Come to the the u.s

>come to the the u.s

>see this constantly on a daily basis

I thought americans were based and gun owning alphas, wtf?


Post more white ""people"" being beaten by alpha black men

lol what a bitch, maybe he's just going to report him with that video evidence though.

We're Israel's bitch.

Why is he too scared to hit this fat dopey nigger back?

>Huge 6'4 220 lb nog towering over you
>Decide to stay seated in your chair like a cuck ready for the blow
Literally Dodo bird cuck status

lol that nigger's a home invader and a woman beater, fits the stereotypes.

Niggers are just the worst. And, every race knows it. It's not that whites don't want to be around niggers, its that NOBODY wants to be around niggers.

Why did he hit him? my sound is off.

Because he'll get his ass kicked AND get in trouble, and being white can plan ahead and see that's bad for him, while the nigger doesn't care if he gets suspended or arrested.

>NOBODY wants to be around niggers
Don't know about that... white ""boy""...

white male faggot yupster numales are getting what they deserve. Hopefully they will take the WN NATSOC white pill. If not, they will perish.

t.white male who hits back

The white guy called him a nigger.

Serious? Look at how that nigger carries himself. One good punch and that nigger would be on the floor. The guy is clearly just being a pussy who won't defend himself. No wonder shitskins don't respect us if they think that this is how whites will act


>white girl says all whites will die
>she'll make sure that it happens


Dude has some wide fucking shoulders.

He deserved it

Ahaha lol. Low rent white women will literally fuck dogs.

why can't black kids punch

Ironic of her how she called other people racist even though she wants to get rid of whites, lol

that dudes mexican


yeah, in canada, where there's no free speech lol



funny ive been living here for 24 years and haven't ever seen this once
and i used to live in florida
nothing but nigs fighting nogs

It looks like in America no white person punches back, so it doesn't matter

HAHAHAHA just walk away faggot. Why does he stay there?
Why is he smiling? Rotate away from the wall instead of taking it like a bitch in heat.

because his nigger friends will probably permanently cripple him

I don't think racial slurs fall under free speech...

Nah, he has an Anglo face, and he looks like he's almost crying

that dudes like 70 give him a break

you cant fight back against black people unless you have the means to survive a massive media revolt on a county-wide scale at the minimum, and derided as a disgusting racist nazi the rest of your life

and you probably think im exaggerating, which just means they got to you too

pretty sure i unironically know guy in OP

Oh, good reason to be a submissive little bitch. Somebody might attack you. It's not like the nigger literally punched him in the face and he had no reaction

This is true

it falls under the first amendment though
>Freedom of expression
as long as it doesn't incite violence (some people do), its legal
for example "lets go kill that nigger" isnt free speech

that's the reason why he didn't do it, maybe you would rather die by fighting back, and i would too, but whatever

uff da, those nice young black youth hit me. I thought they were christians just like me

You know, these aren't standard nigger hate threads. these are two-minutes-of-hate shilling threads. yes, we know that niggers are aggressive apes that will attack anything in sight - and these kids' parents are to blame for putting them in the same schools as animals. but ((( (you) ))) can't kill the spirit of the white man by posting 10 threads in an hour of the same retired webms
sage and hide all nigger webm threads that aren't titled "nigger hate thread" and don't fall for the illusion that you are being cucked

>he looked back

He was probably some old left wing boomer and thought those fine men of color coming up quick behind him just wanted to thank him for his solidarity.

fighting back is a hate crime. the niggers too dumb to know what hes doing.

>30 niggers in a classroom
>1 white guy

I guarantee this is the circumstance. Niggers never attack on their own.

