What's the race war going to look like and how are we going to survive it? It's obviously coming soon...

What's the race war going to look like and how are we going to survive it? It's obviously coming soon, niggers are rioting and tearing down statues every day. I'll stick with my white brethren and the niggers will probably patrol hoods in packs. How are we going to get through this?

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>13% of population
>6.5% are male
>half of them are in jail
>half of that are of fighting age

those are your fighting age men, most of which have felonies and cannot own firearms and others that are too pussy to do anything.

the guy in that picture, daniel carver, was a part of a mock "politically incorrect with bill maher" episode on stern, and stern was supposed to be putting a bunch of stupid retards up to argue with maher and look dumb, but daniel carver ended up just totally humiliating him IMO. it's worth watching
carver went on stern a shitload and stern basically seemed to think he was a giant joke and was humiliating white supremacists but at the end of the dude was really smart, soft-spoken, respectable and got the best of the vast majority of the exchanges. stern was just too caught up in his joo-supremacy ideology to realize the guy wasn't having the impact he thought

this wasn't isn't really a political argument of any sort, but just really really really really really fucking funny and i recommend watching it.
also fuck howard stern

I Know, Daniel Carver was great, but it's sad that Howard regularly contacts the others in the Wack Pack except for Daniel, Probably trying to be friendly with all of this new political correct media

that's what i think too. at some point howard realized that even though him and his hip liberal trendy west coast friends thought daniel was a joke, the majority of his viewers could actually sympathize with the dude, and in most of those exchanges the supposedly "dumb, mouthbreathing redneck" came out ahead.

that plus the insane level of SJW, twitter mobbing, political correctness neurosis these days. i don't even think he could get away with talking to daniel carver in the post-trump world now if he wanted to

>most of which have felonies and cannot own firearms
I got some bad news for you: criminals don't care wether they are allowed to care firearms or not

One of these days I want Daniel to make a comeback somehow and give his opinions on today's events, he'd sure have a lot to say.

Umm if you live in a nice neighborhood you will be the first target not the hood, lol. If you say nigger out and about you wont last long thats for sure. So stick to saying it behind the safety of your computer screen like most people do on here.

We're talking about when a race war happens, I think blacks would attempt to kill me for my skin color rather than me just saying Nigger

omg lol me too. he has a facebook but he doesn't post that much in terms of nutty stuff. just the occasional "i love white people" or "i support donald trump" post

I saw him post something like "Black people sold their people into slavery, the white man frees them, and we don't get a single thank you"

Look up Thomas chittum. Hes an old Vietnam vet that was a mercenary long before "pmcs" were a thing. He fought in the balkans and wrote a book about how America is on a similar path to balkanization and a race war. Good stuff.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


oh lol yes, i did see that too. but stuff like that is pretty tame, i mean back in the day with the "WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE" he was pretty brash, you know?

There will be no race war. Please plan accordingly.

uh yeah ok dude cool

>quoting movies
uh yeah, lol. god damn liberals

>putting niggers as better than gays
>putting kikes at the very bottom for maximum anal protection
good thing the daughter from westboro featured in some of these clips went on to leave that church
>tfw you cant even be a good kkk

Daniel has calmed down after retiring in the Georgia hills, he doesn't live that far from me

well he is a hero of the white race in my mind

Kikes are the Devil, Gays should be put to death, And niggers should be with other animals

tagging got all messed up here, that was supposed to be tagged and

you realise vaginas would outrank all those on the shit scale yes. what's the difference between gook and chink
>jew stars in background
gays banned those. they mean penis vagina. you play into them
>repeats memes from this clip i just criticised; explains nothing

Backstage of Howard's events people from the show would harass him sometimes, he would attempt to debate them but they would interrupt with insults, like the idiot libtards do nowadays

Seige city's
Wait 3 months

without european support the rednecks will loose. your freemasons and kikes are well prepared for the racewar and probably you will loose . say hello the next time you turn up in Normandie . you are done

I was showing you why they were ordered like that, Gook and chink are the same.
>Jew Stars

that's all they can ever do. insult and make snide remarks, usually quoting popular culture or movies, example

>niggers will probably patrol hoods in packs.
What world do you live in? They can't organize for shit. They would be driven out of the cities by everyone else.

