS after 2 years.
Nothing is stopping you from doing it faggot.
But you where here State side and did nothing. How does that make them worse than you? They might have fell for the lies but, they then left "the real world". You where here and changed nothing. The definition of a coward.
Alright mate, I’ll let you continue to be a basement dwelling NEET while brave men fight for your freedom and the freedom and safety of your countrymen.
Doing what? Do they not teach English in fucking sheep land?
The only ptsd guy I know is some faggot pot head who just fixed planes and never was even shot or had to see combat. He just did it to get his dog labelled as a service drug and to smoke weed
>Desire to have a job and earn an income
>Compared against porch monkeys who destroy our crime, obesity and poverty stats
>PTSD is a new thing
No. there's detailed descriptions of soldiers suffering PTSD syptoms all the way back to ancient times. It's a rare man that can withstand the horrors of war.
No, everyone deserves it, but not everyone appreciates it, brave men and women will fight for it anyway.
Are you trying to say that I'm wrong, or what? I don't get how your post relates to mine. I'm not saying people don't abuse the system. What I'm saying is soldiers especially duríng the surge where guinea pigs for phycotropic drugs.
>you did nothing
It’s almost like I pay taxes for a military to do that for me and they’ve failed at every opportunity but it’s somehow my fault.
Nobody is claiming it was like WWII or Vietnam but walking around everyday for months on end thinking your next step could trigger an IED, or that at any moment your vehicle could hit an IED, fucking messed up a lot guys.
And if you stopped the gears on the war machine still turn. All that tough talk about crooked politicians etc. And, you just worked and, paid taxes like a goodest goy. You're a fucking hypocrite.
I only did it for the tuition assistance user. I didn’t have the monies and wanted to fight for shecklebergenstein instead of become indebted to shecklebergenstien. Besides, I tried to use VA treatment once but said fuck it when I was put on a five year waiting list and found my own doctor.
I sell drugs senpai, you don’t know me. Tell me more about all the freedom you protected tho.
Yes, thank you, these retards don’t seem to get that.
Lol such a failure. You can't even keep your lies straight. First it's I pay taxes. Then it's oh I'm a degenerate drug dealer who posions society haha take that. Jesus Christ you really have proven yourself to be a lowlife coward.
The freedom to it fear for terrorists walkig down your street and blowing you up for their god, the freedom to not be oppressed by a foreign regime, the freedom to be the cucked faggot you are.
Yep, literal scum, but still deserving of freedom that soldiers die for.
You can’t keep your lies straight either senpai. “I defended your freedom” is a lie since I objectively have less freedom now than I did before you started. Never forget that it was the army at Waco. You punks are not the friends and protectors of the American people. What’s the exchange rate on dead brown kids for freedom? Half a million? Million?
It’s funny how you military fags go around the world bombing everybody and pissing everybody off then act like heroes for “protecting” us from the same people you pissed off in the first place.
I didn't once in thread claim "for your freedumbs" faggot nor did I hint at being in the military at all you're just assuming and making strawmen. I'm criticizing your posts and your inaction about what you claim the problems pluaging the US are. You're worthless and hypocritical.
>you’re worthless
Nah, some dumb fuck will follow orders and die to protect me so who is really the worthless one here cuck?
Shoot the messenger and the brainwashed not arbiter and the brainwashers? A fucking coward. A drug dealing coward at that.
>brave men
Have you seen what’s in the army now? Cuckservatives truly were a mistake
I think PTSD is different for every war. My great grandpa was in WW2, grandpa was in nam, dad went off to desert storm, and I went to Iraq and Afghanistan. We all happened to sit down in a room together, and just let it all out. Everything we loved, hated, and inbetween. Great grandpa doesn’t like very loud booms like on the Fourth of July, and can’t watch saving private ryan without getting sick. My grandpa can’t stand airplanes or helicopters of any kind, he won’t get on one. My dad gets real distant on a cramped public transportation system, it reminds him of the transport trucks and bradleys because he was in a mobile division. My girlfriend and siblings never let me drive because i swerve to avoid random piles of trash or suspicious objects in the road, and they know I don’t like bottle rockets because they sound like incoming.
>you’re a coward
yeah that’s why I drop bombs on people with drones and call in air strikes because someone maybe saw a towelhead with a rifle. You’re not a coward tho. Big tough guy running around following orders but you got a cool medal tho!