Yea you're right, what I meant was, like you said "lets go kill this nigger" wouldn't be free speech. Stuff like that.

maybe shouldnt use the same fucking picture every time

Only some of us. It depends what state youre in. pa (where I live) is pretty based once you go past the philly suburbs but nj, where im orginally from is absolutely cucked. niggers run half the state

Most white boys are bigger pussies than most black boys because they don't understand the concept of getting in a physical confrontation. Especially the white boys that live in white suburbs. Most of the time they do not have a manly dad, but a dork dad who works in an office with women all day. They mostly don't get knocked around by their dad's. Out in public they don't even wrestle around with each other anymore. Black boys on the other hand get in physical fights all the time for the most part. Most don't have a dad, but if they do, there's a good chance that their dad has smacked them around, and their mom's get physical with them all the time, starting from a young age. That's not a joke, when in a movie you see the big old mammy smacking the shit out of her fully grown 6' 250lb son, and the son screaming shit like "NO MAMA NO!" They're conditioned mostly by their mom's. Then, they meet up together out on the street, and they goof around and play fight all the time, and real fight just as often.
All that coupled with the lower IQ of the average black, and the penchant for violence, and this is what you end up with. I'm not saying all white boys can't fight, and all blacks can, but this is how it mostly goes. But white boys usually can fight if they have a blue collar dad. Their dad will smack them around, and with that, also train them how to defend themselves, because they know how it is in the real world, and what it is to be a man. Really what we're witnessing is the white offspring of numales, and this is the result.

HAHAHA this must triggers the Sup Forumscuck really hard if it's real.
On the other side I can already see that 10/10 nigsucker raising two children on her own, kek.

Why do you think the niggers would kill him for standing up for himself?

This is sadly overwhelmingly true


because black Americans are the mot violent people on earth besides those sandniggers blowing shit up

>he looks at the camera like "you got that"

then you ask a retarded question and now we are here.

>fight back
>get suspended, because retarded zero tolerance for violence including self defense in most nigger-infested school districts because no one gives a shit
>Tyronnius Jr and his associates meet you halfway home, inflict brain trauma until your IQ is as low as theirs
>2 months in juvie each then back to class, because how else are they going to grow up to be doctors and lawyers?

Then the kid brings a gun or a knife to school and everyone's so shocked, and the whole "we need to do something about bullying, more rainbow flags in schools" and "We need to do something about guns, more arbitrary restrictions for law abiding citizens"

White culture has been conditioned to believe it is noble not to defend yourself.

Self-destructive catechism.




Only a dumb nigger would fight back in a situation where his opponent had 4 other degenerates that would jump in and beat his ass.

Fuck, this is so true

My nigga

Actually, as long as "this nigger" doesn't refer to a specific nigger, it is protected speech. As far as I understand it anyway.


Niggers gonna nig.

Most people that aren't niggers are very hesitant to throw a punch (especially in the current political climate), really makes me wonder why martial arts aren't more widely adopted.

Smiling is a nervous habit, it's kinda like bearing your teeth, but he shouldn't be dealing with that monkey broadside.

Thats cause we've evolved to live in a civilized society where intelligence is valued more than physical capabilities.

White males shouldnt be forced to waste their time trying to compete with a bunch of savages selectively bred for physical strength.
The globalist cucks in charge however want us dead, so its all for naught less people take up arms.

So fucking true. we are the generation who had to toughen ourselves up because our dads were too big of pussies to teach us how/ when to fight (for the most part). wont make that mistake with my own.

That's a start, but did I say stop?

MORE! The rage built up inside from reading this thread cannot be sated

It's protected speech even if you use it against an individual NIGGER.

This is true to an extent, makes me glad that my dad grew up working class and that I've had the opportunity to do working class work.

Why though? They were historically very docile, after all. That's why you used niggers as slaves and not another race

Oh yeah, reporting him to the principal without defending yourself will make everything ok and is definitely the proper way to respond to physical violence, right?

So what? If a son of mine got suspended, I would let him take the day off, maybe I would too and I'd take him to do something he enjoys, to encourage him to stand up for himself. My parents always told me the same as a kid, that if I got suspended for defending myself (as long as I didn't start the provocation) they wouldn't punish me.

