Are you still stupid? North Korea Doesn't Exist!!!

Redpill time. Consider the following and unvuvk yourself:

>Americans can't visit.
>Never met a North Korean.
>Perfect strawman to build our military against.
>Virtually no video from inside country.
>Doesn't produce anything.
>Countless DMZ incidents yet never any war.
>Russia and China go along with the charade because it makes them look less crazy.
>Kim Jong Un IP literally would have been caught on online forms by now.
>Pyongyang admitted artificial buildings.
>Tons of East German surplus stuff on show in every DPRK military parade.

Wake the fuck up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Americans have been allowed to visit for decades though, the travel ban is recent. You get a north korean secret service tour guide that pretty much won't let you take any pictures.

> can't visit
Except for that one college student who visited NK:
>stole poster of dear leader
>gets caught
>trial lasts 30min
>gets 15 years (or so) of forced labor
>released after a year in a vegetable state
>dies on arrival to US

It was a false flag. That kid was a CIA plant

>Americans can't visit.
wow you couldn't even wait 1 meme arrow to be wrong

Op is a CIA nigger trying to give you fake redpills.

>hide CIA Threads
>sage CIA Threads
>ignore CIA posts
>do not reply to CIA Posters

Do you glow in the dark, CIA nigger

>Americans can't visit.
We could up until a few months ago
>Countless DMZ incidents yet never any war.
Most DMZ incidents happened under democrats aka spineless cucks
>Pyongyang admitted artificial buildings.
They make those artificial buildings because they desperately want "North Korea is best Korea" to be more than a meme

Reminder that NK is a potemkin state run by Disney/CIA as a nation-wide retreat for the global elite

larpers get out

That just agreed to get his life deleted?

Can you prove he is really dead? Do you even have any identifiable photos of him from after he returned? Can you prove he even existed?

My brothers wife is from north korean. lol Go suck a dick.

How can mirrors exist if our eyes don't exist?

yeah and allegedly it borders Russia

I, too, also believe this,
and so does this chick:

I know someone who worked for an airline, who visited N. Korea, went on a tour, and took photographs. Please eat shit and die.

Yep. Somebody post that white rabbit infographic

you are correct in the north Koreans doing false flags,
they always do that,
and south korea KNOWS they do that, and they're actively trying to get themselves killed because in this type of government: a coo is ALWAYS an option, and if there's troops on the ground then the rebellion will hold off a little longer they think, because they're under the impressions America s evil, and that we will be pro-notrth korea. it's very complex...


The problem with this assertion OP is that north korea is the most laughably pathetic fabricated enemy possible.

He was a CIA vegetable.

Pls take your medication. This "condition" may get worse and who knows what shit you are gonna do then ...

i met a north korean girl once in 6th grade
she barely spoke any english and we had a project together
i forget what it was but she showed me some sort of item that i was jealous of that her parents gave her and i said "lucky"
she pouted and got mad (because she didn't know what lucky meant and thought it was an insult) and went to go tell the teacher
the teacher said
>no, (nork girl) lucky is a good thing
then she smiled at me like she thought i was flirting with her
i was too much of a beta incel back then to capitalize on her being clearly happy that i was "flirting" with her but it was pretty cute desu

anyways the point is, ive met both north koreans who fled their country and had plenty of south korean classmates who hated north korea and OP and all these idiots that think the whole world is a false flag should be castrated
though that's probably redundant

Idk man. I actually know Dennis Rodman, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't lie to me.

Right, so which is the most cancerous board, /x/, Sup Forums or /r9k/? I vote /x/ and enter this thread as evidence.

you're on Sup Forums retard

>>Virtually no video from inside country.

All of physical matter is an illusion. Take the true redpill.


>Americans can't visit
>therefore it doesn't exist

>tfw my post was a jaden smith quote

We are technically at war with them still. There was never a peace treaty, only cease fire.


yes it exist i've been there since we have visa free regime

I've been there.

I've been to the Chinese/NK border, looked into it, and met/spoken with North Koreans.

You're taking the Tinfoil pill a bit too hard m8

My best friend, whom I have met since, has been there four times and took literally thousands of pictures.

He's been to almost all of the cities but none of the rural areas.

>oy vey
>I no understand giving life for country
Oh Schlomo (((you))) never will.

Why does the news keep talking about NK and war and all that nonsense then?

>north korea is the most laughably pathetic fabricated enemy possible
Yet the news keeps saying how dangerous they are and how they could destroy SK, Japan, and United States with their ballistic missiles. As much as I'd like to believe this, maybe they aren't as pathetic as we thought.

I hope there will continue to be ceasefire on both sides. Last thing anyone needs is nuclear war. It probably won't end up that way though.

>"hurr durr ive never left atlanta in my life"
nigger if i killed you "le 56%" would instantly go up to "le 75"

the DMZ extends all the way to China. pyongyang is an animatronic theme park.