You obviously as you've made it abundantly clear in this thread. The fact that you're even in this thread is evidence of you're own insecurities.
if they didn't fight in the trenches, cannae, stalingrad, finland, vietnam, guadalcanal, or emuland, is it really ptsd?
literally driving around in tanks and blowing up women and children, or sitting in a ditch lobbing mortars at grannies.
Nah it’s evidence of my desire to rile up a bunch of molon labe edge lords
Bro in case you haven't been able to comprehend what I wrote I never joined and, never will join. I'm simply here to point out your hypocrisy and, inaction to change what you see as an issue.
People in the Iraq war saw some hardcore shit and it's difficult to adjust to crowded and safe conditions back in the states since your mind is still wired to be around savage sand niggers. Not everything is drugs.
Infantry actually, much more dangerous when every step your take could have an IED under it
not gonna lie, i know pencil pushers that have received handsome benefits after "serving" a couple years despite never being deployed. many of the people people that actually go and fight, it's rough for them both abroad and when they get back.
Oh lordy moHAMmed it was Allah's will
You are a coward, you don’t seem to realize the dangers of war and the bravery of those soldiers.
Well then I respect you and those trips good sir.
Blahblahblah dumb enough to sign upfor battle...
Some people have warrior blood running through their veins. Any battle is a good one because the moment you are in a gun fight,the motif disappears. Its now life or death.
Seeing dead blown up kids and the mutilated corpses laid wasted by ISIS in an arid shithole for months on end WILL have a negative impact on your mental health you fucking spineless varment.
This desu senpai. The "people" in the middle east are fucked and you're on constant guard. Killing people is no big deal to them, their own kind or American.
I don't care that Mudshit civvies are getting bombed, I just don't think you can call it honourable or valiant.
Maybe they got adressed with the wrong pronoun.
Well you can keep being literal scum and “selling drugs” while braver “edge lords” go actually fight for your freedom.
how am I a hypocrite for expecting people who literally took an oath to defend my freedom to do exactly that then calling them faggots for failing to do the one thing they’ve allegedly sworn their lives to do? Nah mate. I don’t make a promise i won’t keep, unlike some marching palooka who’s mouth writes checks his ass won’t cash.
To the gulag with you.
> implying sandniggers are human
It’s really more like avatar with more aggressive wildlife.
>this post gave me PTSD
What freedom did you protect in Iraq you dumb fuck? Every day since 9/11 we’ve lost more and more freedom and you sit there all fucking smug expecting thanks? Thanks for nothing, why don’t you go back to Iraq and see if you can find my fourth amendment rights. They’re probably stashed with the nukes or whatever Saddam had.
>Drone operators developing PTSD
It's not hard to get PTSD. Just be in a state of alert for too long and most people will get symptoms.
Now me? I enjoy that shit. I've been hypervigilant for 15 years now and love every minute of it.
Why not? That's what killers do. Honor valiance those are just words synonymous with faggotry. The biggest issue is that we weren't allowed to do that. Indiscriminate killing is the only way to go and, the only language these dunecoons understand. This is why they come to our countries and, feel safe in doing what they're doing.
I don’t expect thanks and most of them don’t either. I’m a cadet anyway, I haven’t been there, but braver men then the both of us have been, they stop terrorists from harassing and killing your countrymen if you didn’t know
no you have schizophrenia mate
Right you just fail to do anything but, poison your community with drugs. Dude your not going to change my perspective as a drug dealing criminal.
Because you are doing it for Jews dickhead, the same Jews who then invite the people you just slaughtered to replace you in your own homeland.
people claim to get ptsd for someone misgendering them so I think anyone with military experience is acceptable even if they didn't see a fuck ton of combat
You sound just like my wives.
I love all the neckbeards ITT shit talking the people who were willing to fight and bleed while they sat at home in their mums basement getting fat off tendies.
Even if they were deceived, they still had the spine and the strength of will necessary to take up arms. Couldn't say the same for the rest of you pathetic wastes.
>muh wmds
>muh Sadam Hussein
>muh Osama bin hiding in Pakistan
>muh no pictures pls
>play TF2
>get PTSD
The buzz of being in battle. Crawling around dodging bullets. Shooting back. Getting kills. Having your buddy blown up. The stakes are real. Life or death. Lifes meaning is simple and clear. Survive. Kill. Win.
Fuck you and your politics. You dont have the guts to do this and even if there was a so called "legitimate" war you wouldn't go to that one either.