This, they are are pack animals. Usually when they attack it works up the others in their group who also then attack. A single nigger is never the problem, it's when they are in their herd you need to watch out

>They were historically very docile

No, they were historically easily controlled.

Please. Our ancestors were fucking barbarians who took over the collapsing Roman Empire and carved out a piece of it for their people. Not exactly pacifists.

And don't forget endless posting on social media about why Trump made the white kid into a racist who brought a weapon to school to attack innocent young POC


Ehh he barely even got hit lol, he made the right choice with the camera on. I bet the kid that got hit still gets suspended though, its different now-a-days though. If you get in a fight at school you will likely get some sort of real consequence outside of suspension. tldr black person assault someone on camera aint gona get away with that one easily lmfao

I hate niggers

>post alpha niggers beating up white people
>videos get posted
>shows niggers being dumb fucking niggers
>we superior race now

These are the fat people hate threads of
Sup Forums, really makes you think, without the irony ofc

yep, just another christian white boy getting his ass kicked by the local wildlife. Nothing new here.
Better turn that cheek ya cucks.

And now we have guns and bombs to take of that.
Not to get into fisticuffs with an invasive species that we arent allowed to retaliate against.

What will they do if they "win". Zimbawe or south africa? Thats not what they think will happen but it will. Its tiresome and the vid is why whity and the world shouldnt keep turning over power. They will genocide your asses

Who is not allowing you to retaliate? Have you ever seen this person?

If you let the invasive species treat you like a bitch, it demoralises your own people because it looks like they're losing, and it inspires the invaders because it makes it look like they're winning. So even if you don't stand up for yourself for your own sake, do it for others so they can see you doing it

This hero cop was permanently fired for this.

Because they're pack animals.
Fucking disgusting hyenas.
You've obviously never been around a group of teenage or 20is yr old niggers.
Don't lie, you haven't.

Suing people is even more alpha
t. Amerimuttcuck

You realise parallel systems of justice are being set up in places that are further along the replacement path than we are, right?
Child brides for the muzzies and all.

You get expelled for fighting back against them in school.
Minimum suspended at the point it's engaged you.

Personal experience.
And AI had a friend expelled after getting sucker punched and hospitalized after being stomped by 6 of them.
He didn't start it, literally a nog randomly picked him to start shit with and the crowd fell on him.
Even just taking the ass whooping without resistance and many whites are still suspended, because they obviously did something to help create their situation.

The nogs don't give a fuck about t heir futures as school doesn't factor in to it.
They're all gonna be rappers, entertainers, etc, or gangsters.

if that guy fucks up that nigga he'll be expelled. He has a future he wants to work toward and doing so will harm it.

The nigger has no aspirations outside of whatever its animal mind desires at that point. Its ultimately not worth having your name drug through the mud as a racist either.

The whitey called Tyrone a nigger, and the bignig was saying "hit me if you called me a nigger, treat me like one"

So that's why he didn't fight back. If he beat the shit out of a fat guy (Yes fat guys are pussies, they're fat for a reason they don't work out) that he called a "muh raycist slur" for, expulsion would be the least of his concerns, he'd probably have some court issues.

It's a has no sound, stupid fucking leaf faggot.
>Red ensign forever

Fuck, I might become a racist

Because we all know do it right would involve completely removing the problem individuals from society.
Great, if you are 6'2 mma hobbyist, you can take up the challenge. Some of us arent interested in attending college and having to fight retards.

Those are his arms...he's in a t-pose.


here you go senpai

Not even that. No sane person thinks you should not defend yourself. The problem is the insane society that ruins your life for it.

In the past I've worked at a job that puts me into contact with niggers, both as people I work with and as people I deal with. I know what they're like. If they respect you, they won't bother you.

And? When have judges ever been on the side of good?

That's pathetic

You don't even have to fight them to get them to respect you a lot of the time. They just need to see that you're prepared to stand up for yourself