Funny how they put Mexicans instead of spics
As if Mexican is offensive enought

Tons of people have the same beliefs but are too pussy to admit it, they're more than you think.
I'm just worried about the libtards that side with the niggers, but niggers are too retarded to have any SJW whites join them so they'll probably kill them too

you have an army ? no ? are you able to build up an army ? no ? you are a grab a gun and shoot back trailerpark boy ? - I tell you something : you better pray that the germanic intelligence is willing to forgive you . without support from outside you are done ( " muuh I have a truckload of ammo and 4 ar 15 " ) could be - but you have no tech skill , you are not able to reproduce ammo or rifles , you have no toolmachine and your prepper stock will feed you for 10 weeks . I wonder what you do when combat helicopters turn up . how do you stop your masonic kike gov from killing white people ? you can not . you have no skill , you don`t speak any other language than redneck"english" , you have never heared from Bach , Luther , Hegel Sloterdijk or Spengler . wake up NOW and get an education - your ar 15 and your prepper stock will NOT save you . WHO is a mason in your town ? FIND HIM , put his name and adress on /pol . Ausführung !

yeah ok reddit

learn german and french , read Alain de Benoist and Peter Sloterdijk . and by the way : get rid of your masons - otherwise any effort is futile

Also I never knew Daniel Carver was in the 82nd Airborne in Vietnam

its happening right now the press the tv .... we wont have a war as much as i wold like it
Our war is to speak with courage and dont betray your belief and your people no matter how har it is

>You have an army ? no ?
They're are about 114.6 million people in Dixie, and probably way more up north who are proud of their race and are incredibly skilled people.
We don't need help

The race war will be between retards of all races that kill each other off, and the average IQ for the rest of the population will raise by a standard deviation when they're all dead.

You'll probably be the first to go

Are you an idiot or just really really
slow. Cleetus is 60% of the country
and heavily armed, lives in fairly self
sustaining areas and is fairly adept
at hunting, camping, etc. your average
kike lives in the city and is soft af. niggers
can't into organization and are lightly armed
by comparison.


Or name of the tits prop

Nazi's required 16 Christian Names of Heritage to not be officially labeled a Jew. They made a few exceptions, like for Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels. But most everyone else needed 16 names to keep their house.

daniel carver

Old episode of howard stern, asking a real KKK member, Nigger, and fake Nazi to guess who is a jew

That's what I'm saying to my son during breakfast
The real battle is about University campus turned into Democrat/progressive kindergarten

You guys are complete faggots. Niggers get their asses kicked by Hispanics who are only 17% of the US population and you pussies think Whites will lose? End yourselves.

Whites will win, But a step to winning is to organize a plan.
BTW, Niggers are more aggressive than spics

Nignogs in inner cities dying off in the first month
shitting their guts out.


Indeed, I will be the first to leave at the sign of racially-charged retardation.

Niggers will probably kill the weak ones like you first

And Hispanics still kicked them out of their own neighbourhoods. I'd rather have a war against retarded nogs than organized Hispanics.

Kinda like this, but more pathetic.


They won't have the welfare money to buy food or guns

Realistically speaking, Hispanics and Asians would probably just avoid conflict and watch the Whites and Blacks fight each other.

Or maybe spics would join blacks and Asians join whites, Asians and whites are very friendly with each other as niggers are to spics

If what we saw lately keeps going, it will be a natural hair color conflict vs unnatural hair color.
The actual race of the participants will be pretty much a mix up, specially on the natural hair side.


This is how,

Joke's on you, I'm a nigger.

Oh good, If every nigger is like you the whites will win in no time

Yes. White man prevails through technology, as always.

1) Race war won't happen til whites are

okay yes they're only 13% of the population. but most whites are old people dying in nursing homes. blacks outnumber whites in the 24 and under category. it won't be easy.

Niggers would get bored and burn everything down if they killed off all the whites

You have to count the fact that niggers are pretty dumb and whites are heavily armed


Asians and Hispanics hate blacks.

Well spics and niggers sure do act the same

What? Whites are the largest group under 24. If you include white hispanics it's even larger of a gap. 49.7% of the under 5 population in the USA is non-Hispanic white. It's worth nothing white birth rates in the USA are increasing. Also since 2013 white and Asian TFR had increased but all other racial groups decreased.

>white hispanics
I meant real white people. not hispanics, not arabs, not persians, not jews, not indians, which the fbi all counts as white. that even goes for half hispanics/arabs/persians/jews/indians

Diiiigits say Charles Manson dies this week and the shtf right after.
Either way, Manson is done very soon.

George Takei will also die.