You don't got the good stuff running through your veins. 1000 years ago you'd be shovelling pig shit. Let the warriors do warrior shit and sit back and bitch faggot.
I remember when Saudi Arabia came on Sup Forums and was calling all of the Americans pussies you guys are fighting a war for enemies holyshit kill yourselves
When you ask? Think about the families you ruined...AT HOME. Think of how GOD HIMSELF handed you over to get ass raped by the devil. Cuz you said there was no God and that buttsex is ok. Then went and fought in the a War and we didn't even know who the real attackers were until 14 years later.
You know it's a jold, the war, your life, what you believe is true. I mean I can't believe some of you come on here and still act like you're fucking Heroes oh my God. You know who else is a hero Caitlyn Jenner maybe you guys should talk together and I think you'll hit it off
So you'd rather the likes hire another goon squad to use against us? Oh wait they have been and, are now flooding Europe with them because you didn't want to play anymore. The sad truth is the kikes always win. So be on the team or against. I have them too, this just reality.
>y-you poison our communities
>leaves depleted uranium all over the place
>actually destroys communities with bullets and bombs
yeah bro, I’m the one making the world worse with my consensual sales to adults. Not you with your non-consensual murder.
You sound like my local Muslim.
>he still believes his wars are fought to protect freedom
Keep believing this lie you monkey. Here's an idea for your dull mind to consider:
Is it possible that by invading foreign nations and bombing the shit out of them, you generate more hatred for the US and more terrorists as a result?
>the spine and the strength to do what he’s told!
I mean yeah, also whenever you step on a street or by a car, it might blow up, good job post though leaf
>baby shit modern conflict
My father was ground infantry in Iraq, watched his CO and 4 other superiors' vehicle fucking explode on a IED, it was the hummer DIRECTLY in front of the one he was driving in the convoy.
That's just one of the stories I was actually able to get out of him. There was clearly worse shit, he's almost totally broken after his 2nd tour, in Afghanistan.
My parents had absolutely no money and went through a terrible divorce with me as a baby. My father joined the service to cover child support, make sure I had fucking health insurance, and to give me half of his GI Bill.
Thread most likely BAIT but I don't care all you fuckers kyfs
Yep, but hey they can be neck beards all they want, they still deserve the freedom the troops die for.
>anons family had problems so maybe the military industrial complex isn’t so bad after all
Consensual murder? What are you talking about? Have you not got it through your drug addled brain that I have no involvement with the military? Have I once said that I was for the war in the middle East? The answer is no. That being said, we are there and there's not much we can do about it. I'm pretty sure being a scumbag drug dealer who criticises those who got goatee into it is the best coarse of action.
I didn't say anything about the MIC I am defending the fucking SOLDIERS and the reasons they join
again, kill yourself
Thats okay...you can pretend on COD. Use real military words over your headset and shit.
how fucking young are you?
>You dont have the guts to do this
I just think RoE is suicidal, and I have problems taking orders from people I don't respect. You can't guarantee your CoC is noble.
I’m going infantry so no bombs for me, war are fought for freedom though, if the Nazis won WWII do they think they would have left America alone , no men died for the freedom on the home front and they still do. Also are you suggesting we just let these terrorists attacks happen?
>t. canadian larping like he's from a country (with a military) that actually matters
go club some seals or something faggot
I don’t do drugs bruh, I just sell them. Perhaps you’ve been hitting the pipe too much. God knows you can’t get that skin flute out of your mouth so a little rose stem would be right up your alley.
You're not going to stop war. The real war is the jew...but telling warriors not to fight is like telling water not to be wet. You wouldn't understand because you don't have the warrior blood.
that's funny. i'm also 22, my dad was a special forces aidman in vietnam.
>Also are you suggesting we just let these terrorists attacks happen?
Oh you’ve been trying to stop them? Huh imagine that because some sand nigger plowed a truck into some New Yorkers last week so good job on preventing that
You really are just an awful person aren’t you. Whatever, keep being a cowards while men die so you’re not oppressed, God knows why.
Lol even better.
>This shit is poison. Yeah, I'll sell you some.
This entire thread has just been you proving how much of a piece of shit you are followed by strawman after strawman.
Stop using abbreviations you lazy fuck. If you can't even take the time to write a fucking word its pretty evident your a neckbeard. What do you do for a living? Write code? Better yet do you even work period?